Consortium for the Development in the Integrated Agricultural System
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The objectives of this action focus in:
The Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), trough the ETSI Agricultural research groups (AgSYSTEMS, COAPA, CASAM, MGP), with the CEIGRAM will identify environmental impacts related to the management of agricultural systems, in current and future climates, and present mitigation and adaptation strategies.
An integrated approach is essential to the design of sustainable systems. Collaboration between the UPM and research groups from CIEMAT and INIA will enhance research into the analysis of conservation agriculture and agro-forestry systems.
Economic implications of new insurance products will be evaluated with collaboration of the Spanish Office of Climate Change and the MCCL CEI-Moncloa; their use will be proposed to ENESA. AGROSEGURO will ensure these new insurance lines are adopted in Spain, and they will be further presented to other countries by ENESA, which is responsible for transferring these new environmental insurance products to governments of other countries that may potentially be interested in implementing new types of environmental insurance.
The rationale focus in these three points:
The results that try to achieve are publications and Internationalisation. In this way in five years will be having around 115 SCI publications. In addition, continued participation in current European projects and new collaborations. And, it must be emphasized in the impact of climate change on economic activities and its environmental repercussions.
Planned impact in summarize is: