November, 2011 news
November 30th, 2011
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VISAVET-UCM Centre: BSL-3 facilities
Conference in II Jornadas de Transferencia de Tecnología en Seguridad y Defensa. Foro sobre Seguridad y Defensa 2011
The VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre is a centre for research support and teaching at Complutense University of Madrid. The field work of VISAVET includes the following areas: Animal Health, Public Health, Food Safety, Environment.
We are offering:
1. Reference Laboratory of Biological Alert Laboratories Network of Spain (RE-LAB).
2. Biosafety level 3 Area: includes BSL-3 laboratories and BSL-3 animal facilities.
3. Research in bioterrorism agents / diseases
4. Availability and easy access in Madrid
What we are looking for:
The general aims of the Center are Research and Trai…
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November 30th, 2011
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Curso de Formación sobre Epidemiología Molecular
Communications in this event:
- Casos prácticos: estudio de los brotes de enfermedades emergentes mediante epidemiología molecular
- El papel de la epidemiología molecular en el control de enfermedades endémicas; Tuberculosis
- PCR y sus aplicaciones en sanidad animal
- Introducción a la epidemiología molecular: fundamentos y aplicaciones
November 24th, 2011
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XVI Simposio de AVEDILA
Communications in this event:
- Validación de dos métodos bioquímicos para la identificación de corymebacterium pseudotuberculosis
November 23rd, 2011
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Terrorismo ambiental del siglo XXI
Conference in III Jornada sobre Bioterrorismo. Terrorismo Ambiental. Seguridad y Defensa
November 22nd, 2011
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Evaluación de pruebas diagnósticas de tuberculosis bovina mediante análisis bayesiano
Oral communication in 1er Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Epidemiología Veterinaria y Medicina Preventiva: enfoques prácticos para la prevención, el control y la erradicación de enfermedades
Los programas de lucha frente a la tuberculosis bovina (TB), zoonosis de importancia mundial, se basan en la detección y eliminación de los animales infectados mediante la aplicación de pruebas diagnósticas (intradermotuberculinización, IDTB, y detección de interferón-gamma, IFNγ). La sensibilidad (S) y especificidad (E) de estas pruebas se ha evaluado tradicionalmente mediante la aplicación de una técnica de referencia imperfecta (cultivo y/o observación de lesiones), lo que puede sesgar las estimaciones obtenidas. En este estudio la S y E de ambas pruebas se estimó mediante un análisis …
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November 19th, 2011
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Red de Vigilancia Veterinaria de Resistencias a Antimicrobianos (VAV)
Conference in Jornada sobre Antimicrobianos en Veterinaria (Día Europeo para el Uso Prudente de Antibióticos)
November 18th, 2011
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Biosafety studies in areas of defense
Oral communication in Empleo de especies de la Superfamilia Apoidea en estudios de Biodiversidad, Desarrollo Sostenible y Bioseguridad Ambiental del Territorio. Workshop Internacional
November 17th, 2011
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El Campus Moncloa en la XI Semana de la Ciencia
New post in Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación
223 personas, mayoritariamente alumnos de 3º de la ESO a 1º de bachillerato, procedentes de 3 institutos de la Comunidad de Madrid, asistieron a la actividad del Clúster de Agroalimentación y Salud del CEI Campus Moncloa titulada “Visita guiada a varios Centros de Investigación situados en el Corredor Agroalimentario de Moncloa”, el la XI Semana de la Ciencia.…
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November 17th, 2011
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Global West Nile situation
Oral communication in International Conference The One Health Challenge-New and Re-emerging zoonoses
November 16th, 2011
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Nuevas amenazas bioterroristas
Conference in V Jornadas de Seguridad, Defensa y Cooperación
November 15th, 2011
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European Union Reference Laboratory for Bovine Tuberculosis Workshop. Edición III
Communications in this event:
- Work-programme 2012 - other activities of the EU-RL
- Manual review of the protocols available in the NRLs-questionnaires
- Results and organization of comparative test
- Additional studies related to the skin and gamma-interferon tests
- Factors affecting the intradermal skin test
- Potency test of tuberculins. Material and Methods
- The EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
- Potency test of tuberculins. Results and discussion
November 14th, 2011
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An inter-laboratory validation of a Real Time PCR assay to measure host excretion of bacterial pathogens, particularly of Mycobacterium bovis
Investigation article published in PLoS ONE
Advances in the diagnosis of Mycobacterium bovis infection in wildlife hosts may benefit the development of sustainable approaches to the management of bovine tuberculosis in cattle. In the present study, three laboratories from two different countries participated in a validation trial to evaluate the reliability and reproducibility of a real time PCR assay in the detection and quantification of M. bovis from environmental samples. The sample panels consisted of negative badger faeces spiked with a dilution series of M. bovis BCG Pasteur and of field samples of faeces from badgers of unknown …
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November 12nd, 2011
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Diagnóstico de las micobacteriosis
Oral communication in Actualización del Toro de Lidia
November 10th, 2011
Rosae Martín Peña
Three doctoral dissertation developed at the Health Surveillance Centre win the Extraordinary Doctorate Award 2011 of Complutense University
The center adds 3 of 4 awards at the doctoral program in veterinary science academic year 2009/2010The center adds 3 of 4 awards at the doctoral program in veterinary science academic year 2009/2010
November 7th, 2011
Ven a conocer el Corredor Agroalimentario de Moncloa. Semana de la Ciencia de Madrid 2011
VISAVET participated in this event
November 5th, 2011
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Paratuberculosis (Johne`s Disease): Clinical Signs, Diagnosis, Lesions, Prophylaxis/Treatment/Control and Zoonotic Potential
The book Livestock: Rearing, Farming Practices and Diseases edited by Nova Science Pub Inc includes this chapter
November 5th, 2011
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Salmonella and Salmonellosis in Animals and Humans: Epidemiology, Pathogenicity, Clinical Presentation and Treatment
Chapter included in Livestock: Rearing, Farming Practices and Diseases edited by Nova Science Pub Inc
November 4th, 2011
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Aplicación en España de las conclusiones del Consejo de la UE sobre la Salud de las Abejas. Proyectos de investigación aplicada en apicultura
Conference in XVII Jornadas Estatales del Sector Apícola
November 4th, 2011
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Zoonosis y enfermedades emergentes
Conference in Jornada sobre Enfermedades Infecciosas Emergentes
November 2nd, 2011
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Estudio de parásitos de interés sanitario procedentes de heces caninas y felinas en arenas de parques de juego infantiles de la Comunidad de Madrid
This book has been published by Editorial Complutense / Centro VISAVET
Los animales de compañía, especialmente perros y gatos, juegan un
importante papel en la sociedad. Su contribución a mejorar el bienestar físico, psíquico, social y emocional, tanto de los niños como de los adultos(en particular de los ancianos) ha sido ampliamente defendida y difundida en numerosas publicaciones. Pero, como contrapartida, no hay que olvidar que convivir con un perro o un gato puede suponer, en algunos casos, un riesgo para la salud de propietarios y también para el resto de la población. La transmisión de ciertas enfermedades a las personas se debe, en primera instancia, a l…
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November 1st, 2011
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Drying eggs to inhibit bacteria: Incubation during laying in a cavity nesting passerine
Investigation published in Behavioural Processes
Early incubation has been suggested as a defensive adaptation against potentially pathogenic bacteria colonizing avian eggshells in the wild. The inhibitory mechanisms underlying this adaptation are poorly understood and only recent experimental evidence demonstrates that keeping eggs dry is a proximate mechanism for the antimicrobial effects of avian incubation. We estimated partial incubation (the bouts of incubation that some birds perform during the egg-laying period, days of lay 3-5 in our population) intensity of female pied flycatchers breeding in nest-boxes using data loggers that allo…
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November 1st, 2011
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ArmA methyltransferase in monophasic Salmonella enterica isolated from food
Investigation published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
The 16S rRNA methyltransferase ArmA is a worldwide emerging determinant that confers high-level resistance to most clinically relevant aminoglycosides. We report the identification and characterization of a multidrug resistant Salmonella enterica subspecies I. 4,12:i:- isolate recovered from chicken meat sampled in a supermarket on February 2009 in La Reunion, a French island in the Indian Ocean. Susceptibility testing showed an unusually high-level resistance to gentamicin as well as to ampicillin, third generation cephalosporins and amoxicillin/clavulanate. Molecular analysis of the 16S rRNA…
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November 1st, 2011
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Infection of Eurasian badgers (Meles meles) with Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium avium complex in Spain
Investigation article published in The Veterinary Journal
The prevalence, distribution and pathology related to infection with Mycobacterium bovis and other mycobacteria were determined in trapped (n=36) and road-killed (n=121) badgers in Spain from 2006 to 2010. The prevalence of M. bovis based on bacteriological culture from road-killed badgers was 8/121 (6.6%) and from trapped badgers was 0/36 (0%). Tuberculosis/M. bovis infection was evident in 15/121 (12.4%) road-killed badgers when bacteriology and histopathology were combined. Mycobacterium avium complex was isolated by culture from the tracheal aspirate of 1/36 (2.8%) trapped badgers and from…
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November 1st, 2011
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Weissella ceti sp. nov., isolated from beaked whales (Mesoplodon bidens)
Investigation article published in International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
During an investigation into the microbiota of beaked whales, nine isolates were obtained from different organs of four animals. Isolates were Gram-positive, catalase-negative short rod-shaped or coccoid organisms. A phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences of these isolates allocated them to the genus Weissella, showing 96.3% and 96.0% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with Weissella viridescens and Weissella minor, respectively. On the basis of phenotypic, physiological and phylogenetic evidences, it is proposed that the unknown isolates from whales are classified as a new spec…
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