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June, 2009 news

June 26th, 2009

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Belén Gutiérrez Soriano

Emergencia de nuevos mecanismos de resistencia a antimicrobianos

Belén Gutiérrez Soriano defended the degree thesis at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid

June 26th, 2009

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Ana Cristina Pérez de Diego Camacho

Valoración de la respuesta inducida por las vacunas VLP frente a los serotipos 1 y 1+4 de Lengua Azul en ganado ovino

Presentation by Ana Cristina Pérez de Diego Camacho to obtain the Master of Research. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Complutense University of Madrid

Conocer y valorar la respuesta inducida por las vacunas VLP monovalente frente al serotipo 1 y bivalente a los serotipos 1 y 4 de la L.A. Se hizo un seguimiento clínico, valorando los anticuerpos por Elisa y la viremia por RT-PCR… Read more

June 25th, 2009

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Verónica Sánchez del Rey

Detección de patógenos bacterianos respiratorios en ungulados salvajes

Presentation by Verónica Sánchez del Rey to obtain the Master of Research. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Complutense University of Madrid

Conocer el estado sanitario de la fauna silvestre puede ser importante dado la cada vez más frecuente relación entre los animales domésticos de cría extensiva y los salvajes. Entre las patologías que pueden afectar a esta especie animal, las enfermedades bacterianas respiratorias constituyen un campo poco estudiado y sin embargo importante por la posible actuación de estos animales como reservorios de microorganismos patógenos, no sólo para otros animales sino también para el hombre… Read more

June 17th, 2009

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Communications in Annual Meeting of National African Swine Fever Laboratories:

- African Swine Fever threat evaluating diagnostic tools with ASF circulating strains

- Epidemiological models and control strategies

June 11st, 2009

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African Horse Sickness: distribution, reservoir and strategies of suppression

Oral communication in Pferdeheilkunde Forum 2009

July 29th, 2011


Bacteria will finish win the war, due to the resistance to antibiotics

WHO show its concern about the growing resistance to antibiotics

The World Health Organization has showed its concern over the increasing resistance of antibiotics. He says that every year four and a half of Europeans die by Hospital-Acquired Infections. We discussed this phenomenon with Bruno González Zorn, a researcher at the VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre of Compluense University, who has just been awarded by the Jaime Ferrán prize every two years by the Spanish Society of Microbiology the leading scientists in this field less than 40 years. ...…

- Descubierto un mecanismo que explica la resistencia de las bacterias a los antibióticos - Tribuna Complutense

June 6th, 2009

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5ª Reunión Cientí­fica Anual de Investigación de las Zoonosis en Europa

Communications in this event:

- Epidemiological tools for surveillance and control of emerging diseases

- Antigenic characterization of Streptococcus suis isolates from diseases piglets with mouse monoclonal antibodies

- Genetic and phenotypic analysis of Corynebacterium xerosis animal strains

- Characterization of clinicals strains from Poland carrying the 16S rRNA methylase armA gene

- Identification of isolates of Salmonella Virchow encoding the 16S rRNA methylase rmtC in the UK

- Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in iberian pigs

- Novel genetic environment of qnrB2 associated with TEM-1 and SHV-12 on an lncHI2 plasmid in Salmonella Bredeney from Spain

- smrA a new fluoroquinolone efflux pump in Streptococcus suis

- Antimicrobial multiresistance in Pasteurellaceae

- New genomic tools to characterize Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis isolates

- Genetic characterization of swine clinical isolates of Haemophilus parasuis by MLST analysis

- Surveillance of emerging antimicrobial resistance critical for humans in food, environment, animals and man

- Characterization of clinicals strains from Poland carrying the 16S rRNA methylase armA gene

- Identification of isolates of Salmonella Virchow encoding the 16S rRNA methylase rmtC in the UK

- Dynamic of Escherichia coli integrons in slurries belonging to a finish-to-farrow pig farm

- Genetic characterization of swine clinical isolates of Haemophilus parasuis by MLST analysis

- Characterization of human and porcine strains of Salmonella enterica serovar 4,[5], 12:i:- from seven European countries

- Diagnostic of Giardia lamblia in kennel dogs of Madrid City Council by direct microscopy and real time PCR

- Genetic variation in Influenza virus type A: possible consequences in molecular diagnosis

- Genetic variation in Influenza virus type A: possible consequences in molecular diagnosis

June 2nd, 2009

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Análisis madri+d

Global warming, wind and new diseases

New article published in Análisis madri+d

Recently, reemerging diseases that had been previously eradicated in many countries have increased again their prevalence, showing high virulence and disemination rates. Foot and mouth disease, tuberculosis, avian flu, swine flu or blue tongue are good examples… Read more

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