4th Annual Meeting EPIZONE
VISAVET function: participantCity: Saint Malo
Country: France
Date: Jun 7th-10th, 2010

The 4th Annual Meeting EPIZONE, entitled ”Bridges to the Future”, was held in Saint Malo, France, from 7-10 June 2010. This meeting was hosted by AFSSA (Agence Francaise de Securite Sanitaire des Aliments) France, one of the 17 partner institutes of EPIZONE. About 340 participants from 27 countries attended; scientists, from many different fields of research, from inside and outside EPIZONE, sponsors and policy makers. Also 11 other (EU) projects presented their work.
243 abstracts were submitted, during the meeting 36 oral presentations were given and around 200 posters were setup. 5 Keynote speakers were invited and special this year was the interactive session on ‘’Major Epidemic Threats” prepared by EPIZONE’s Theme 7, working on Risk Assessment.
Throughout the conference there was plenty of time to review and discuss the posters, to network and to participate in the invited (EU) project presentations of GFRA, FluLabNet, ICONZ, CSFV go DIVA, NEW-Flubird, ArboZoonet, FLUTEST, WildTech, GlaD, FLUTRAIN, and MED-VET-NET