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Impact of nurse sows on influenza A virus transmission in pigs under field conditions

Investigation article published in Preventive Veterinary Medicine

March 1st, 2021

Piglets prior to weaning play a central role in maintaining influenza infections in breeding herds and the use of nurse sows is a common practice to adopt piglets that fall behind and that otherwise would die. Transmission of influenza A virus (IAV) from nurse sows to adopted pigs has been reported experimentally, however, the importance of this route of transmission under field conditions has not yet been elucidated. A cohort study to assess the IAV status in nurse and control sows and their respective litters was carried out in three influenza positive breed-to-wean farms. A total of 94 control and 90 nurse sows were sampled by collecting udder skin wipes and oral swabs at enrollment (∼ 5–7 days after farrowing) and at weaning. Six piglets per litter were sampled randomly at enrollment, 2 days post-enrollment (DPE), 4 DPE, at day 14 of lactation (14DL) and at weaning. At enrollment, 76 % (69/91) of udder wipes and 3 % (3/89) of oral swabs from nurse sows were positive by rRT-PCR compared with 23 % (21/92) of udder wipes and 0 % (0/85) of oral swabs from control sows. Of the 94 control litters sampled, 11.7 %, 14.9 %, 22.9 %, 46.8 % and 63.9 % tested rRT-PCR IAV positive at enrollment, 2DPE, 4DPE, 14 DL and weaning, respectively. Corresponding prevalence for nurse sow litters were 12.2 %, 30.2 %, 37.0 %, 59.4 % and 56.4 %. The odds of IAV positivity were significantly higher (p < 0.05) for litters from nurse sows 2 DPE (odd ratio (OR) = 6.13, 95 % CI = 1.8–21.2), 4 DPE (OR = 5.5, 95 % CI = 1.7–17.8) and 14 DL (OR = 3.7, 95 % CI = 1.1–12.3). However, there were no differences in the proportion of positive samples at weaning. Moreover, approximately 18 % of the control sows and 11 % of nurse sows that tested IAV negative in oral swabs at enrollment, tested IAV positive at weaning. This study indicates that nurse sows can contribute to the transmission and perpetuation of IAV infections in pigs prior to weaning, particularly during the first week after adoption

Garrido Mantilla J., Sanhueza J., Alvarez J., Culhane MR., Davies P., Allerson MW. and Torremorel M.

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Impact of nurse sows on influenza A virus transmission in pigs under field conditions

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Impact of nurse sows on influenza A virus transmission in pigs under field conditions


University of MinnesotaDepartment of Veterinary Population Medicine. College of Veterinary Medicine. University of Minnesota (UMM).

Universidad Católica de TemucoDepartamento de Ciencias Veterinarias y Salud Pública. Facultad de Recursos Naturales. Universidad Católica de Temuco.

Universidad ComplutenseCentro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Universidad ComplutenseDepartamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Holden Farms IncHolden Farms Inc.

Preventive Veterinary Medicine
3.372 2021

NLMID: 8217463

PMID: 33472145

ISSN: 0167-5877

TITLE: Impact of nurse sows on influenza A virus transmission in pigs under field conditions

JOURNAL: Prev Vet Med

NUMERACIÓN: 188:105257

AÑO: 2021

PUBLISHER: Elsevier Science Publishers

AUTHORS: Garrido Mantilla J., Sanhueza J., Alvarez J., Culhane MR., Davies P., Allerson MW. and Torremorel M.

Julio Álvarez Sánchez

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105257


Garrido Mantilla J., Sanhueza J., Alvarez J., Culhane MR., Davies P., Allerson MW. and Torremorel M. Impact of nurse sows on influenza A virus transmission in pigs under field conditions. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 188:105257. 2021. (A). ISSN: 0167-5877. DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105257