Agri Food and Health Cluster
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Agri Food and Health Cluster of the International Excellence of Moncloa is formed by the Complutense University of Madrid (Veterinary Faculty, the Veterinary Clinic Hospital and the VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre), the Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETC Agrónomos and Campus of practices), in consortium with AGRISOST and CEIGRAM (UPM- INIA-CIEMAT-UCM), the UNIA (including the Reproduction Centre of INIA), the Carlos III Health Institute, the IMDEA-Food (Community of Madrid-UPM-C, SOC-UCM), and the Madrid City Hall.
It must be emphasized that the VISAVET Centre was chosen by the UE as a point of reference among the European laboratories. The tasks of this centre will be mainly oriented to promote the scientific research. At the same time, it will focus on the technical and scientific formation above the different animal pathologies, like tuberculosis, which currently still needs to be studied by the researchers. Specifically, the Cluster will try to install a multimedia hall for developing International Schools in-line to fight against the animal pathologies more widely spread.
The activities of the of Agri-Food and Health Cluster of Campus Moncloa are based on the fields of an agriculture and stockbreeding generation of products, as well as on their processes to produce a safe, healthy and quality food destined for human and animal consumption. We must point out that the systems and techniques are financially sustainable and that, at the same time, they respect the environment and the animal welfare norms.
The multidisciplinary consortium of this cluster will promote the agricultural production systems. For this reason, it intends to enhance the use of the natural resources, to achieve an economic and environmental sustainability and to decrease the pressure on ecosystems.
The strongholds of this Agri-Food cluster are multiple. In the different centers there are working 709 professors, 736 researchers, 625 doctors (PhD), and there are around 2.565 students. The Campus Moncloa is the unique Public University in the region of Madrid, which has Veterinary and Agricultural Engineer degrees.
The Cluster is important for its interdisciplinary character, because it makes possible to understand the global form of every investigation in the food production field, from the primary sector until the transformation, distribution and impact to the final consumer. At the same time, it deals with advice, transfer and Co-innovate with many public and private institutions: the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, the Ministry of Public Works, the European Food Safety Agency and the World Organization for Animal Health, etc.
The groups of the Cluster belong to the Spanish Network Laboratory of Biological Alert, defined by the Government of Spain.
Campus Moncloa takes part in the "University strategy 2015", which has as its main priority to modernize the Universities in Spain. It will be tried to promote the strategic aggregation between universities and other institutions located along the different Campuses to create “knowledge ecosystems” to promote the employment, the social cohesion, and the economic and territorial development.
The presented projects comply with the central lines of the Campus Program. In this case, it must be understood, that this is a new conceptual line of action, centered in the universities and in their interaction with other centers of investigation, scientific parks, technologic centers, together with the entire educational environment and with other agents. This, in order to develop the necessary knowledge about the ecosystems, and the research and innovation to contribute an economical and social development of the local and regional environment.
The objective is to create environment of life in the university integrated in its urban district or territory. Its characteristics are generated in the high quality of the services as well as the improvements in environmental sustainability.
Also, it is aimed to attract, the best students and researches, as well as the competition to locate scientific installations and high added-value companies in the environment of the university campus.