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In memoriam of Isabel Mínguez-Tudela

April 25th, 2011

Senior Scientific Officer of Directorate-General for Research & Innovation. European Commission.

    On 16 April died prematurely, with only 54 years at the Institute Bordet in Brussels the first PhD in SUAT unit, our beloved and admired friend Isabel Mínguez-Tudela after a long struggle against cancer. Isabel died as she was working and fighting until the last minute by the European research in animal health.
Rest in Peace.


Isabel Mínguez Tudela


DR. Ganesh Raj Pant
I am extremely sorry and sad after knowing it that Mrs Isabel has passed away. I met her two time in UK and Italy during Avian Influenza Workshop. She was very friendly and, cooperative and had helped me as my own sister. I pray to GOD for the peace of her soul. GOD will give strength and courage to her family at this event.
Dr. Ganesh Raj Pant
Senior Veterinary Officer
Rabies Vaccine Production Laboratory

Jordi Serratosa
Apreciada Familia, Ines y Constanza.

Isabel trabajo con entusiamo en todos sus proyectos, pero el proyecto mas importante para ella erais vosotras dos.
Ya veis que todo el mundo de la sanidad Animal la conoce y la admira, siempre dispuesta y colaborando con todos.
En EFSA no fuimos menos todos los cientificos tuvimos siempre su apoyo, la informacion de primera mano y nunca un no por respuesta.
Somos muchos los que hemos seguido los pasos de vuestra madre y quedamos sorprendidos de su coraje.

Un abrazo para vosotras de Jordi y familia

Lucas Domínguez
Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET)
Las primeras referencias que tengo de Isabel datan de principio de los años ochenta. En una conversación con un profesor de microbiología, compañero suyo de licenciatura, me la describió como la persona con más capacidad intelectual y más brillante que jamás había conocido. La segunda fue a través del Profesor Félix Sanz que fue su tutor por breve espacio de tiempo y gran amigo de mi familia.

A la tercera, pude conocerla personalmente. No recuerdo el día ni el año. Si recuerdo la época, el lugar y la hora. Una tarde de verano en su tierra soriana donde ahora descansará para siempre. Salí de la reunión convencido de que todo lo que me habían dicho de ella se quedaba muy corto.
A partir de ese momento, mantuvimos una relación, inicialmente profesional y después de amistad que se fue modulando y acrecentando con el tiempo. Durante casi dos décadas tuve la fortuna de poder compartir dudas, sueños e incluso enfados sobre los temas más diversos.

Isabel ha sido una de las personas que más impacto ha tenido en mi trayectoria científica. Gracias a ella los investigadores del incipiente grupo de Vigilancia Sanitaria de la Universidad Complutense, tuvimos la oportunidad de darnos a conocer en el mundo. Sus consejos y comentarios a nuestro trabajo se hicieron imprescindibles. Isabel, pocas personas conocen como yo, la parte que has jugado para que este, nuestro grupo, pudiera conseguir proyectar su trabajo hasta límites insospechados unos pocos años antes.

El Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria VISAVET siempre estará en deuda contigo, sobre todo porque tu modestia y tu prurito profesional jamás me permitieron agradecértelo suficientemente. Todo lo más que aceptaste de mí durante este tiempo fue un pisapapeles de metacrilato en el que junto al nombre de VISAVET iba todo nuestro cariño.

Ahora, desafortunadamente sin tu presencia física podremos reparar esta deuda. Con tu permiso, este centro intentará rendirte el homenaje que mereces. Espero que la orfandad científica en la que nos dejas sea para nosotros un acicate y puedas seguir sintiéndote orgullosa de lo que sembraste en esta tu Universidad.

Isabel, un abrazo para siempre

Lucas Domínguez
Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Lucía de Juan
EURL for Bovine Tuberculosis
Dr. Isabel Mínguez-Tudela has had a great impact in the mycobacteria field since her active involvement in the different European projects has always guaranteed a successful output. She was a model scientific officer always in close contact with all the partners as well as interested in the outcomes of the projects, trying in every moment to obtain as many deliverables as possible for the Animal Health benefit.

VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre coordinated the first mycobacteria European network in 1998 (Concerted action for the setting up of a European veterinary network on diagnosis, epidemiology and research of mycobacterial diseases, FAIR6 - CT98 - 4373). This network joined together 28 partners from 16 different European countries and the main objective was to learn and expand the knowledge on mycobacterial disease that would help to eradicate tuberculosis and paratuberculosis from the countries of the European Union. The guideline during the duration of this project was the active participation of all partners, share of knowledge and excellent teamwork between all partners. When this Concerted Action was finished, Dr. Mínguez-Tudela encouraged VISAVET to submit other proposal since she was convinced that this kind of network would amplify the research on mycobacterial diseases. The second proposal (Veterinary Network of Laboratories Researching into Improved Diagnosis and Ep!
idemiology of Mycobacterial Diseases, SSPE-CT-2004-501903, VENoMYC) started on 2004 and other laboratories researching on mycobacterial infections from all over Europe were included (37 partners from 17 countries). The main objective of this Co-ordination Action was to share technology and expertise in order to both avoid research fragmentation and obtain a common knowledge on mycobacterial diseases. The support of Dr. Mínguez-Tudela over all these years have helped all of us to perform a better research in mycobacterial diseases with the final target to develop harmonized recommendations and/or procedures for their potential transposition into EU policies.

Moreover, the close collaboration between all the EU partners have stimulated during all these years the submission of other EU proposals to improve research and help to eradicate mycobacterial diseases from the European and non-European countries (ie. ParaTBTools, TB-STEP, etc.).

She will be missed not only from a professional but also from a personal point of view since she was a really friendly person trying to find always the good side of things. She was really helpful and transparent, two virtues that reflect the top-quality person that she was.

Lucía de Juan
EURL for Bovine Tuberculosis
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Complutense University of Madrid

Alfonso Las Heras
Estimados Ignacio, estimadas Inés y Costanza. Ya queda muy poco por añadir a todas y cada una de las virtudes personales y profesionales de Isabel que se han mencionado. En el terreno profesional ha sido un ejemplo de buen criterio, constancia, altura de miras y sobre todo de visión integral e integrada de la sanidad animal. Entre otros muchos, uno de sus más destacados aciertos fue el impulso a la Plataforma Tecnológica Europea de sanidad animal, a través de la cual trató de conectar todos los actores del ámbito de la sanidad animal para que los esfuerzos en materia de I+D dieran resultados tangibles y transferibles en beneficio de la sociedad. Muchos y siempre buenos fueron también sus consejos durante la puesta en marcha nuestra Plataforma española, Vet+i. En nuestra última Conferencia Anual celebrada el 24 de mayo pasado, quisimos rendirle un sentido homenaje en nombre de toda la familia de la sanidad animal que integra Vet+i, la cual ha tenido y tendrá siempre muy presente a Isabel.

Julio Muñoz Giner
El viernes pasado, tuve conocimiento de su fallecimiento, no la veía desde que finalizamos la carrera, eramos compañeros de promoción, pero siempre la he recordado y la recordare como una buena Compañera y Amiga, siento mucho su falta y acompaño en el sentimiento a su familia.

Your HongYin Hong LVRI CAAS
I am astonished to receive the bad news and could not believed what you said is true. Last week I was in the Netherlands participating the 5th annula meeting of EPIZONE. I leant from Dr Johan Bongers that Isabel intended to participate the meeting, and cancelled it just one day before it due to her health situation. From China side, we own a great deal for her letting many Chinese scientist involving the EU China Cooperation. She visited China for many times and even told me that she will take part in the Workshop for Bulding Bridge to be held in July 2-4th this year. What a great pity she suddenly left us. We lost a best friend. For a lot of Chinese scientists in veterianry field, we lost a excellent bridge to Europe.

We'll miss her forever and wish her a peace rest after so many years hard working.

If possilbe, please forward my sincerely condolence to her family member.

Yolanda Revilla
Dearest Isabel has been an unforgettable example of humanity, wisdom and elegance for all of us.
I have lost a close friend and a brilliant smile, even untill the last time.
Inés, Constanza, tened ánimo. Ya sabeis de sobra que vuestra madre fue la mejor, y como nos dijo vuesto padre horas antes de que se fuera, Isabel era, es y será siempre, simplemente un ángel.
We miss her very much. May she rest in peace.

Yolanda Revilla
Isabel has been an unforgettable example of humanity, wisdom and elegance for all of us.
I have lost a close friend and a brilliant smile.
She was indeed still smiling on thursday evening in the hospital when she told me goodbye, shaking her hand.
Inés, Constanza, vuestra madre fue la mejor, y como nos dijo vuesto padre horas antes de que se fuera, Isabel era y es, simplemente un ángel.
We will miss her very much.

Wim van der Poel
It is a great shock for us to hear that our EU scientific officer and friend Isabel Minguez has left us yesterday. Last week we had our 5th EPIZONE annual meeting and we know Isabel really wanted to attend. Isabel attached great importance to EPIZONE, so when she send her apologies just before the start of the meeting it was clear to us her disease was witholding her from coming. At that time we could not know her passing away was so close. We will always remember working together with Isabel to pursue good research programmes. She was kind and helpful in many ways. Her devotion to animal health research and her perseverence until the very end are a great example to all of us.We wish her family and friends all the strength they need to bear this tremendous loss.

Sandor Belak
This is a tremendous loss and painful grief for veterinary medicine, for the whole society of the ESVV, for all of us, who always admired her fantastic strength, strong science, great personality and deep humanity.

Rong Gao
Although I just met Dr.Dr Isabel Minguez once in the kick-off meeting of go-DIVA in Brussels on May 27, 2009, but her nice smile and inspiring speech are still alive in my memory. I clearly remembered what she talked with me when I stumbled on her in the front gate of the institute, her kind and graceful talking impressed me so much that I can scarcely find any word to match it. I also feel deep sorrow for her passing away, and think that one of the best ways to enjoy her support for our joint project is to realize our research goal and continue our endless effort to improve the welfare of animal and human being hereafter.

She will be kept in our mind forever, and our thoughts are with her family and friends.

Prof. Wim H. M. Van der Poel, DVM, PhD,
EPIZONE coordinator
Dear Friends and Colleagues

It is a great shock for us to hear that our EU scientific officer and friend Isabel Minguez has left us yesterday.

Last week we had our 5th EPIZONE annual meeting and we know Isabel really wanted to attend. Isabel attached great importance to EPIZONE, so when she send her apologies just before the start of the meeting it was clear to us her disease was witholding her from coming. At that time we could not know her passing away was so close.

We will always remember working together with Isabel to pursue good research programmes. She was kind and helpful in many ways. Her devotion to animal health research and her perseverence until the very end are a great example to all of us.

We wish her family and friends all the strength they need to bear this tremendous loss.

Prof. Dr. Kristien Van Reeth
Laboratory of Virology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Ghent University
We were all extremely shocked and saddened by the news about Isabel and will miss her very much.
I just wanted to let you know that I found your words for Isabel website a brilliant idea, I'm sure it will mean a lot for her family and friends. Also, your obituary on the ESVV website was so well written, just the perfect description of the lovely personality of Isabel.
Many thanks for taking these initiatives. Someone had to do this, and you both were the best placed persons.
kind regards,


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas C. Mettenleiter
Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit
Federal Research Institute for Animal Health
this is indeed very sad news, although, unfortunately, not totally unexpected. I admired Isabel for her struggle against the deadly disease which she did successfully for years. Despite these problems she always remained committed to her work and to pursuing what was in all our interest. She was a role model for what dedication to a mission means. We will miss her very much, as somebody who had always an open mind to our wishes and ideas, who worked hard in the EU administration to improve the health of animals, but more so as a person who with a strong will was able at the same time to be forceful and amiable. All the best from Insel Riems,

Polly Roy, Ph D, FMed Sci
Professor of Virology
Department of Infectious & Tropical Diseases,
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine,
This is indeed extremely sad news. I have lost a real friend and a wondeful collegue who made a tremendous commitment to the field of animal health. Over the years, Isabel has been instrumental in supporting, directing and encouraging all of us in our research in the field and we will all be less effective without her. In recent years, her courage in continuing her work while dealing with her disease was inspirational for everyone involved.

We all will miss her very much and I offer my sincere condolences to you and to her family.


Polly Roy

Polly Roy
This is indeed extremely sad news. I have lost a real friend and a wondeful collegue who made a tremendous commitment to the field of animal health. Over the years, Isabel has been instrumental in supporting, directing and encouraging all of us in our research in the field and we will all be less effective without her. In recent years, her courage in continuing her work while dealing with her disease was inspirational for everyone involved.

We all will miss her very much and I offer my sincere condolences to you and to her family.


Peter Fernández
Ayer por la noche me enteré de lo de Isabel. Es una tristisima noticia y dificil de procesar. Isabel era una mujer extraordinaria con una energia perpetua. Siempre me recordaré de su inteligencia y cariño. Su amor para sus hijas, su familia y sus amigos era sin limites. Mis almuerzos con ella siempre eran especial y ahora una bellisima memoria. No hay forma de expresar mis gracias a ti por habermela presentado. Sin duda mi vida ha sido mejor por haberla conocido. Me encuentro en EEUU con mis padres. No llego a Bruselas hasta el miercoles. Si tienes noticias de algun evento de reconocimiento o donde puede enviar mis condolecencias a la familia, me lo mandas.

Te mando un fuerte abrazo y besos. Cuidanse mucho mis amigos.

A sad, very sad news. Isabel played a crucial role in maintaining research on animal health in Europe.
European veterinary research is orphan.

Best regards

Nguyen Tien Dung
Our Vietnamese team would like to share our most sincere condolence to hers.
She was the one who tried to include our team to the ASFRISK.
We will miss her indeed.

That was a shock for me as we were discussing recently, on Friday 8th, (after the validation of the KBBE final score list) about her future retirement time in her village near Madrid.

As everybody knows, Isabel was a great champion of the importance of international research collaborations for animal health. She was a great colleague and dear friend to me and so many of our colleagues.

I will miss her sincerely.

Michael Parkhouse
Very sad news indeed.
she was a loyal friend and a consumate professional.
she will be missed.

Mercedes Gonzalez Juarrero, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology
Colorado State University
Hola Jose Manuel, no se si te acuerdas de mi. Acabo de recibir un e-mail de Carlos y de Joan Lunney informandome de la muerte de Isabel. Me he quedado petrificada!!!. No sabes cuanto lo siento. Se que Isabel era una gran amiga tuya y que lo estaras pasando muy mal en estos momentos. Me ha dado muchisima pena saber que Isabel no esta aqui ya mas. Recuerdo con muchisimo carino los anos que estuvimos juntas y cuando trabajabamos juntas contigo en el INIA. Me hubiera gustado mucho haber pasado tiempo con ella despues pero de alguna forma nuestros caminos se separaron y nunca no volvimos a ver, aunque he sabido de ella por amigos comunes. Carlos me ha dicho que Isabel estuvo trabajando hasta el ultimo momento. No creo que hubiera ninguna otra forma de que Isabel dijera adios a este mundo.

Un beso Merche

Mercedes Gonzalez Juarrero, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology
Colorado State University
Si lo siento mucho. Yo tambien me acuerdo mucho de esos dias. Perdi el contacto, ella me mando un email una vez que yo estaba en Costa Rica. Aun asi nunca continuamos hablando, creo que las dos estabamos muy ocupadas. Siempre pense que algun dia tendria que ir a Bruselas por alguna razon y nos veriamos. Ahora lo siento en el alma que aquel sueno nunca se cumpliera. No se que decirte para aliviar tu pena excepto que tu seguiste creciendo con ella y yo no. Si eso te sirve de alivio...

otro beso Merche

Mária Benko

This is very shocking news. I feel priviledged for having known Isabel personally
even if it was a very short time only. I will keep her gentle smile in my memory ...

Lubroth, Juan (AGAH)
Thank you for sharing. Adriana read the subject of the message on my blackberry and i knew immediately what it was. I could not write to you on Saturday or Sunday, but not because I was in shock, but at a loss and hurt. I think Isabel has finally found peace that eluded her for so long. She was so kind and inclusive. Very special.

A big hug to you

Kristian Dalsgaard
Thank you for informing me about the sad news. I just returned yesterday evening from the evaluation of the 5th year of the Network of Excellence, EPIZONE. This project has been a major achievement for Isabel. It was really her “heart blood”. She was so happy about the involvement of all the young researchers in the so called “Young Epizone”. She followed the project closely and had a hotel reservation for as late as last Wednesday night to participate in the coordinating forum meeting Thursday. The chair was empty and we all felt sad and wrote some nice words to her – it may have reached her.
Æret være Isabels minde. (Danish for: Honored be the memory of Isabel)

Kenneth McCullough
Institute of Virology and Immunoprophylaxis
Thank you for letting me know about Isabel. Although I knew how ill she was, it is still a shock to hear, and a very sad moment for all concerned. She was such a pleasant and helpful person. Every time we met, even when she was in pain, she would always ask about my wife and daughter, both of whom had cancer. So, as you can realise I am very much upset by this sad event.

Jorge Moreno-Lopez VMD.PhD. Dr. Hc.
Professor em of Virology
Dept of Biomedical Sciences and
Veterinary Public Health, SLU
Yes, what a sad news,
I didn´t know that she was sick. A very nice and helpful person devoted to her work. My condolences to her family and to her many colleagues.

Joan K. Lunney, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Animal Parasitic Diseases Laboratory
What sad news
Isabel Minguez-Tudela was so committed to the advancement of science.
As a US participant in EU science conferences I could see how she helped veterinary researchers promote excellent science.

My condolences to her family and to her many colleagues.

Jabbar Ahamed
Very sad news. The wonderful, kind and intelligent friend, Isabel Minguez-Tudela, left us on Saturday morning at 5:30 a.m This is indeed a tremendous loss and a shock for all of us. Her role in the development of veterinary medicine in Europe and linking it to Asia, Africa and Latin America can not be described with few words and will remain in our memory. Many young scientists will remember for ever how she supported them to make good science and to collaborate in a fair way. Yes, we all will miss her. Yes, as Martin said, it was a privilege to have known and worked with Isabel.
Let us keep her in our hearts and give that what we have learned from her to the younger generations to continue on her way in doing good science for a more fair world.
Our thoughts are with her family.

Hong YIN
Ph D, Professor
Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
I am astonished to receive the bad news and could not believed what you said is true. Last week I was in the Netherlands participating the 5th annula meeting of EPIZONE. I leant from Dr Johan Bongers that Isabel intended to participate the meeting, and cancelled it just one day before it due to her health situation. From China side, we own a great deal for her letting many Chinese scientist involving the EU China Cooperation. She visited China for many times and even told me that she will take part in the Workshop for Bulding Bridge to be held in July 2-4th this year. What a great pity she suddenly left us. We lost a best friend. For a lot of Chinese scientists in veterianry field, we lost a excellent bridge to Europe.

We'll miss her forever and wish her a peace rest after so many years hard working.

If possible, please forward my sincerely condolence to her family member. Your Hong

GUO Xiaoyu
Today I have learned the sad news from Hongfei about the passing away of Tía Isabel. I feel deeply sorry about her left.
Tía Isabel is among the most kindest person that I have met in my life and I will always remember the help she has given me.
She is also a great fighter against the disease and I am sure she has not given up fighting until her last moment.
May her rest in peace in heaven!

Ann Allan
This is very sad indeed. I counted Isabel as one of my good friends and colleagues. I will miss her.

Garcia Azcarate Tomas
Conseiller Economie des marchés DG AGRI
Estas vacaciones de semana santa, despues de una larga lucha contra el ogro mitotico, Isabel Minguez Tudela ha muerto. Ingeniera agronoma, cientifica, entusiasta, excelente funcionaria, buena persona, la muerte de Isabel representa para todos aquellos que han tenido la suerte de conocerla una dura perdia. Incluso en el ultimo periodo, seguia llena de entusiasmo, proyectos, vida.

El año que Miguel Arias Cañete quizo instaurar los premios naranja y limon, al mejor y al peor funcionario europeo de nacionalidad española en el campo de la agricultura y la alimentación, todos consideramos un acierto que el premio naranja fuera para Isabel. Nadie mejor que ella para merecer este reconocimiento.

Buscando en Google, encontre este video. Se me han llenado los ojos de lagrimas. Lo comparto con vosotros. Una manera simbolica de decir que Isabel seguira viva mientras sigamos vivos los que la queriamos.

Yesterday I recieved the sad news Dr Isabel Minguez left us. We will always remember her as an enthousiast supporter of our research projects and a very warm person. Even during the last years when she had to fight against cancer she continued to follow our work and was happy and proud with the positive evolution. When I talked with her recently she stressed the importance of this project and always hoped to be able to attend the next meeting.
We will miss her forever.

Our thoughts are with her and her family

Francois Moutou,
Anses, Laboratoire de Santé Animale, Unité épidémiologie
I have just read the Promed you have signed with Ilaria.
This is just sad and unfair.
Please send to Isabel family and many friends all my thoughts and support.
I have no words, but I do think a lot or her and of her smile.

Emmanuel Couacy Hymann
Indeed, It is very sad news.
May God blessed her and her family

European Project Coordinator Assistant
I am sorry for bothering you. I am contacting you on behalf of MERIAL, a pharmaceutical company which is partner of several European Consortiums.
In this framework I particularly worked with Isabel.

We, MERIAL, would like to do something for Isabel. As you are the only person I know who might be closer to her and her family, I would like to know if you know where and when the funeral will take place. So that MERIAL will send something for her funeral.

Dirk Pfeiffer
Royal Veterinary College
London, UK
I had not realise that it was so close. Terrible!! I have no words for this situation. I strongly support your sentiments, and she did indeed actively work science until only a few weeks ago. She will be a significant loss!


Carmen Vela Olmo
Directora General
Querido Jose Manuel,

No se donde te hallaras pero con seguridad que triste y abatido.

Permiteme en estos momentos y como la persona mas proxima que conozco a la familia de Isabel te exprese mi dolor y tristeza por la orfandad que nos deja alguien como Isabel. Me escribio el jueves y hablamos el lunes….que inmensa pena!!

Un fuerte abrazo y si tienes oportunidad trasmite a su familia mi mas sincero apoyo y el de toda INGENASA.


Carmen Vela Olmo
Directora General
It is very sad for me to inform you that Dr Isabel Minguez-Tudela passed away this morning.
Probably all of you know her personally, so I have not to explain you how intelligent, good friend, responsible professional and hard worker she was!!!! It is a terrible lost for all of those who work on Animal Health in
We will miss her!!

Carmen Vela Olmo
Directora General
Si, triste, tristísima noticia la que nos das a pesar de todo gracias por permitir que nuestros sentimientos la acompañen desde el primer momento.
No por menos previsible es menor el dolor que causa su ausencia que ejemplo de coraje, esfuerzo y compromiso nos ha dado!
Descanse en paz

Carlos Martins
I was profoundly sad when I knew Isabel left us, after a long struggle against the disease that afflicted her for several years. I know Isabel worked hard until the end under her commitment to pursue her efforts on behalf of Good Science for a Fair World. She was a wonderful, kind and intelligent person and a good friend of many people all over the world. She played an essential role in the design and implementation of several and relevant EC programs devoted to research in Animal Health within EU and in many different countries around the globe. We will miss her and I hope we may keep her example as a person and as a scientist to pursue our work for the benefit of mankind.

My thoughts are with her family and friends.

Carlos Martins
With profound sorrow I let you know that Isabel Minguez-Tudela left us this morning at 5:30 a.m . She was hospitalized in Brussels early this week but unfortunately she could not struggle anymore against the disease that afflicted her for several years. Isabel worked hard until last week under her commitment to pursue her efforts on behalf of Good Science for a Fair World. She was a wonderful, kind and intelligent person and a good friend of many of us and many others . She played an essential role in the design and implementation of several and relevant EC programs devoted to research in Animal Health within EU and in many different countries around the world. We will miss her but I am sure we will keep her example to pursue our Research on Animal Health for the benefit of Mankind.
Our thoughts are with her family and close friends.
May she rest in peace.

Bernard Charley
Virologie et immunologie moléculaires
I am so sad to discover to day that Isabel died, I knew she was bravely fighting against cancer, and since I know your long-term links, I want to tell you how much I sympathize. With my best regards,


Belén Rivera Arroyo
Facultad de Veterinaria -UCM-
Dpto. Sanidad Animal
Te escribo de parte de todo el equipo, para no saturarte con mensajes cada uno.

Te queremos mandar un abrazo enorme y un besazo muy grande por el fallecimiento de Isabel Minguez.
Cualquier cosa que necesites dínoslo.
Te queremos mucho JM.
Equipo SUAT

Cuanto lo siento JM…era una mujer excepcional… excelente persona y profesional…

Beso grande

Armando Giovannini
I was extremely sorry to hear that Dr Isabel Minguez left us.
Maybe the best way to remember her is to work hard on the project and dedicate our efforts to hers.

Angel Carrascosa
Deeply sorry about the sad news. We sure will miss her efforts and commitment with the Science, and even more her friendship and humanity.
Please forward our condolence to her family and friends

Alejandro Shudel
Thank's for your mail, and verry sorry for the news. Please if possible mail to Ignacio or Isabel Doughters about our deep sorrow. I imagina that Kristian as well as many experts that did worl with Isabel will have the same concern. We have lost a lovely friend and a high qualified collegue

It is difficult to find the right words to express the feelings when missing such a remarquable person as Isabel. My thaughts are in particular with you and her family. I immagine that for you this is a tremendous loss. Could you please send my condoleances to her family. I still remember all what went true my head when I lost my mother under similar circumstances more than 30 years ago. I wish the strength and force to get from all the nice memories to overcome this difficult period.

Frank Kohenen
Yesterday I recieved the sad news Dr Isabel Minguez left us. We will always remember her as an enthousiast supporter of our research projects and a very warm person. Even during the last years when she had to fight against cancer she continued to follow our work and was happy and proud with the positive evolution. When I talked with her recently she stressed the importance of this project and always hoped to be able to attend the next meeting.
We will miss her forever.

Our thoughts are with her and her family

Mary E. Torrence, DVM, Ph.D., DACVPM
National Program Leader, Food Safety
5601 Sunnyside Ave, GWCC 4-2194
Beltsville MD 20705-5138
We would be thrilled. I met Isabel when I spent two months in Brussels.
She was kind, gracious, and her passion for her work was evident in her energies.

Mary E. Torrence
We would be thrilled. I met Isabel when I spent two months in Brussels. She was kind, gracious, and her passion for her work was evident in her energies.



Mary E. Torrence, DVM, Ph.D., DACVPM
National Program Leader, Food Safety

Steve Sloan

In GALVmed we remember Isabel with affection as someone whose knowledge and kind dedicated approach was of benefit to us all.

She will be deeply missed.

Steve Sloan
PA Louise Harvie

Philip Craig
A very sad loss.
My thoughts go to her family.
I did not know her well-but was impressed by her clear thinking and can-do approach.

Philip Craig
School of Environment and Life Sciences
University of Salford, UK

M Mamman
Dear All,

For her numerous contributions to zoonoses research and control, human resource development and advancement of science and knowledge, Isabel will surely remain in our memories for a very long time. May her gentle soul rest in peace.

M Mamman

François Meslin
Dear colleagues,
It is with sadness I learnt of the passing away of Isabel Minguez-Tudela on Saturday 16 April. Isabel was unable to fight her cancer any longer.
She will be remembered inter alia for her total dedication to zoonoses research and control, strong determination to move the subject always a step further and continued kindness.

She was also paying special attention to the next generation of zoonoses researchers and control officers. To that goal she worked very hard in spite of her ill health in October last year to ensure the participation in the above conference of not less than 29 young professionals from East African and European countries.

It has been agreed with the Chair, the Rapporteurs and the main sponsors and stakeholders that the report of the third meeting on Neglected Zoonotic Diseases entitled "Community based intervention for the prevention and control of NZDs" which is now in the final stage of preparation, should be dedicated to her memory.

François Meslin
Department of Neglected Tropical Diseases
WHO Headquarters, Geneva Switzerland.

Marie Ducrotoy
Dear All,

As an ICONZ PhD student I would like to echo Dr Meslin's mention of Isabel's dedication to young researchers and professionals. Her kindness will not be forgotten. This is a very sad loss indeed. My thoughts go to her family and friends.

Marie Ducrotoy
ICONZ PhD student and Research Assistant

Constantinos Kyriakis, Athens, Greece
I met Isabel in 2006 in Ghent, Belgium during the kick-off meeting of ESNIP 2. I remember my Professor, Kristien Van Reeth, had asked me to pick Isabel from the train station and I immediately felt that she was a very friendly person and a passionate supporter of veterinary research.
We had the opportunity to collaborate during the three and a half years of the project and I always remember her being very kind and helpful. It was a great honour for me to see her at my PhD defence in June 2009.
I was aware that she had some health problems, and I was very happy to hear that she was doing better and she had returned to her job.
Isabel was not only a superb scientist and a big supported of our research, but, above all, she was a wonderful person, deeply caring about other people.
I would like to express my sincere condolences to her family. I recently lost my father and I can fully understand how they are feeling, I would like to remind to them that people we love and people who have done so much good in their lives do not really “leave” us. They are always present in our hearts and in our minds. People actually die when we forget them. As long as we think about them and recall them with love then they never die.

Rong Gao, SCU Chengdu China
Although I just met Dr. Isabel Minguez once in the kick-off meeting of go-DIVA in Brussels on May 27, 2009, but her nice smile and inspiring speech are still alive in my memory. I clearly remembered what she talked with me when I stumbled on her in the front gate of the institute, her kind and graceful talking impressed me so much that I can scarcely find any word to match it. I also feel deep sorrow for her passing away, and think that one of the best ways to enjoy her support for our joint project is to realize our research goal and continue our endless effort to improve the welfare of animal and human being hereafter.
She will be kept in our mind forever, and our thoughts are with her family and friends.

Paco Reviriego
Algo más de un mes que Isabel nos dejó y ahora empiezo a ver con más claridad la importancia del fruto de su trabajo con entrega y pasión.
Os acompaño en el sentimiento.
Un compañero veterinario.

Frank Koenen, CODA-CERVA Brussels
I met Isabel at DG Research when I coordinated my first AIR project. We immediately shared our passion for swine fever and swine virology. In the last 15 years she gave a major support to the development of veterinary science and animal health in Europe. It was an honor to take part in this work. She was always helpful to find solutions to our problems. During our recent CSFVgo_DIVA project meeting many colleagues reminded Isabel as determined and hardworking always promoting veterinary science but also always smiling and friendly. We will miss her wisdom, her helpful advice and honest compliments. But beside an outstanding scientist and public servant Isabel was also a proud wife and mother. I wish her husband, daughters, family and many friends lots of strength in these difficult period. We will continue her work with the same enthusiasm she showed us during her whole life.

Juan Plana-Durán, Pfizer Animal Health
At this moment words are unnecessary, but I would like to remember the phone conversation I had with Isabel one week before her passing. She called me to discuss on the progress of the CSF_goDIVA EU Project. That was an example of generosity, great support and passion for her work. I said that this specific CSF_goDIVA project is the one that mostly reflects a direct action between Science and Product for the market. That was always the desire of our dear friend Isabel. I also pointed out to ther that the project was wearing her trademark: Science transformed into something productive for the community, in this case, for the area of animal health to control of one of the most important diseases. Thank you for all you have done to help others.
Me and all the Pfizer colleagues in Spain wish to express our deepest condolences to all her family.
Our sincere sympathy

Diego María Sánchez Bustamante
No tuve la suerte de conocer a Isabel. Conocí, y mucho, a Ignacio Álvarez Gortari a quien, desde aquí, envío un abrazo muy estrecho y mi promesade oraciones. Diego

Howard Batho
I was shocked to hear this very sad news as we were only in contact a little while ago. You were always very kind and helpful to me over the many years I knew you. You will be really very sadly missed but I will always remember you and that lovely smile. My condolences to your famliy at this difficult time.

Massimo Burioni
Goodbye Isabel, I will remember you as a passionate person with a very positive attitude towards all aspects of life, the bad and the good ones. During almost 14 years working together, many times we shared opinions, ideas and frustrations, many times we shared good moments.
Working with you was stimulating, being a friend of you has been a privilege. I'll miss your beautiful smile, Isabel.

Franck Berthe
Dear Isabel

This is with profound sadness.

A sadness we share with the scientific community of animal health, veterinary medicine, and with all of those who had the privilege to have known you and worked with you.

You were loved and admired for your great energy, strong personality and deep humanity.

We will not forget you.

On behalf of the EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW)

EU Reference Laboratories for African Swine Fever and Classical Swine Fever
Workshop on Laboratory Diagnosis of African Swine Fever and Classical Swine Fever
Date: 18 May, 08,30 am. ASF and CSF Joint Session
Venue: Lípica, Slovenia,
Attendances: forty four (44) countries, including delegates from EU Member States and third countries.

Isabel Minguez-Tudela passed away on 16 Apr 2011, aged 54 after a long battle against cancer.

This tribute has been prepared, from the warm words dedicated in Memoriam to Isabel, for more than 60 people, scientist, colleagues and friends that worked with her (at web page www. Sanidadanimal.info) and also by her husband,

Mi querida Isabelita, My dearest Isabel,
She was a Senior scientific officer at DG Research and Innovation
of the European Commission in Brussels. She was Spanish, spaniards feel very proud of it. She was trained as a veterinarian and obtained her PhD in Animal Virology in Madrid, in African Swine Fever.

Isabel was a remarkable and exceptional person of great generosity, extraordinary kindness and a great passion for her work. With Isabel goes a great supporter of European research.

Isabel struggled, she was a great fighter, to improve scientific competitiveness playing an essential role in the design and implementation of several and relevant EC programs, and development of research lines and projects of interest and application in global health, in animal health, including emerging and reemerging diseases within EU and in many different countries around the world.

Isabel was an important connecting bridge for over more than fifteen years. (I always remember a good friend of her (Prof. José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno) calling her: “ Isabel, you are a NOKIA, because she was always connecting people).

She was a key person in bringing people together of different backgrounds, different nationalities and different opinions. She was facilitating and providing scientific contact and collaboration between different European research teams, and at the same time, opening bridges for collaboration with other scientists from America, Asia and Africa.

She was managing dozens of EU research projects. She drove ASFRISK, GoDIVA, BTVAC, PARASOL, ICONZ, DISCONTOOLS, CONFLUTECH, just to mention a few projects. She conceived and fostered high profile networks of excellence, MedVetNet, EPIZONE, EMIDA, and the European Technology Platform for Global Animal Health (ETPGAH), one of the most advanced Platforms thanks to Isabel’s inspirational leadership. Isabel has set us on a trajectory with unstoppable momentum. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg in terms of where we are going driven by Isabel’s inspiration.

She was the initiator, the creator of EPIZONE, the “EPIZONE-family”. As Isabel said once, she was the ‘grandma’ of the EPIZONE-family, and she also showed us how we had to take care of kids of the family, “the young scientist”, giving always an unconditional support for young researchers. Many young scientists will remember forever how she supported them to make good science and to collaborate in a fair way.

Isabel, an incredible fighter, an strong believer of “One Health” on global level. pushing to get the best research, trying always to building bridges between people, to strengthen collaborations, always believing that working together we could get the best, just as a good team, a team composed by scientist from many countries, her dream¡¡¡.
EPIZONE was a clear example of her dream, the essence of EPIZONE was the essence of Isabel,................and she got it....she began to build bridges, not only between EU countries , but also a great bridge worldwide. and Young Epizone was the future.......
Isabel had the ability to build bridges of communication and cooperation with the utmost respect for all parties and sense of fairness.

Isabel was always ready to offer advice, to help selflessly and generously. She always remained committed to her work and to pursuing what was in all our interest. She was a role model for dedication to a mission, a great example of professionalism. But too, she always knew how to combine this with her other passion: her family, her husband, Ignacio, and her daughters, Inés and Constanza, who also had the great luck of having her commitment and dedication. Both worlds gave her great satisfaction and joy.

All who had the fortune to meet her and work with her feel deeply her irreparable loss.

An excellent professional, unforgettable personality, beautiful humanity,
Singular, unique, exceptional

The best image of Spain

We´ve lost our engine, our guide,
Isabel, we will miss your enthusiasm, your modesty and your professionalism . your devastating sweetness, your brilliant mind, always looking for clean- looking people , you, addict to the truth, non-stop battling against injustice and villainy.
All who have met her will never forget the sparkle in her eyes and her encouraging and engaging smile.

We all wish her family, her husband and daughters , all the strength they need to bear this tremendous loss, to overcome this deepest sadness and to find the way to continue on the road as guided by Isabel.
Her legacy will be very long-lasting
You will always remain present in our memory !

Following Isabel’s sad passing away, on behalf of Ingenasa we would like to express a few thoughts in her remembrance.
For many years, Isabel maintained close professional and personal ties with several members of Ingenasa's staff, and so it is more as a friend than as a professional partner that this loss is affecting us.
Isabel was the kind of person who was always willing to help and assist in any way she could, and was very generous in offering us her support and encouragement to participate in various projects as she usually did with all Animal Health researchers. We will also miss all the great advice which she so kindly offered us.
Isabel also championed Animal Health research in Europe and other forums over many years. In this and many other senses we believe that her work will live on and leave a lasting mark on those who knew and worked with her.
Finally, on a more personal note, we would like to express our heartfelt condolences to her family and friends.

Bernard Vallat in behalf of the OIE
Dear Isabel,

You left the animal health research community too early.
From the beginning you had the foresight to ask the OIE to participate in the networks that still had to be created. You had a clear vision of what needed to be done and how people and countries should work together following common objectives to achieve progress in animal health worldwide.

Little by little and with a lot of energy, but also with patience, you came up with new topics, and new proposals for networks and public /private partnerships. Your vision that animal health research needs to have a global perspective now seems to be shared by all actors. Is that not a great result?

Isabelle we will miss you and the energy, which never waned, you put into building projects and contacts. We were all very lucky to have had the great chance to work with such a warm and enthusiastic person, always trying to overcome obstacles.

Now it is up to us to follow your projects and keep in mind your positive and dynamic approach to ensure progress and the growing importance of animal health research worldwide.

The OIE has lost an exceptional person and a good friend.

Our thoughts are with Isabel’s family.

Bernard Vallat in behalf of the OIE

Ilaria Capua
Dear Isabel,
I have had the privilege of having many lengthy conversations with you. We have talked a lot about work, the profession, personal life and some of the big things in life. I will always keep with me your vision and your wishes as they are now part of me.
1. That, at least children do not die of rabies anymore;
2. That EU biomedical research becomes more competitive
3. That women in science have the same chances of success as men
4. That animal diseases do not cripple economies
5. That merit is rewarded
6. That balance is maintained between private and professional life
7. That trust is important
8. That it’s people that make the difference
9. That you should dare and you must fight
10. That the sun will shine again tomorrow morning

Michel Bublot, Emilie Casaliggi, Pascal Hudelet, Catherine Charreyre, Jean-Christophe Audonnet, François Joisel, Philippe Dubourget, Caroline Schumacher, Merial Lyon, France
Dear Isabel, It’s hard to believe that we won’t see you anymore. We so much appreciated working and interacting with you, your availability, your pragmatism, your professionalism, your enthusiasm, and perseverance to support research in animal health with always a smile on your face and a positive attitude, despite your declining health. You were a kind and unique person, what we call in French “quelqu’un de bien”. We’ll sure miss you but you will stay in our memory. We send your family and close friends our sincere condolences.

Arife Ertürk, ECVCRI, Ankara, Turkey
Isabel, I was sending you all positive energy everyday from Turkey. You have promised me to visit us in Turkey, I would host you in Ankara and we would visit old town.... Words fail to describe you and also to describe our deep sadness. I will never forget your help, your beautiful smile and your positive view of life. Isabel, your loss is irresistable for all of us, we will miss you very much. I send your family my sincere condolences.

Raquel Vargas, Grupo SUAT
Tuve la gran suerte de compartir con Isabel la organización del meeting "Building Bridges 2010" en Madrid. Trabajar con ella fue todo un lujo para mí, tanto a nivel personal como profesional; su cercanía, su simpatía, la energía y la fuerza que contagiaba... No tengo más que palabras de profunda admiración y cariño hacia ella.
En mi nombre y en el de todo el equipo SUAT: Gracias Isabel por formar siempre parte de nuestro grupo. NUNCA TE OLVIDAREMOS

Aleksandar Dodovski, FVM Skopje, Macedonia
I met Isabel before and during Verona conference in 2007. Incredible person. I thaught she could be friend to any person in the world, so open and full with energy. Her family should be proud of her.

Thierry van den Berg, CODA-CERVA, Brussels
Much has already been said and we are left with our regrets. Isabel, we will miss your smile, your enthusiasm, your modesty and your professionality but you will always remain present in our memory !

Susana Peciña
Era una gran persona y una buenísima madre, siempre me acordaré de ti. Donde quiera que estes te mando un beso muy fuerte.

Professor Dave Knox, Moredun Institute, Scotland
My deepest sympathies. I have had the pleasure of working with Isabel form about 1997 and I am indebted to her for the success of several project applications to the EU. I will miss her professionally and socially.

Raffaella Nisi
Un saluto con affetto
Cara Dr Isabel, io l'ho conosciuta in due occasioni solamente, ma sono rimasta molto colpita dalla sua gentilezza e disponibilità.

La ricordo con affetto e stima profonda. Raffaella Nisi

Marisa Arias (CISA-INIA, Valdeomos, España
Para: Igancio Gortari
Enviado : sáb 16/04/2011 21:57
Asunto: Todo mi cariño con profundo dolor
Mi querido Ignacio,
Con profunda tristeza y dolor te escribo para unirme a tí y las niñas en estos terribles momentos.
Nunca en lo más remoto de mi corazón pude pensar que todo esto evolucionaría tan rápido.
Cualquier cosa que necesites ya sabes donde me tienes en Madrid. Si necesitas que prepare algo, lo que sea. Estoy a tu disposición .

Mi queridísima Isabelita, mi compi de juventud, con la que he disfrutado de tantos y tantos buenos momentos,....
la quería mucho, mucho, ... tan entrañable y cariñosa siempre,tan humilde, tan especial.
Aunque no esté ya presente, está su espíritu, su alma, ...no nos dejará porque ella sigue luchando cuidandonos a todos.
Sé que sigue con nosotros.
Querido Ignacio, salgo para Moscú, primer lugar en que la recordaremos, y homenajearemos, por su buen hacer para la Ciencia mundial . El mundo científico la homenajeará en los eventos que están por venir,porque esto ha sido terrible y dramático, una pérdida irreparable para toda la Comunidad científica de la UE, y de tantos y tantos países con los que trabajó y a los que ayudó.
Quiero que sepas que Isabel fué siempre muy muy querida, no solo por sus amigos y compañeros. Todos, fueras donde fueras, en el ámbito de la Ciencia la apreciaban muchísimo. Se notaba en el ambiente el aprecio y respeto.

Isabel ha sido ejemplo de lucha, dedicación y compromiso por el avance del conocimiento, y de la Ciencia, También ejemplo en su empeño por unir los grupos científicos de la UE y de otras partes del mundo, para formar un gran equipo Ese era su sueño. Algo casi imposible de lograr, . Pero ella apostó y ganó. Ahora los grupos nos conocemos y trabajamos juntos, Ella sabía que ir en equipo era la forma de avanzar y crear y seguir avanzando ...y hacer así la mejor ciencia.
Isabelita tan querida y respetada, tan brillante profesional. Siempre ayudó a todos,

Y también como no, Isabelita ha sido nuestra mejor Embajadora. Imagen de la mejor España. Única. Excepcional. Maravillosa.. Con un corazón tan grande, su sabiduría, su sindéresis, su mente privilegiada.

Ella que hizo tanto por todos, Ahora todos están contigo y las niñas. Nunca la olvidaremos.
Nunca la olvidaré.
Un beso muy muy fuerte.
Marisa Arias
Technical Director
European Union Reference Laboratory for African Swine Fever
Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal
CISA-INIA, Ministry of Science and Innovation
Valdeolmos, 28130, Madrid, SPAIN.
Telf.: +34 916202300
Fax.:+34 916202247
e-mail: arias@inia.es

Denis Kolbasov, Pokrov, Russia
We meet only several times, but from the first time I was very impressed Isabel's openness and willingness to help. My condolences to her family and colleges.

Sándor Belák
We always admired the strength, the friendly openness and focus that Isabel showed in her work and we were grateful for her consideration and understanding. Isabel was a devoted fighter; she was the leading driver for new perspectives in veterinary medicine and she carried the very heavy burden of dozens of large EU projects on her shoulder. Frequently, she was the one who took on important roles in decision-making, responsibility, risk avoidance and problem solving and yet, was never too busy to answer questions. Characteristically, she fought her own battles against disease with vigour and great courage. She never gave up the fight and she took care of her work, her family, her friends and colleagues until the very last moment. Her door was always open to all of us and she always supported the veterinary medical community with her warm heart, strong enthusiasm, friendly smile and special sense of humanity and humour.

Dear Isabel, thank you for your kindness, for your support and constructive criticism. Our thoughts are with your family and your close friends, wishing them strength to bear this sorrow and heavy burden. Once, as you were standing in the St Michael's church in the Váci Street in Budapest, I recall you saying "I feel at home here. This baroque chapel has many similarities to our churches in Spain; it has the same warm feeling". Remembering this sentence, please let me say to you in Hungarian “Nyugodjál békében, kedves Isabel”

Emmanuel Albina, Montpellier, France
Considering that we will not see and work anymore with Isabel remains still unconceivable to me. It is a terrible loss. She was a great and demanding professional but also a caring and engaging person. My deepest condolences to her familly and friends.

Lucinda Cranham and Clare French - Veterinary Laboratories Agency
Although we never met in person Isabel was a friend - she always had a friendly word, a lovely sense of humour and offered sensible solutions to any of the problems we encountered. We shall miss her greatly and offer our deepest sympathies to her family, friends and colleagues all over the world.

Philip Butcher
With deepest sympathies to her family, friends and scientific colleagues from St. George's researchers in London.

Inmaculada Peñas Jiménez
Conocí a Isabel cuando vino a la Comisión a la Dirección General de Pesca a finales de los 80. Trabajamos codo con codo en estructuras de la pesca durante dos años. Fue un placer. Dejó la Comisión para ocuparse de los asuntos españoles de la espinosa Politica Común de Pesca en la Representación Permanente . Nos volvimos a encontrar aquí en Investigación en differentes areas pero en el mismo barco, con ganas de mejorar la calidad de vida de la gente. Recuerdo en particular su increíble capacidad de trabajo y su vitalidad. Me contagiaba sus ganas de hacer bien las cosas. Me he quedado sin uno de mis motores. No es fácil aceptarlo.

Kristien Van Reeth, Ghent University, Belgium
Isabel did her job with great dedication and conviction, and she was the driving force behind many of our veterinary research projects. But she combined the hard work in a very competitive world with an incredible kindness and a genuine interest in other people as human beings. I will never forget her positive spirit, her smile, her encouragement and courage, her wisdom. She never missed an opportunity to help us and give the most useful advice, or make an honest compliment. She listened twice as much as she spoke… Isabel will continue to live in the hearts of the people who have known her. I am grateful to have met her and wish her family lots of strength in these difficult times.

Angel L. Carrascosa, CBMSO (CSIC-UAM), Spain
Es evidente que Isabel nos hacía sentir especiales a todos los que nos relacionábamos con ella, lo que se refleja en la multitud de mensajes y comentarios emitidos por la comunidad científica que tuvo el privilegio de conocerla, cuyo denominador común es la inagotable capacidad profesional que desplegaba tan apasionadamente envuelta en su cálida amistad. Nada puede compensar su prematura pérdida, pero el hondo pesar aquí transmitido por todos sus colaboradores quizá ayude a confortar en alguna medida a los familiares y amigos que debemos afrontar su definitiva ausencia. No te olvidaremos, Isabel.

Yolanda Revilla. CBMSO-CSIC-UAM
Ay, Isabel, qué pena más grande que te hayas ido tan pronto. No sé si tu imaginabas cuanto te queríamos y admirábamos todos tus compañeros de profesión, pero ya ves cuántos testimonios de ello. Allí donde estés, recibe este sentido homenaje nuestro.
También se lo mandamos con todo nuestro cariño a tus hijitas y a Ignacio. Para que vean lo importante que eras, en todos los sentidos.
Inés, Cosntanza, como dijo vuestro padre horas antes de su muerte, vuestra madre era un ángel. Y como tal la tendréis siempre cerca, velando por vosotras.
Su sonrisa y sus brillantes, maravillosos ojos, se quedan para siempre con nosotros.
So long, Isabelita.

Duncan Hannant on behalf of EU Wildtech project, University of Nottingham
Isabel was a powerhouse in veterinary politics and research support within the EU and far beyond. Her legacy will be long-lasting. We miss her greatly.

Fabrizio- Gamberale IZSLT Roma
We offer you our deepest condolences for the loss of Isabel Minguez-Tudela.
We feel priveleged for having met her,since she was a respected and high qualifield professional and a joyful great lady.
In knowing that the ones we love are never lost, they live on in our memories.
Fabrizio Gamberale from Italy , Roma

Emiliana Brocchi and colleagues in IZSLER, Brescia
The adjectives that most frequently occur in messages that already many colleagues of the scientific community have written to remind Isabel are: smiling and friendly, but at the same time determined and hardworking, purposeful and promoting with both young and older scientists; she has always encouraged synergy between groups and her enlightened vision greatly contributed to address veterinary research towards innovation and global health.
It 's so that we also at IZSLER in Brescia, Italy, have known her and so we will remember it. We will keep alive the memory of Isabel also commemorating her during the inauguration of the National Congress of Veterinary Virology in June in Brescia, Italy.

Emiliana Brocchi and colleagues in Institute

Alberto Laddomada
I met Isabel almost 30 years ago, when we were young scientists dealing with African swine fever. Several years after, our lives crossed again at the European Commission in Brussels , where she has been an invaluable contact point in DG Research for me and for my colleagues responsible for animal health legislation. Then, I could even more appreciate her dedication to work and her qualities. She was always helpful to find solutions to our problems. In the last 15 years she gave a major support to the develompment of veterinary science and animal health in Europe, and she did it silently.

Alberto e Costanza Laddomada
We will not forget you, your smile, your optimisim, your positive view of life, also in the most difficult moments.
Our thoughts go to her husaband and daughters.

Carmen Vela Olmo
Querida Isabel,

¡Cuanto he sentido y siento tu ausencia!
Pero que decir que no este dicho; tus muchos, muchísimos amigos no han ahorrado palabras a tu memoria. Profesional, afable, trabajadora hasta la extenuación, responsable, con sentido del humor, y.. su sonrisa!, atenta, cariñosa, y .. cuando hablaba de su familia!!en fin, EJEMPLAR.
Nada que añadir, solo algo personal que nadie puede poner por mi: la pena por no tenerte y mi gratitud y recuerdo para siempre.

Maurice Pensaert
Like the Flemish people, Isabel told me several times, we Spanish, we are fighters. " I will continue to fight this cancer" she told me still a week before her death during an evaluation session where she was present every day.Sad that she had to lose this fight but she has taken an important place in my heart and memory as a great lady, a nice personality, a marvellous women and a great friend. It is said that everyone is replacable but nobody can replace Isabel in combining so many gifts: high professionality, devotion to " her" research in Animal Health combined with an ever present friendliness and helpfulness.My condolences are directed to her husband and two daughters who must miss her very much.
Like many of my colleagues , I miss her and I find it hard to accept that she left us for ever.

Jabbar Ahmed, Research Center Borstel, Germany
The first time I met Isabel was in Brussels on November 18th, 2003. She immediately impressed me with her great professionality and profound knowledge and thoughts which she expressed in a very friendly way. During further meetings we had in Brussels, Madrid, Beijing, Shanghai and elsewhere, I always admired her as a leading scientist with a clear vision and competence. In that respect she helped me a lot in being able to coordinate a number of EU-projects.

Her role in the development of veterinary medicine in Europe and linking it to Asia, Africa and Latin America can not be described with only a few words and will remain in our memory. Many young scientists will remember forever how she supported them to make good science and to collaborate in a fair way. Yes, we all will miss her. Let us keep her in our hearts and give what we have learned from her to the younger generation in order to continue in her way in doing good science for a fairer world.

Bernard Charley, INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France
Like so many other scientists involved in research on animal infectious diseases in EU and more globally, I was luky enough to meet and work on several occasions and in several locations from Brussels to Agra, India, with Isabel Minguez-Tudela. We will all remember her smile, her full dedication to veterinary research, her courage, her open mind. We miss her.

Åse Uttenthal, DTU-Vet, Lindholm, Denmark
I met Isabel through various EU projects and especially her great enthusiasm to EPIZONE has been an inspiration for many of us. I have enjoyed her company in Brussels, Lelystad, Shanghai and many other places where she has always been very present, involved in exactly what she was doing now. I have always admired Isabel for her ability to be present, she was never replying e-mails and phone calls when she was at meetings but made one feel the importance of being here now. We have lost a dedicated veterinarian. My condelences to her family.

Stéphan Zientara, Maisons-Alfort, France
The words are sometime unuseful and this is the case with this terrible loss. Like many people, I discussed many times with Isabel about veterinary science, research in the field of animal health but also about her disease. My wife had the same disease and Isabel wanted to know her experience. Life is unfair. It was a great honor for me to have known and worked with Isabel. I send to her family my most sincere condolences. Stéphan

Volker Moennig
I met Isabel Minguez Tudela when she started working at DG Research. She was a passionate advocate of veterinary science and a blessing for our scientific community, we owe her a lot. I shall remember Isabel as a wise and warm-hearted woman. My thoughts are with her close friends and family!

Adriana Saldarriaga y Juan Lubroth
Nos unimos a todas las voces que despiden a esta gran mujer. Isabel fue una luchadora y un modelo para todos con su valentía y entereza y sus consejos siempre tan acertados. Nuestro cariño va a su familia.

Kitty Parker,D.V.M. Nashboro Animal Hospital, Nashville,Tn., U.S.A.
I first met Isabel in 1974 when I was a beginning student at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Madrid, Spain. There were a very few of us foreign students and we did not have much of a clue as to what we were doing. The different accents, the overcrowed classes and our very poor spanish made it impossible. Then came Isabel who took s under her broad,loving and sympathetic wings. She would take her wonderful notes and partially translate them into English and coach,pull, push and drag us to success. She was the smartest one in class She was also the kindest,and most generous soul that I have ever known. I know daily that I owe my veterinary practice and the life that I have to this wonderful woman. She was such a force in a small package. Her smile and laugh lit up a room. Isabel and I did not see each other often through the years but when we did last meet in 2008 in Brussels, it was if time had stood still. She was to have come to the States this July, but her battle was over. That trip will never be but she is with me everyday that I am a veterinarian and everyday of my life. She was my best friend and I loved her to pieces.

Juan Lubroth
The Animal Health Service of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations joins all in grieving at the loss of a great and wonderful woman whose vision and welcoming spirit was inspirational and warmly infectious.
A close advisor and friend to many of us, Isabel is fondly remembered. Though we are saddened by her absence from our lives we are grateful for having been part of it. Her courage in her fight for life is a lesson, and we hope that finally she is at peace. To her husband and daughters, we too hope solace has found its place.
Gracias por haber tocado nuestras vidas. No te olvidaremos.
Juan Lubroth, Chief, Animal Health Service, on behalf of the EMPRES group, FMD Unit, FAO team of the Global Early Warning System, EuFMD Commission, Wildlife and Ecology Unit, Vector Ecology Group, Veterinary Public Health team, the Crisis Management Centre and all our field staff.

Martin Groschup
It was really a privilege to have met and worked together with Isabel. When I started two decades ago she gave the EU research funding apparatus a personal face to me. Isabelle was highly professional and knew exactly how to stimulate and inspire researchers for important research topics. She reached us since she took us serious, listened to our ideas and problems, tried to understand and eventually help by her best advice. Her warm-hearted attitude and optimism was overwhelming. The way how she dealt with her destiny was remarkable. The Teddy bear that she gave me as personal present when my first daughter was born will always remind me not to forget her. My thoughts are with her family now.

francisco gomez guerrero
He tenido el placer, de trabajar con esa gran dama. Y mis pensamientos van a sus hijas et su familia.

Tomas Garcia Azcarate
Isabel era ingeniera agronoma, cientifica, entusiasta, excelente funcionaria y sobre todo buena persona. La muerte de Isabel representa para todos aquellos que hemos tenido la suerte de conocerla una dura perdia. Incluso en el ultimo periodo, seguia llena de entusiasmo, proyectos, vida. hace unas semanas, comimos juntos en la Place du Luxembourg y me daba animos !!!!

El año que Miguel Arias Cañete quizo instaurar los premios "naranja" y "limon", al mejor y al peor funcionario europeo de nacionalidad española en el campo de la agricultura y la alimentación, todos consideramos un acierto que el premio naranja fuera para Isabel. Nadie mejor que ella para merecer este reconocimiento.

Buscando en Google, encontre este video. Se me han llenado los ojos de lagrimas. Lo comparto con vosotros. Una manera simbolica de decir que Isabel seguira viva mientras sigamos vivos los que la queriamos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rugWvRdpW3A

William Dundon, IZSVE, Padova, Italy
I will remember Isabel for her gentle, kind and unassuming nature. My condolences to her family and friends. Go raibh maith agat a Isabel agus slán leat.

Fulgencio Garrido Abellán
El más hondo pesar en nombre del personal del Laboratorio Central de Sanidad Animal del MARM en Santa Fe , y en el mío propio.
Descansa en paz, queridísima compañera.

Anne-Francoise Petavy
C'est avec une très grande tristesse que j'ai appris le décès d'Isabel. Son enthousiasme,son optimisme et son énergie pour faire progresser la lutte contre les maladies animales et leurs conséquences humaines laissent un grand vide dans le monde vétérinaire. Sa disponibilité ,sa vivacité d'esprit, son accueil toujours chaleureux et son amical sourire laissent aussi un grand vide chez ceux qui ont eu la chance de la rencontrer. Mes pensées vont à son mari , à ses filles et à toute sa famille dans cette pénible épreuve.

Alain Vanvossel
First as a colleague , later as her boss, I had the pleasure to work with Isabel during many years at the Commission. I and the team had the opportunity to benefit from her constant professionalism and true enthousiasm at work. Isabel was an excellent colleague with which it was pleasant to work, every day. And even in the darkest moments of her disease she had the courage and force of making people around her happy . We will miss her very much.

Rafael Eliseu
Hard to find the right words to honour such a great Lady, always kind and with a big smile.
I wish her husband, daughters and family all the strengh they need to bear this tremendous loss

Grace Mulcahy
Isabel - I fondly remember you in the meetings we had in Brussels to review research projects, and most recently for your valuable advice in preparing our own EU projects "DELIVER: and "PARAVAC". I know that you were working right up to the end on the latter. You were truly an inspiration - and an iconic figure in the veterinary profession worldwide. Our thoughts are with your family at this sad time.

Wim H. M. van der Poel, EPIZONE, CVI, Netherlands
I will always remember Isabel as a colleague who has become a friend because of her devotion to animal health research and her lovely personality. As coordinator of the EPIZONE network it was a privilege to work with her because she was so much involved in the project and always tried to give good advices to improve the networks' activies.
Every time we met we have always taken a moment to share our latest experiences in work and whatever kept us occupied at the time. So we did in March when we met for the last time. I remember Isabel was making some jokes and I am happy to have that as the latest memmory of her.

I wish her family and friends all the strength they need to bear this tremendous loss.

Gordon Allan
Isabel was a dear friend who I admired and trusted. She was a true lady and helped many in the veterinary sciences, including myself, with their work and career development. We last met just before Christmas 2010 when we visited the Christmas market in Brussels. I will miss her, especially her smile and sense of humour.

C'est pour moi une grande tristesse de savoir que je n'aurais plus la joie de croiser Isabel, son énergie et sa bonne humeur communicative. Je souhaite à sa famille et ses amis proches tout le courage nécessaire pour surmonter cette profonde douleur, ainsi que toutes mes condoléances les plus sincères.
Avec toute ma sympathie.

Karen Stevenson
It was with great sadness that I heard the news of Isabel’s death. I met Isabel through my first EU contract as a coordinator and she gave me so much support and encouragement. She will be greatly missed by so many. Isabel was an inspiration and role model for us all. She worked tirelessly for our cause and her enthusiasm had no boundaries. She was a true professional dedicated to the veterinary profession and animal health and welfare but above all I will remember her warmth and friendliness. We have much to thank Isabel for. She was a very special person. Words are inadequate at times like this and our thoughts are with her family and friends.

Jeanne Brugère-Picoux, ENVA France
Isabel était une belle et passionnante personne. Je l'ai vue 10 jours avant sa mort à Bruxelles et elle était pleine de projets malgré la maladie. Mes pensées vont surtout à son époux et à ses deux filles mais elle manquera fort aussi à la famille vétérinaire.

François Moutou
Il n'y a pas vraiment de mots pour écrire tout cela.
Mais il y a toujours ce très beau sourire qui a tant apporté à des réunions parfois trop sérieuses.
Mes pensées vont à sa famille, à ses proches, à tous ses amis.

Petra van der Laag
With your professional guidance, strength and energy, you helped EPIZONE to cross borders. Your knowledge of people, the insights you had in the animal health sector and your unstoppable preparedness for new and coming threats, every small conversation kept me working for months in a row. You were kind to everybody who approached you, especially young scientists and you always made time to explain the necessity of working together, inside and outside Europe. Now, with your passing, I lost my encyclopaedia of names, ideas and insights. Moreover, I will miss your consideration and enthusiasm. I will handle your legacy with care and am sad to say goodbye, but thankful to have met you. Isabel, I hope you have found your peace, you will not be forgotten.

Christian Griot, IVI Switzerland
Dear Isabel Do you remember the first EPIZONE meeting in Poland? We had a session for YOUNG EPIZIONE on our careers. This was the first time we met. At the session we had interesting discussions on the role of veterinary medicine and veterinary public health, and we both stressed the point that the "one health approach" is the way to go. As a member of the EPIZONE external advisory panel I can say that your input on the project was always welcomed and supported by all the members. My thoughts are for you and your family! Bye bye Isabel. Best wishes Christian

James McNair
The news of Isabel's illness and death has come as yet another shock to the scientific community, especially those who work on mycobacterial diseases. Isabel provided the Belfast researchers with help, encouragement and support at a very professional level, over many years but we felt that we had a friend in Brussels. Our thoughs and prayers go to the family and friends of Isabel at this very difficult time.

Dr. Danny Goovaerts Intervet Schering Plough Animal Health, The Netherlands
It is with great sadness that I received the message about the loss of Isabel. I had the pleasure to know Isabel and work with her on several Animal Health research projects and subjects and always admired her for her enormous enthousiasm, energy, drive, commitment and above all honesty and open mind. She was a person that did whatever possible in the interest of European and global animal health with a dedication and energy even at times that must have been extremely difficult for her and her family. She can truly be considered as a role model in everything she was doing. But even more than for her very much appreciated professional approach and dedication, I will remember her as a warm and ultimately friendly person, always willing to listen and with great attention not only to professional as well as to personal matters. I wish her family all the strenght they will need and hope they will be able to overcome the loss of Isabel. She will definitely stay in the mind of many people.

Declan O' Brien
When I was informed of the death of Isabel, I sent an e-mail to our friends and colleagues involved in the European Technology Platform for Global Animal Health (ETPGAH) and the DISCONTOOLS project . I was overwhelmed by the replies received.
When people heard the news, they responded with the words sad, disbelief, loss, devastated, unprepared, we will miss Isabel and shock.
When they mentioned how Isabel dealt with her disease, they mentioned the words, incredible spirit to fight her disease, never complained, admiration and brave and I stress the word brave.
When they spoke about Isabel, they used the words support, enthusiasm, tireless worker, energy, knowledge, total dedication, determination, kindness, wonderful, admiration, helpful and friend and I stress the word friend.
Isabel was dedicated to the veterinary profession, animal health, public health and animal welfare. I know she was also dedicated to her family and spoke with obvious love of her daughters.
Isabel was a powerhouse of energy – small in stature but towering over all of us put together in terms of her energy.
I choose to use the word “inspirational” to describe Isabel. She was committed to fighting animal diseases and was very focused on this goal - I learned this focus from Isabel.
I met Isabel 6 years ago. We had just launched the ETPGAH and she told me we have a lot of work to do to make it a success. She told me we were already ‘late’ and we must move quickly. I knew I had met somebody with a vision & determination. She pushed us so hard that 2 years later we were one of the most advanced Platforms thanks to Isabel’s inspirational leadership!
When we look at the European animal health research environment, it has improved incredibly over the past 5 years. We are better structured within countries. We work across borders. We have more and more public, private partnerships. Isabel was the inspiration for this.
She drove the ETPGAH, EMIDA, DISCONTOOLS, MedVetNet, EPIZONE, Parasol, ICONZ just to mention a few projects. Isabel has set us on a trajectory with unstoppable momentum. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg in terms of where we are going driven by Isabel’s inspiration.
I can only guess that Isabel has informed Saint Peter that there is a lot of work to be done, that he has to organise the Angels and that she already has an appointment with God to organise additional resources!
I believe we all know that we have known somebody special, a truly exceptional and inspirational person in Isabel.
We mourn our loss and the fact that we cannot share any more time with Isabel. Our loss is great but the loss of Isabel’s family is enormous. I hope these few words – and I speak for hundreds – help Isabel’s family just a little bit in carrying their great burden.

Dr. Piet A. van Rijn, CVI-Lelystad, the Netherlands
Isabel is still amazing as she will continuously there in so many hearts and minds of scientists.
Personally, I have learned so much from Isabel about more than science. Isabel was a front fighter of working together. She was a key person in bringing people together of different backgrounds, different nationalities and different opinions. She was not limiting herself to Europe, and was a strong believer of “One Health” on global level. As former coordinator of EPIZONE, we have worked together to create an “EPIZONE-family”. Isabel was so stimulating in this that research itself was sometimes less in my mind. Still, she has also shown me how to balance between devotion and take care of the kids. Between all ideas and plans, there was always a word about the family showing that these were permanently in her mind. It is symbolic that the funding period of the EPIZONE-family is more or less ending together with the loss of her initiator or, as Isabel said once, the ‘grandma’ of the EPIZONE-family. Isabel will remain in the hearts and minds of so many people, but absolutely in mine. Herewith I will wish her husband and daughters all the strength needed to overcome this deepest sadness and to find the way to continue on the road as guided by Isabel.

Dr. Nesya Goris
Isabel was an example as a veterinary professional. She wanted young scientists to reach out across the border of EU Member States in her strive to get the best out of each and every one of them. A most dedicated scientist who awed respect. It is with sadness in my heart that I say goodbye, but also with an enormous sense of gratitude to have known her and have worked with her in combat of veterinary diseases. My thoughts go out to her family and friends.

Dr.Mohammed M.Bahari Veterinarian Tanzania East Africa
It is with much sadness, sorry and great lost to loose a dedicated scientist and professional veterinary colleague like Isabel. While we grieve we should honour her contribution towards the growth of the veterinary profession during this time when we are marking the 250th Anniversary of the Noble Profession. May God Rest Her Soul in Eternal Peace.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas C. Mettenleiter
Isabel was a key person in shaping the European research area on infectious diseases of animals through numerous projects including high profile networks of excellence which she conceived and fostered. In recent years I admired Isabel also for her struggle against the deadly disease which she did successfully for years. Despite these problems she always remained committed to her work and to pursuing what was in all our interest. She was a role model for dedication to a mission. We will miss her very much, as somebody who had always had an open mind to our wishes and ideas, who worked hard in the EU administration to improve the health of animals, but even more so as a person who with a strong will was able at the same time to be forceful and amiable. Our thoughts are with her family and friends. We all lost somebody very special. Thomas C. Mettenleiter, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Insel Riems, Germany.

Tiny de Bruin
Dear Isabel,
You helped me a lot when I started to be an EU coordinator. You where so great for the people in and stimulated them to get the best out of themselves. Thanks a lot.
Family I wish you the strength you need.
regards Tiny de Bruin
the Netherlands

Prof Dirk Pfeiffer, Royal Veterinary College, London, UK
Isabel has had a tremendous impact on animal health research activities in Europe, and I have had the privilege to interact with her on various occasions over the last 10 years. She was so committed to European animal health research that she was still actively engaged with defining research themes until only a few weeks ago. We will miss her greatly, and I cannot even try to imagine what her loss must mean to her family and close friends.


Words for Isabel Mínguez Tudela by Alfonso de las Heras
during the III Vet+i Conference
During the meeting New generation researches in pig viral diseases: building bridges from labs to policy and the farm with the SUAT group
During the meeting "New generation researches in pig viral diseases: building bridges from labs to policy and the farm" with the SUAT group. June 2010. Send by Raquel Vargas
Isabel with the SUAT t-shirt. June 2010
Isabel with the SUAT t-shirt. June 2010.
Send by Raquel Vargas
8th Congress of ESVV. Budapest
8th Congress of ESVV. Budapest.
Send by JM Sánchez-Vizcaíno
Shanghai, Workshop: Research in Swine Viral Diseases
Shanghai, Workshop: Research in Swine Viral Diseases. Send by JM Sánchez-Vizcaíno
Shanghai, Workshop: Research in Swine Viral Diseases
Shanghai, Workshop: Research in Swine Viral Diseases. Send by JM Sánchez-Vizcaíno
Visit to the Tiananmen Square
Visit to the Tiananmen Square, China 16/8/2007.
Send by JM Sánchez-Vizcaíno
China 14/8/2007
China 14/8/2007. Send by JM Sánchez-Vizcaíno
Lucas Domínguez, Isabel Mínguez-Tudela & José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno
Lucas Domínguez, Isabel Mínguez-Tudela & José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno UCM. Send by JM Sánchez-Vizcaíno
In the bull-fighting arena in Madrid
In the bull-fighting arena in Madrid. Send by Petra van der Laag
Building bridges workshop in Shanghai
Building bridges workshop in Shanghai 7/7/2008.
Send by Petra van der Laag
First Young EPIZONE Meeting 04/06/2008
First Young EPIZONE Meeting 04/06/2008.
Send by Petra van der Laag
 Dinner in Madrid 07/10/2010
Dinner in Madrid 07/10/2010. Send by Petra van der Laag
Isabel Mínguez, Annual Congress EPIZONE (2008 Brescia, Italy)
Isabel Mínguez, Annual Congress EPIZONE (2008 Brescia, Italy). Send by Emiliana Brocchi
Isabel Mi
    ínguez-Tudela Meeting Beijing 2007
Isabel Mínguez, Meeting Beijing 2007
Send by Jabbar Ahmed
Isabel Minguez Tudela
Isabel Mínguez 9/6/2005. Send by Sandor Belak
Isabel Minguez Tudela y compañ:eros
Isabel Mínguez 10/6/2005. Send by Sandor Belak
Isabel Minguez Tudela 8th International Congress of Veterinary Virology
Isabel Minguez Tudela in 8th International Congress of Veterinary Virology
Send by Sandor Belak
Interview to Isabel en YouTube de (ICONZ Africa 2010) Isabel Mínguez-Tudela
Isabel Mínguez-Tudela
Send by Juan Ignacio Álvarez de Gortari, Isabel's husband
Isabel during 14th International Symposium for the World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (WALD2009)
Isabel during 14th International Symposium for the World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (WALD2009). Img: Abeitar Portal Veterinaria