Guided tour of the High Biosafety Laboratory. XVI Madri+d Science Week

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Health Surveillance Centre (VISAVET). Complutense University

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Guided tour of the High Biosafety Laboratory. XVI Madri+d Science Week

VISAVET function: organizer and participant

Organizer: Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM).
Comunidad de Madrid

VISAVET participants: Sergio González Domínguez

City: Madrid

Country: Spain

Date: November 14th, 2016


Universidad Complutense
Comunidad de Madrid

Grupo Semana de la Ciencia 2016 Actividades del Centro VISAVET Semana de la CIencia 2016
SEVEMUR Recogida de animales SEVEMUR Recogida de animales
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Guided tour of the High Biosafety Laboratory. XVI Madri+d Science Week