January, 2010 news
January 25th, 2010
Sergio González Domínguez

Military Veterinary Center of Spain Conference Series XXIV
The conference "Action lines of the Spanish Agency for Food Security and Nutrition" was held on 25 February
Military Veterinary Center Conference Series XXIV will begin on January 28. The Center also meets the requirements relating to food safety, hygiene and environmental and animal health, serving as reference laboratory for food safety and for the detection and control of legionellosis in the Army field.…
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January 25th, 2010
Via publiDB
Enfermedades emergentes y bio-terrorismo
VISAVET has participated in En Días Como Hoy of RNE. Corporación RTVE
January 1st, 2010
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Percentage of reactor animals to single comparative cervical intradermal tuberculin (SCCIT) in small ruminants in Punjab Pakistan
Acta Tropica publish this investigation article
To investigate the percentage reactor animals to SCCIT in sheep and goat the present study was carried out by using bovine and avian PPDs at 7 Livestock Experiment Stations of Punjab and villages around two cities. The overall percentage of reactor animals to SCCIT at farms in sheep and goat was 0.9% and 2.4%, while it was 0.4% and 0.0% around two cities, respectively. Hundred percent of goat and 86% of sheep farms under study had positive reactor animals. The reactor animals to SCCIT around two cities were 0% in goat and 0.4% in sheep. Goats (P<0.05) and sheep (P<0.001) kept with large rumina…
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January 1st, 2010
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Streptococcus porci sp. nov., isolated from swine sources
Investigation article published in International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
Two unidentified Gram-positive, catalase-negative, coccus-shaped organisms were recovered from pigs and subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic analysis. Based on cellular morphology and biochemical criteria, the isolates were tentatively assigned to the genus Streptococcus, although the organisms did not appear to correspond to any recognized species. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence studies confirmed this identification and showed that the nearest phylogenetic relatives of the unknown cocci were Streptococcus plurextorum 1956-02(T) and Streptococcus suis NCTC 10234(T) (97.9 and 96.0 % 16S rRNA…
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January 1st, 2010
Via publiDB
Análisis Probabilístico del riesgo potencial de entrada y difusión de la Fiebre del Nilo Occidental y de la Peste Equina Africana en España
This book has been published by WorldCat Library
January 1st, 2010
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Assessment quantification and consequences of Bluetongue Disease in Spain
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación publish this book
January 1st, 2010
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Probabilistic risk assessment of the introduction and spread of avian influenza and Newcastle disease in Spain
This book has been published by Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
January 1st, 2010
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African swine fever: Import of live pigs not a high risk
New article published in Pig progress. The international magazine on pig production
January 1st, 2010
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Compañía Española de Reprografía y Servicios S.A. (CERSA) publish this book
January 1st, 2010
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Flu Virus. The Swine flu
New article published in Ganadería
The A flu or influenza type A is a respiratory disease that affects a large number of species. It is caused by a segmented virus consisted in eight fragments of RNA which encoding 11 proteins. Influenza virus belongs to the family Orthomyxovirus and genus Influenzavirus type A. It is a zoonosis of low intensity. Interspecies transmission is not a frequent occurrence.…
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January 1st, 2010
Via publiDB

Salmonella prevalence on swine farms
Anaporc publish this article
The most commonly identified bacterial cause of food borne outbreaks in the EU is Salmonella. In order to establish control programmes to reduce Salmonella prevalence in food-producing animals, a series of studies which facilitate the comparison of Salmonella prevalence between member states has been established. Thereby, official control programmes and global targets for Salmonella reduction can be defined…
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