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October, 2006 news

October 31st, 2006

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Workshop Modelization and Simulation in Agro Food Technologies

Modeling the risk of entrance of Foot and mouth disease in Spain

Oral communication in Workshop Modelization and Simulation in Agro Food Technologies

October 26th, 2006

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Contagio entre especies domésticas y salvajes

Oral communication in Curso de Veterinario de Explotación

October 21st, 2006

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Gripe Aviar: antecedentes, epidemiologia y bioseguridad en explotaciones avícolas

Conference in VII Congreso de Veterinarios de Castilla y León

October 20th, 2006

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II Jornadas de Salud Pública de la Ciudad de Madrid.

Situación actual en el mundo

Conference in II Jornadas de Salud Pública de la Ciudad de Madrid. "Construyendo un Madrid Saludable"

October 20th, 2006

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Ciclo Gripe Aviar UIMP

Epidemiología de la actual H5N1 de Gripe Aviar

Oral communication in Ciclo Gripe Aviar UIMP

October 9th, 2006

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Planes de contingencia de la Peste Porcina Clásica y de la Fiebre Aftosa

Conference in Curso sobre Nuevos Retos de la Sanidad Animal en la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León

October 1st, 2006

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Oxford University Press

Detection and characterization of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in Salmonella enterica strains of healthy food animals in Spain

The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy publish this investigation article

OBJECTIVES: To carry out the characterization of the genes encoding extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) and their genetic environments in four expanded-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Salmonella enterica isolates (serovars: two Virchow, one Enteritidis, one Rissen) recovered during the monitoring programmes performed in Spain by the VAV Network from faecal samples of pigs, poultry and laying hens at the slaughterhouse level. METHODS: The presence and characterization of ESBL genes as well as their genetic environments in the four S. enterica isolates were investigated by PCR and sequenc… Read more

October 1st, 2006

Via publiDB

Clinical and molecular analysis of macrolide resistance in Mycobacterium avium complex lung disease

Investigation published in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

RATIONALE: The clinical features and outcome of macrolide-resistant Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) lung disease are not known. OBJECTIVES: Characterize patients, treatment, and isolates in macrolide-resistant MAC lung disease. METHODS: Retrospective chart review, susceptibility testing, molecular fingerprinting, and DNA sequence analyses of resistant MAC isolates. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: We identified 51 patients over a 15-yr period with clarithromycin-resistant MAC (minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)>or=32 microg/ml) lung disease at a single referral center. Twenty-four (47%) pa… Read more

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