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October, 2011 news

October 24th, 2011

Via publiDB

Análisis de riesgo en enfermedades avícolas

Oral communication in XLIV Symposium Científico de Avicultura

October 21st, 2011

Via publiDB


Characterization of protection afforded by a bivalent virus-like particle vaccine against Bluetongue Virus serotypes 1 and 4 in sheep

PLoS ONE publish this investigation article

BACKGROUND: Bluetongue virus (BTV) is an economically important, arthropod borne, emerging pathogen in Europe, causing disease mainly in sheep and cattle. Routine vaccination for bluetongue would require the ability to distinguish between vaccinated and infected individuals (DIVA). Current vaccines are effective but are not DIVA. Virus-like particles (VLPs) are highly immunogenic structural mimics of virus particles, that only contain a subset of the proteins present in a natural infection. VLPs therefore offer the potential for the development of DIVA compatible bluetongue vaccines. METHODOL… Read more

October 21st, 2011

Via publiDB

Patologías oculares de etiología bacteriana en el Ganado de Lidia

Poster presented in X Symposium del Toro de lidia

October 20th, 2011

Rosae Martín Peña

Beatriz Martinez Romero receives the Ovejero Laboratories Award, for the best doctoral thesis in microbiology and immunology

Beatriz Martinez Romero receives the Ovejero Laboratories Award, for the best doctoral thesis in microbiology and immunology

The researcher of VISAVET Centre of UCM, Beatriz Martinez Romero received yesterday the award from the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain to the best doctoral thesis in the microbiology and inmmunology area. The event was at the head office of the RADE at 18.30.… Read more

October 19th, 2011

Rosae Martín Peña

The Committee on World Food Security bet for small producers

The CFS of the Organization United Nations meets these days in the FAO headquarters in Rome from 17 to 22 October, to discuss what policies can help increase food security, and how they can reduce the problems that threaten small producers

Key issues arising from the CFS. The CFS arises what mechanisms can improve the prospects for further investment in agriculture, together with an improvement of the differences between investment and needs. The publication Agricultural Outlook 2011-2020 OECD-FAO forecasts growth of agricultural production of only 1.7% in this decade, from 2.6% the past decade.
Thus, under this global picture of the keynote speech about CFS tends to fix Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment FAO, IFAD, UNCTAD and the World Bank. Therefore, the document submitted by the Committee on World Food Security precise conditions that must prevail for corporate investment is sensitive to small farmers so that they and investors can benefit from this factor. At the same time require investments and public policies.

New challenges of CFS. In addition focusing on the pressing problems today, the CFS will pose new challenges that increase the food security and nutrition.
Among the challenges proposed by this committee include:… Read more

October 19th, 2011

Via publiDB

Curso de Salud Ambiental-1ª Edición

Vigilancia de microorganismos zoonósicos en el sector primario y en los alimentos

Oral communication in Curso de Salud Ambiental-1ª Edición

October 18th, 2011

Rosae Martín Peña

Iranian poultry specialists visited VISAVET centre

Veterinarians and poultry technicians from Iran have included in their visit to Spain, the facilities of the Health Surveillance Centre of the Complutense University, to learn more about the technology and the tools with the researchers are working on this area

The event, organized by Sonia Tellez, the responsible for teaching at VISAVET, along with Laura Cuesta de los Rios and Rodrigo Nieto, both are working in LIPTOSA Company for the Export Department of Asia and the Middle East. The activity lasted about two hours, and it had a introductory speech about research and teaching carried out in the center, complete with a visit to the facilities.

The possibility that these relationships between countries as far apart are due to the International Livestock fairs. Thus, the company ARIAN-Pharma is a client of LIPTOSA that supply with additives in animal nutrition, among other products to companies and centers in Iran.… Read more

October 17th, 2011

Via publiDB


Compendio de guiones para clases teóricas en la asignatura Inmunología en Veterinaria V: Inmunidad protectora

New online article published in Reduca

Como término a este compendio de guiones, el presente artículo se centra en los conceptos de inmunidad protectora, de gran importancia en medicina veterinaria. Nos adentramos en el conocimiento de que las superficies corporales, piel y mucosas son las puertas de entrada para agentes invasores, patógenos o no, y es a este nivel donde se les intenta repeler y/ o destruir. Así mismo, en que la respuesta frente a virus, bacterias, hongos y parásitos es muy específica para cada uno de ellos, ya que presentan estrategias concretas y diferentes a la hora de invadir y diseminarse en el hospedador. Tam… Read more

October 17th, 2011

Via publiDB


Compendio de guiones para clases teóricas en la asignatura Inmunología en Veterinaria IV: regulación y alteraciones del sistema inmunitario

Reduca published this online article

El sistema inmunitario es un sistema de vigilancia y defensa muy sofisticado, pero con el objeto de asegurar reacciones apropiadas en calidad y cantidad se requiere una constante regulación del mismo. Así mismo, debe ser capaz de diferenciar claramente los antígenos propios de los ajenos y tras el reconocimiento, los componentes propios deben ser tolerados y los ajenos eliminados. En ocasiones se producen alteraciones y fallos en la naturaleza, intensidad y duración de la defensa inmunitaria, generando diversos tipos de patologías. Respuestas exageradas dan lugar a la aparición de hipersensibi… Read more

October 12nd, 2011

Via publiDB


Compendio de guiones para clases teóricas en la asignatura Inmunología en Veterinaria III: técnicas inmunológicas

New online article published in Reduca

En este artículo III, que incluye cinco temas, se introducen las diferentes técnicas inmunológicas que se pueden emplear para valorar la respuesta inmunitaria,tanto humoral como celular. Los cuatro primeros temas incluyen la valoración de la respuesta inmunitaria humoral, comenzando con los términos generales de sensibilidad y especificidad y progresando hacia las técnicas primarias y las secundarias. El quinto tema trata de la valoración de la respuesta inmune de base celular… Read more

October 12nd, 2011

Via publiDB


Compendio de guiones para clases teóricas en la asignatura Inmunología en Veterinaria II: bases de la respuesta inmunitaria

Reduca published this online article

En este artículo II se pretende dar a conocer las bases y mecanismos de la respuesta inmunitaria de carácter adaptativo, la cual presenta una dualidad de acción: respuesta de base humoral y respuesta de base celular. Estos dos tipos de respuestas inmunitarias adaptativas son decisivos para la eliminación de antígenos exógenos y endógenos, así como para el control de infecciones producidas por microorganismos extra e intracelulares. Así mismo se describe el sistema del complemento como componente principal de los sistemas inmunitarios innato y adaptativo, y la actuación de las citoquinas como … Read more

October 12nd, 2011

Via publiDB


Compendio de guiones para clases teóricas en la asignatura Inmunología en Veterinaria I: Conceptos básicos del sistema inmunitario

New online article published in Reduca

La Inmunología es una ciencia básica y fundamental tanto en la medicina humana como veterinaria. El objetivo general de la asignatura es el de introducir al alumno en los principios básicos de la respuesta inmunitaria animal, y su importancia y aplicaciones en la profesión veterinaria. Para ello, el programa teórico está dividido en cinco bloques conceptuales: 1. El primer bloque está dedicado a los conceptos básicos del sistema inmunitario. 2. El segundo se centra en la descripción de las bases y mecanismos de la respuesta inmunitaria, y la valoración de las respuestas de base humoral y celul… Read more

October 11st, 2011

Rosae Martín Peña

The Chinese Deputy-Minister of Education meets VISAVET

The Chinese Deputy-Minister of Education meets VISAVET

On 11th October, after attending the inauguration event of the "Confucius Institute" in Leon performed by the President of Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the Chinese Deputy-Minister of Education, Du Zhangyuan, and other Chinese personalities, visited VISAVET, the Health Surveillance Centre of the Complutense University of Madrid

Among the activities scheduled to sign the closing of "The Year of the Chinese Language" in Spain, the Chinese Deputy-Minister of Education, Du Zhangyuan visited the facilities of VISAVET, the Health Surveillance Centre, accompanied by the Chancellor of Xian Tang, Xiao Guan, the First Secretary of Education, Wang Zhiwei, and other Chinese officials. Also present at the event were the Vice-Chancellors of Complutense University for Institutional and International Relationships, Juan Ferrera Cuesta, and for Organization and Communication, Javier del Río Esteban.… Read more

October 11st, 2011

Via publiDB

María Teresa García-Seco Romero

Assesment of laboratory tools for diagnosis and epidemiological study of swine brucellosis in infected farms

Degree thesis defended by María Teresa García-Seco Romero at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid

October 7th, 2011

Via publiDB

José Antonio Escudero García-Calderón

Fluoroquinolone resistance in Streptococcus suis

José Antonio Escudero García-Calderón defended the PhD Thesis at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid

Streptococcus suis is a worldwide-distributed zoonotic agent affecting pig and man. In industrialized countries it is mainly regarded as an important economic burden to the pig industry that only sporadically causes infections in humans. Nevertheless, in several developing countries in South East Asia, S. suis is one of the main causes of meningitis in humans. Also, S. suis has been reported as the causative agent of large, high-mortality outbreaks among the Chinese population, during the summers of 1998, 1999 and 2005. Mortality was high as a result of the onset of a Toxic Shock Syndrome. Alt… Read more

October 7th, 2011

Via publiDB

Efectos del incremento de la intensidad de caza y de un vacío sanitario sobre la evolución de la tuberculosis del jabalí en los puertos de Tortosa y Beceite

Conference in 29º Encuentro del Grupo de Estudio de Ecopatología de la Fauna Silvestre de Montaña (GEEFSM)

October 7th, 2011

Via publiDB

Salmonella Typhimurium monofásica. Un nuevo reto

Oral communication in XLVIII Simposio Científico de Avicultura

October 6th, 2011

Via publiDB

Técnicas de detección de agentes patógenos emergentes de plantas y animales y su aplicación preventiva

Enfermedades de importancia en especies animales de renta

Conference in Técnicas de detección de agentes patógenos emergentes de plantas y animales y su aplicación preventiva

October 5th, 2011

Servicio de Informática y Comunicación

Lucas Domínguez takes charge as the number academic of RADE

Lucas Domínguez takes charge as the number academic of RADE

His inaugural speech at the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain dealt about mycobacteria as example of pathogen for the interface human / animal

Dr. Lucas Domínguez Rodríguez, director of the VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre of Complutense University takes charge of the chair number 70 attached to the section number 10 (Veterinary Science) of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain today. His inaugural address dealt about mycobacteria as example of pathogen for the interface human / animal, and it was answered by Dr. Guillermo Suárez Fernández… Read more

October 4th, 2011

Via publiDB

El papel de la fauna salvaje en la transmisión de la tuberculosis

Oral communication in Jornada sobre "Inspección de carne de caza y de matanzas domiciliarias de cerdos"

October 1st, 2011

Via publiDB

Journal of Wildlife Diseases

Citrobacter freundii Septicemia in a Stranded Newborn Cuvier`s Beaked Whale (Ziphius cavirostris)

Investigation article published in Journal of Wildlife Diseases

Citrobacter freundii, a gram-negative enterobacterium, may cause fatal septicemia in humans and animals. Its potential pathogenic role in cetaceans (bottlenose dolphins and beluga whales) has been hypothesized. Here we describe fatal C. freundii septicemia in a stranded newborn Cuvier`s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris)… Read more

October 1st, 2011

Via publiDB

The Veterinary Record

Associations between biovar and virulence factor genes in Pasteurella multocida isolates from pigs in Spain

Investigation article published in The Veterinary Record

Two hundred and five isolates of Pasteurella multocida from pigs were phenotypically and genetically characterised by determining their biovar, capsular type, virulence-associated genes and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles. All isolates were identified as P multocida subspecies multocida and most were assigned to biovar 3 (58 per cent) and biovar 2 (39.5 per cent). Biovar 1 represented 2.4 per cent of the isolates. According to the capsular type, the great majority of the isolates (79.0 per cent) belonged to capsular type A, 18.5 per cent belonged to capsular type D and 2.4 per… Read more

October 1st, 2011

Via publiDB

The Veterinary Journal

Factors influencing the performance of an interferon-y assay for diagnosis of tuberculosis in goats

Investigation article published in The Veterinary Journal

The interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) assay is an effective tool for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in goats. The objectives of this study were to evaluate factors that might affect assay performance: (1) 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.5% phenol in purified protein derivative (PPD, tuberculin); (2) dialysis of PPD; and (3) delaying antigenic stimulation of blood samples for 8, 16 and 24 h after collection. The assay was performed in duplicate with two cut-off points. Dialysis of PPD reduced test sensitivity, whereas the concentration of phenol did not significantly affect test outcome. Delaying antigenic stimulat… Read more

October 1st, 2011

Via publiDB

Master Online en Estudios sobre Bioterrorismo

Biological and Nuclear Terrorism

Oral communication in Master Online en Estudios sobre Bioterrorismo

The biological and nuclear terrorism issue in the Online Master Terrorism Studies discusses the main factors in the origin of the biological crisis, the bioterrorism and nuclear threats and the bioterrorism crisis management… Read more

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