Experts, ranchers and hunting managers work on tuberculosis control
The supra-regional operating group "Tuberculosis" has held a new working meeting
September 8th, 2017
The members of the supra-regional Operative Group "Tuberculosis" have held a meeting in Madrid to continue working on the development of an innovation and transfer project whose objective is to implement management measures that contribute to the control of a disease as important as bovine tuberculosis.
Since several months, this group has been looking for ways to improve the health status of both the cattle herd and the spanish's wildlife, helping to increase the economic returns of affected farms.
The group, coordinated by APROCA Castilla-La Mancha, has the participation of scientists as well as representatives from both the cattle ranch and the hunting sector, with the participation of the National Association of Young Farmers (ASAJA), SCA Ganadera Del Valle de los Pedroches (COVAP), the National Union of Cattle Breeders (UGAVAN), the Spanish Federation of the Dehesa (FEDEHESA), APROCA Extremadura and the Interprofessional Association of Hunting Meat (ASICCAZA).
Two of the national and international reference centers for tuberculosis, such as the Research Institute for Hunting Resources (IREC) of the University of Castilla - La Mancha and the CSIC, and VISAVET Health Surveillance Center of Universidad Complutense de Madrid, are also part of this research team.
This project also has the support of public administrations in numerous Autonomous Communities which, concerned about a problem that requires coordinated solutions between many actors in the livestock, environmental and hunting areas, have seen with the creation of this group an opportunity to find the way to improve the results of the initiatives carried out for years to achieve the control and eradication of animal tuberculosis.
The group, which intends to be a reference in the coming years for cattle ranchers and managers who seek to improve the health of their farms, farms and game reserves, was born last year 2016 before the call by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of subsidies for the creation of supra-regional operational groups in relation to the European Innovation Partnership on agricultural productivity and sustainability.
This European Partnership for Innovation in Productivity and Agricultural Sustainability (AEI-agri) is supported by the second pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy (PAC) following the 2013 reform, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. No 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the 17 December 2013 Council on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (FEADER).
Proyecto para la aplicación de medidas innovadoras en el diagnóstico precoz y control integral de tuberculosis en ganadería extensiva y fauna silvestre. Inversión total 444.054,25€. Cofinanciación por la Unión Europea al 80% con cargo a FEADER y al 20% por el Ministerio de AGricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, siendo la autoridad de gestión encargada de la aplicación de la ayuda la Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural, Innovación y Formación Agroalimentaria
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Complutense University