International Conference The One Health Challenge-New and Re-emerging zoonoses

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Health Surveillance Centre (VISAVET). Complutense University

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International Conference The One Health Challenge-New and Re-emerging zoonoses

VISAVET function: participant

Organizer: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche (IZSUM).

Place: Relais San Clemente, Strada Ponte Pattoli-Ramazzano

City: Perugia

Country: Italy

Date: November 17th, 2011


Time: 8:30 a 16:30 horas


The interaction between human and animal health is not a new phenomenon, however the world-wide impact of zoonoses we are facing today has no historical precedent. Public health and animal health organizations attempt to respond to a new era of emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases that are being increasingly recognized around the world. The confluence of people, animals and animal products today is unprecedented and the impact of globalisation, will certainly change the basic foundation and operations of animal health policies and how we must prepare for the future. The “one health” concept, so crucial to our understanding of disease emergence as well as a full collaboration of the human and veterinary health communities will help us to combat and control emerging and re-emerging diseases. On this view, this Conference will bring together public health and animal health professionals to strengthen the development of effective and co-operative partnerships to face of new microbial threats

José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno Rodríguez
November 17th, 2011