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Newsletter 07
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Newsletter 07
2016-3 Quarter

EURL for bovine tuberculosis
Newsletter 07 (2016-3 Quarter)
  • 01/08/2016
  • Thakur MK, Sinha DK, Singh BR. Evaluation of complementary diagnostic tools for bovine tuberculosis detection in dairy herds from India. Vet World. 9(8):862-8. 2016.
    Extraction & identification
  • 15/09/2016
  • Fell S, Bröckl S, Büttner M, Rettinger A, Zimmermann P, Straubinger RK. Two alternative DNA extraction methods to improve the detection of Mycobacterium-tuberculosis-complex members in cattle and red deer tissue samples. BMC Microbiol. 16:213. 2016.
  • 18/08/2016
  • Quan Z, Haiming T, Xiaoyao C, Weifeng Y, Hong J, Hongfei Z. Development of one-tube multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detecting Mycobacterium bovis. J Vet Med Sci. 78(12):1873-1876. 2017.
    Molecular characterisation
  • 01/09/2016
  • Sagasti S, Millán-Lou MI, Soledad Jiménez M, Martín C, Samper S. In-depth analysis of the genome sequence of a clinical, extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium bovis strain. Tuberculosis (Edinb). 100:46-52. 2016.
  • 20/07/2016
  • Diallo M, Diarra B, Sanogo M, Togo AC, Somboro AM, Diallo MH, Traoré B, Maiga M, Koné Y, Tounkara K, Sarro YD, Baya B, Goita D, Kassambara H, Dembélé BP, Siddiqui S, Murphy RL, Dao S, Diallo S, Tounkara A, Niang M. Molecular identification of Mycobacterium bovis from cattle and human host in Mali: expanded genetic diversity. BMC Vet Res. 12(1):145. 2016.
  • 01/07/2016
  • Rónai Z, Eszterbauer E, Csivincsik Á, Guti CF, Dencső L, Jánosi S, Dán Á. Detection of wide genetic diversity and several novel strains among non-avium nontuberculous mycobacteria isolated from farmed and wild animals in Hungary. J Appl Microbiol. 121(1):41-54. 2016.
  • 01/09/2016
  • Marsot M, Béral M, Scoizec A, Mathevon Y, Durand B, Courcoul A. Herd-level risk factors for bovine tuberculosis in French cattle herds. Prev Vet Med. 131:31-40. 2016.
  • 01/08/2016
  • Lahuerta-Marin A, McNair J, Skuce R, McBride S, Allen M, Strain SA, Menzies FD, McDowell SJ, Byrne AW. Risk factors for failure to detect bovine tuberculosis in cattle from infected herds across Northern Ireland (2004-2010).Res Vet Sci. 107:233-9. 2016.
  • 01/08/2016
  • Schinköthe J, Möbius P, Köhler H, Liebler-Tenorio EM. Experimental Infection of Goats with Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis: a Model for Comparative Tuberculosis Research. J Comp Pathol. 155(2-3):218-30. 2016.