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Newsletter 09
2017-1 Quarter

EURL for bovine tuberculosis
Newsletter 09 (2017-1 Quarter)
  • 06/03/2017
  • Nuñez-Garcia J, Downs SH, Parry JE, Abernethy DA, Broughan JM, Cameron AR, Cook AJ, de la Rua-Domenech R, Goodchild AV, Gunn J, More SJ, Rhodes S, Rolfe S, Sharp M, Upton PA, Vordermeier HM, Watson E, Welsh M, Whelan AO, Woolliams JA, Clifton-Hadley RS, Greiner M. Meta-analyses of the sensitivity and specificity of ante-mortem and post-mortem diagnostic tests for bovine tuberculosis in the UK and Ireland. Prev Vet Med. S0167-5877(16). 2017.
  • 01/03/2017
  • de Lisle GW, Green RS, Buddle BM. Factors affecting the gamma interferon test in the detection of bovine tuberculosis in cattle. J Vet Diagn Invest. 29(2):198-202. 2017.
  • 01/02/2017
  • Cardoso-Toset F, Luque I, Carrasco L, Jurado-Martos F, Risalde MÁ, Venteo Á, Infantes-Lorenzo JA, Bezos J, Rueda P, Tapia I, Gortázar C, Domínguez L, Domínguez M, Gomez-Laguna J. Evaluation of five serologic assays for bovine tuberculosis surveillance in domestic free-range pigs from southern Spain. Prev Vet Med. 137:101-104. 2017.
    Molecular characterisation
  • 23/03/2017
  • Raphaka K, Matika O, Sánchez-Molano E, Mrode R, Coffey MP, Riggio V, Glass EJ, Woolliams JA, Bishop SC, Banos G. Genomic regions underlying susceptibility to bovine tuberculosis in Holstein-Friesian cattle. BMC Genet. 18(1):27. 2017.
  • 21/02/2017
  • Ghielmetti G, Scherrer S, Friedel U, Frei D, Suter D, Perler L, Wittenbrink MM. Epidemiological tracing of bovine tuberculosis in Switzerland, multilocus variable number of tandem repeat analysis of Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium caprae. PLoS One. 12(2):e0172474. 2017.
  • 16/02/2017
  • Crispell J, Zadoks RN, Harris SR, Paterson B, Collins DM, de-Lisle GW, Livingstone P, Neill MA, Biek R, Lycett SJ, Kao RR, Price-Carter M. Using whole genome sequencing to investigate transmission in a multi-host system: bovine tuberculosis in New Zealand. BMC Genomics. 18(1):180. 2017.
  • 13/02/2017
  • Broeckl S, Krebs S, Varadharajan A, Straubinger RK, Blum H, Buettner M. Investigation of intra-herd spread of Mycobacterium caprae in cattle by generation and use of a whole-genome sequence. Vet Res Commun. 41(2):113-128. 2017.
  • 07/01/2017
  • Nuru A, Mamo G, Zewude A, Mulat Y, Yitayew G, Admasu A, Medhin G, Pieper R, Ameni G. Preliminary investigation of the transmission of tuberculosis between farmers and their cattle in smallholder farms in northwestern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. BMC Res Notes. 10(1):31. 2017.
  • 02/01/2017
  • Sweetline Anne N, Ronald BS, Kumar TM, Kannan P, Thangavelu A. Molecular identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in cattle. Vet Microbiol. 198:81-87. 2017.
  • 01/02/2018
  • Ameni G, Tafess K, Zewde A, Eguale T, Tilahun M, Hailu T, Sirak A, Salguero FJ, Berg S, Aseffa A, Hewinson RG, Vordermeier HM. Vaccination of calves with Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin reduces the frequency and severity of lesions of bovine tuberculosis under a natural transmission setting in Ethiopia. Transbound Emerg Dis. 65(1):96-104. 2018.
  • 21/03/2017
  • Nalapa DP, Muwonge A, Kankya C, Olea-Popelka F. Prevalence of tuberculous lesion in cattle slaughtered in Mubende district, Uganda. BMC Vet Res. 21;13(1):73. 2017.
  • 02/02/2017
  • Abakar MF, Yahyaoui Azami H, Justus Bless P, Crump L, Lohmann P, Laager M, Chitnis N, Zinsstag J. Transmission dynamics and elimination potential of zoonotic tuberculosis in morocco. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 11(2):e0005214. 2017.
  • 01/02/2017
  • Ghebremariam MK, Michel AL, Nielen M, Vernooij JC, Rutten VP. Farm-level risk factors associated with bovine tuberculosis in the dairy sector in Eritrea. Transbound Emerg Dis. 65(1):105-113. 2018.
  • 30/01/2017
  • Gcebe N, Hlokwe TM. Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria in South African Wildlife: Neglected Pathogens and Potential Impediments for Bovine Tuberculosis Diagnosis. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 7:15. 2017.
  • 24/01/2017
  • Chambers MA, Aldwell F, Williams GA, Palmer S, Gowtage S, Ashford R, Dalley DJ, Davé D, Weyer U, Salguero FJ, Nunez A, Nadian AK, Crawshaw T, Corner LA, Lesellier S. The Effect of Oral Vaccination with Mycobacterium bovis BCG on the Development of Tuberculosis in Captive European Badgers (Meles meles). Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 7:6. 2017.
  • 10/01/2017
  • Serrano M, Elguezabal N, Sevilla IA, Geijo MV, Molina E, Arrazuria R, Urkitza A, Jones GJ, Vordermeier M, Garrido JM, Juste RA. Tuberculosis Detection in Paratuberculosis Vaccinated Calves: New Alternatives against Interference. PLoS One. 12(1):e0169735. 2017.