Influencia de los factores ambientales sobre la aparición de enfermedades en chamaeleo calyptratus y furcifer pardalis mantenidos en cautividad
Beatriz Alvarez Carrion defended the PhD Thesis at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid
March 31st, 2017
This work determines and describes the main disorders observed in Chamaleo calyptratus and Furcifer pardalis during the period of study. Moreover, the environmental parameters of the terrarium (such as artificial illumination, the thermic and hydric control, the elements of environmental enrichment and the feeding) are presented and evaluated as predisposing or determinant etiologic factors. Setting as variables the atmospheric pressure, temperature and relative humidity, it also evaluates the climate variations, showing its relationship to the seasonal pattern observed in some diseases. The presentation of diseases/alterations in chameleons has its very own clinical peculiarities. As such, a minute analysis is required to thoroughly assess each clinical onset, including specific anamnestic and exploratory protocols. It also indicates the importance of evaluating, as cause of disease, not only the factors determined within the installation, but also the ones external to it. In many cases, elements such as the differences in atmospheric pressure are not artificially modifiable and yet, they may favor the seasonal appearance of diseases. After the research is undertaken, it is concluded that there are species more sensitive to climate variations (represented in this study by Chamaleo calyptratus) and may serve as climate biosensors.