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March, 2010 news

March 30th, 2010

Sergio González Domínguez

Vector Control and Surveillance in Public and Animal Health

Vector Control and Surveillance in Public and Animal Health

Course framed within the School of Health and Biomedicine

From 5 to July 30, 2010 were held on a Complutense Summer School course entitled "Control of vectors and Surveillance in public and animal health", organized by the Complutense Foundation and the VISAVET Centre. The deadline for registration is June 11.… Read more

March 26th, 2010

Sergio González Domínguez

I Emerging Diseases and Wildlife Course

I Emerging Diseases and Wildlife Course

Dr. Lucia de Juan involved with the comunication "Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex. Wildlife interface"

Organized by the Junta de Castilla y León, Universidad de León, WAVES and the Zamora Official Association of Veterinarians, was held the First Course on Emerging Diseases and Wildlife in Zamora between 23 and 25 April 2010.… Read more

March 24th, 2010

Via publiDB

Jornada sobre la Paratuberculosis

Paratuberculosis Bovina

Conference in Jornada sobre la Paratuberculosis

La paratuberculosis también conocida como enfermedad de Johne es una infección bacteriana del tracto intestinal, crónica y contagiosa, que afecta principalmente a los rumiantes domésticos (vacuno de leche y carne, ovinos y caprinos ) y otras especies de rumiantes. Clínicamente se manifiesta con diarrea crónica intermitente, pérdida progresiva de peso, disminución de la producción láctea, alteraciones de la fertilidad y eventualmente la muerte. Las pérdidas económicas derivadas de esta enfermedad son cuantiosas y se deben tanto a causas directas (disminución de la producción láctea, mayor sus… Read more

March 22nd, 2010

Sergio González Domínguez

International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals 2010

International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals 2010

Between 12th and 15th May 2010 at the Zoo Aquarium of Madrid, Spain

Organized by the Leibniz Institut for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) and the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV)will take place on the Zoo Aquarium of Madrid The International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals 2010. The conference will aim to foster an exchange of ideas among international specialists from many disciplines working with free-ranging and captive animals.… Read more

March 22nd, 2010

Via publiDB

Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación

Campylobacter and Salmonella prevalence in chicken in the EU

New post in Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published the results of a survey on Campylobacter and Salmonella in chicken at slaughterhouses in the European Union. In most EU Member States, a high prevalence of Campylobacter was found in chickens, whereas Salmonella was less frequently detected. These zoonoses are the cause of the two most reported food-borne diseases in humans in the EU: campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis. This was EFSA’s sixth baseline survey on food-borne bacteria carried out at EU level and the first to directly investigate the presence of Campylobacter and Salmonella i… Read more

March 22nd, 2010

Via publiDB

African Swine Fever: The last adventury

Oral communication in African Swine Fever: Prospects for Control of a Re-emerging Transboundary Disease

March 22nd, 2010

Via publiDB

Dolphin Morbillivirus (DMV) and Herpesvirus (HV) co-infection during re-emerging striped dolphin mortality (2007) in Mediterranean Sea

Poster presented in 24th Conference of the European Cetacean Society

March 22nd, 2010

Via publiDB

Curso Entomología Sanitaria (Médico – Veterinaria). Actualización de conocimientos

Artrópodos y Bioterrorismo

Oral communication in Curso Entomología Sanitaria (Médico – Veterinaria). Actualización de conocimientos

March 18th, 2010

Via publiDB

El catedrático de Sanidad Animal de la UCM, José Manuel Sánchez Vizcaino, prevé la erradicación de la EEB y de los serotipos 1 y 8 de lengua azul antes de 2012

Interview in EFEAGRO Sanidad Animal of EFEAGRO, S.A.

El catedrático de Sanidad Animal de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, José Manuel Sánchez Vizcaíno, prevé la desaparición de la Encefalopatía Espongiforme Bovina (EEB) en España a finales de 2011 o el primer semestre de 2012, así como la erradicación de los serotipos 1 y 8 de la lengua azul en 2010… Read more

March 16th, 2010

Via publiDB

BMC Microbiology

Analysis of the genome content of Lactococcus garvieae by genomic interspecies microarray hybridization

Investigation article published in BMC Microbiology

Lactococcus garvieae is a bacterial pathogen that affects different animal species in addition to humans. Despite the widespread distribution and emerging clinical significance of L. garvieae in both veterinary and human medicine, there is almost a complete lack of knowledge about the genetic content of this microorganism. In the present study, the genomic content of L. garvieae CECT 4531 was analysed using bioinformatics tools and microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) experiments. Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis IL1403 and Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4 were used as refere… Read more

March 15th, 2010

Analysis of the fish fauna in rivers and reservoirs of the Comunidad de Madrid

VISAVET participated in this event

March 15th, 2010

Sergio González Domínguez

Prof. José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Doctor Honoris Causa

Prof. José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Doctor Honoris Causa

The ceremony will take place in the Lecture Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business Campus Espinardo, University of Murcia on 22 April

The University of Murcia will invest JM Sanchez-Vizcaino, VISAVET member and Professor of Animal Health at the Complutense University of Madrid, as Doctor Honoris Causa next month in recognition of his of his scientific contributions to african swine fever, african horse sickness and and classical swine fever control, though development of new diagnostic methods and rapid and sensitive reagents, new epidemiological strategies and new generation vaccines… Read more

March 10th, 2010

Carlos Ancochea Nodal

Course of Analysis of the fish fauna in rivers and reservoirs of the Comunidad de Madrid

Course of Analysis of the fish fauna in rivers and reservoirs of the Comunidad de Madrid

Canal de Isabel II promote this course the days 15th and 22nd of March, organiced by VISAVET Centre

During this course will address the problem of fish kills in the aquatic environment, giving the possible causes and emphasis on the methodology and protocols of action for an episode of this type. It will be emphasized the limiting factors for aquatic life and to characterize the fish communities of the Community of Madrid

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March 4th, 2010

Vía dibaq.com

Dibaq lanza al mercado la nueva línea Evolution Digestive

Dibaq lanza al mercado la nueva línea Evolution Digestive

El programa de Alimentación Evolution se desarrolla en el marco del proyecto CENIT ACUISOST en el que VISAVET participa

Acompañados por todo el equipo de Dibaq Italia, José Luis Tejedor del Real, Director de I+D+i del Grupo Dibaq, y Antonio Rodríguez Bertos Jefe del Servicio de Anatomía Patológica del Centro VISAVET, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, tuvieron ocasión de presentar al sector piscícola italiano el fruto de lo que vienen siendo meses de intenso trabajo…

March 1st, 2010

Via publiDB

Emerging Infectious Diseases

Bluetongue virus serotypes 1 and 4 in red deer, Spain

Emerging Infectious Diseases publish this investigation article

We studied the potential of red deer as bluetongue maintenance hosts and sentinels. Deer maintained detectable bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 4 RNA for 1 year after the virus was cleared from livestock. However, the virus was not transmitted to yearlings. BTV serotype 1 RNA was detected in red deer immediately after its first detection in cattle… Read more

March 1st, 2010

Via publiDB

Caza Mayor

Cómo Controlar la tuberculosis en reservorios silvestres

Caza Mayor publish this article

La tuberculosis bovina (TBb) es una enfermedad infecciosa del ganado bovino que puede afectar a muchos otros mamíferos, incluyendo al hombre, así como muy ocasionalmente a aves. Es causada por la bacteria Mycobacterium bovis, un patógeno intracelular bastante resistente en el medio. Como zoonosis (enfermedad transmisible entre los animales y el hombre), la TBb es objeto de control en los países desarrollados. En Europa, el progresivo control de la cabaña vacuna mediante rigurosas campañas de testaje y eliminación de los bovinos infectados, ha permitido erradicar la TBb de muchos países. En … Read more

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