Ring Trials 2024
Direct extraction and microbiological culture
Histopathological and immunohistochemical diagnosis of tuberculosis
Ring Trials 2023
Molecular characterization of MTBC
Ring Trials 2022
Direct extraction and bacteriological culture
Gamma interferon release assay
Molecular characterization of MTBC
Ring Trials 2020
Histopathological and immunohistochemical diagnosis of tuberculosis
Ring Trials 2019
Direct extraction and bacteriological culture
Gamma interferon test
Ring Trials 2018
Histopathological diagnosis of tuberculosis
Molecular characterization of MTBC
Ring Trials 2017
Gamma interferon test
Direct extraction and bacteriological culture
Ring Trials 2016
Histopathological diagnosis of tuberculosis
Ring Trials 2015
Direct extraction and bacteriological culture
Ring Trials 2014
Biological test of tuberculins
Ring Trials 2013
Direct extraction and microbiological culture
Analytical sensitivity of the PCR
Mycobacteria recovery from different culture media
Ring Trials 2012
Gamma interferon test
Comparative test to evaluate the performance of the MIRU-VNTR typing
June 2012 – Oct. 2012 State: Final report |
DescriptionVariable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) sequences are valuable markers for genotyping of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex species. VNTR genotyping relies on the PCR amplification of a VNTR locus using specific primers for its flanking region and the determination of the size of amplicons. ObjectivesTo test the reproducibility of the VNTR typing across different settings and to evaluate the proficiency of the NRLs to correctly assign the VNTR profile to the isolates for epidemiology purposes. Expected outputsTo provide NRLs with a set of standardized DNA samples to ensure the reliability of their own results. |
Ring Trials 2011
Comparative test to evaluate the Spoligotyping membranes
Dec. 2011 – April 2012 State: Final report |
DescriptionThe direct repeat (DR) region is one of the most important genomic targets used for molecular typing of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates and spoligotyping is the most extensively applied technique for the study of this locus. ObjectivesComparing the results obtained using different spoligotyping membranes (commercial or home-made membranes). Expected outputsDefine the quality of the comercial and home-made membranes for molecular characterization. |
Comparative test for the diagnosis of Bovine tuberculosis by direct Extraction of DNA
Oct. 2011 – April 2012 State: Final report |
DescriptionThe diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis by direct extraction of DNA from tissue samples is one of the priorities for the European Reference Laboratory (EU-RL) in order to achieve a rapid diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis without the need to perform microbiological culture. ObjectivesEvaluation of the methodology for the direct detection and identification of mycobacteria by PCR from tissue samples and evaluation of the ability of the laboratories for the isolation and identification of mycobacteria from the same tissue samples by microbiological culture. Expected outputsSelection of the most sensitive DNA extraction protocol from tissue samples. |
Ring Trials 2010
Identification and molecular characterization
Nov. 2010 – Feb. 2011 State: Final report |
DescriptionIn 2009, a series of questionnaires on logistics of the laboratories, plus techniques used for diagnosis and epidemiology were submitted to all NRLs. From the results collected in these questionnaires, it was evident that there is variety of expertise and techniques amongst NRLs. With this in mind, the ring trial was organised to assess the potential impact of this diversity. ObjectivesEvaluation of the proficiency of the NRLs to correctly identify and assign spoligotyping profiles to the main members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Expected outputsEvaluation of the methodology for the identification of members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. |