May, 2008 news
May 29th, 2008
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VENoMYC WP6 Workshop: Immunology-based test for mycobacterial infections
Communications in this event:
- Effect of logistical factors in the performance of IFN-gamma assay
May 26th, 2008
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Red de Vigilancia Veterinaria de Resistencias a Antimicrobianos
Conference in Conferencias en la Real Academia de Ciencias Veterinarias 2008
May 19th, 2008
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Actualidades da Língua Azul
Oral communication in Fórum Internacional sobre Língua Azul, Presente e Futuro
May 6th, 2008
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Molecular diagnosis techniques and their applications
Conference in The 2nd Kurdistan Conference on Biological Science
May 1st, 2008
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Morbillivirus and pilot whale deaths, Mediterranean Sea
Investigation article published in Emerging Infectious Diseases
An outbreak of a lethal morbillivirus infection of long-finned pilot whales occurred in the Mediterranean Sea from the end of October 2006 through April 2007. Sequence analysis of a 426-bp conserved fragment of the morbillivirus phosphoprotein gene indicates that the virus is more closely related to dolphin morbillivirus than to pilot whale morbillivirus…
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