African swine fever (ASF) Policy Event "Lessons learnt from Europe and policy challenges for Asia"

Meetings and Congresses


Health Surveillance Centre (VISAVET). Complutense University

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African swine fever (ASF) Policy Event "Lessons learnt from Europe and policy challenges for Asia"

VISAVET function: participant

Organizer: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Ministry of Agriculture of the People´s Replulic of China (MAO)

Place: Friendship Hotel

City: Beijing,

Country: PR China

Date: November 17th, 2014

Official web site of African swine fever (ASF) Policy Event "Lessons learnt from Europe and policy challenges for Asia"


Time: 8:30-17:30


Given the continuous worsening of the situation and spread of ASF in Eastern Europe and SubSaharian Africa, there is a growing concern in Asia, with well over 50% of world’s pork production, about the consequences of a potential incursion of such deadly pig disease. The meeting will aim to
bring together policy makers from both EU and (East and Southeast) Asia to share their experiences, discuss the current policy and policy challenges (e.g. ASF management in wild boar populations, contingency plans, ASF differential diagnosis and transboundary issues), and come up with some follow-up actions and recommendations to solve those challenges