March, 2011 news
March 23rd, 2011
Via publiDB
Spatio-temporal model of avian influenza spread risk
Poster communication in 1st Conference on Spatial Statistics 2011
HPAI virus has caused significant economic losses in the poultry industry. Backyard and outdoor poultry farms (BOPF) can play an important role in the spread of the disease. A spatio-temporal model has been developed to identify areas and periods at higher risk of HPAI spread in BOPF and applied on a Spanish region. Six risk factors were considered: Census, density, biosecurity, species susceptibility, proximity to risk wetlands and virus survival. A risk map was generated adding each risk factor as a spatial layer and a spatial-temporal analysis was conducted using
scan statistics. Six clus…
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March 23rd, 2011
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Proxy driven approach to assess risk of African Swine Fever introduction into EU countries via illegal imports
Poster presented in Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine 2011 Annual Conference
March 22nd, 2011
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Gallinas en garaje ajeno
New post published in SEVEMUR Blog
Los despertadores de hoy en día, de hecho, muchos de ellos, tienen entre sus posibilidades musicales la del “quiquiriquí” habilitada, y no es para menos, porque en muchas poblaciones, sobre todo rurales, los gallos siguen siendo el despertador de cada mañana. En estos casos, parece que todo utensilio tecnológico queda obsoleto ante la musicalidad de los gallos mañaneros…
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March 15th, 2011
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Highly gifted people look for the "Resident evil"
New post in Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación
Students of the Enrichment Education Program visited the Biosafety level 3 laboratories of the VISAVET Centre at the Complutense University…
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March 14th, 2011
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250 years of Public Health at the Madrid city
New post published in Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación
The museum of Madrid city has had today the opportunity to commemorate this date in a Meeting organized by Madrid Health…
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March 12nd, 2011
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39th Symposium of the European Association for Aquatic Mammals
Communications in this event:
- Development of a novel one step RT-fast real time PCR based on Sybr Green for CeMV detection
- First case of Erysipelas in wild cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea
March 11st, 2011
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Una avutarda correteando por el barrio Salamanca
New post published in SEVEMUR Blog
Se pasean sin ningún tipo de miramiento, no es que sean presumidas, es que les va la vida en ello. Esta vez, no se trataba de un desfile nupcial a modo de cortejo para encontrar una potencial pareja, sino que sin saber muy bien el momento exacto en que llegó, ni la razón de su visita a la gran ciudad, una avutarda se postró en un jardín de una comunidad de vecinos, en el distrito de Salamanca. La expectación era máxima y para más colofón, era sábado.…
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March 8th, 2011
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Un erizo en mi jardín
New post in SEVEMUR Blog
Con la producción en serie, la capacidad de reproducir toda clase de artefactos minuciosamente se ha hecho posible y ha llegado a su culmen en este, nuestro siglo. Da igual lo que pidamos a las grandes empresas o a los pequeños comercios, sólo con una petición tendremos cuanto queramos en menos de lo que canta un gallo. Un ejemplo paradigmático de este hecho en la actualidad, son los establecimientos chinos, capaces de otorgar su mano de obra las 24 horas, los 365 días del año…
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March 3rd, 2011
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Agri-Food and Health
New post in Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación
Madrid is presented in a major European axis in R + D + i in full production sustainable agriculture, quality and food safety and animal welfare. The presentation of the Agri-Food and Health Cluster was held on 24 February during the First Scientific Conference of the Campus International Excellence, Moncloa
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March 1st, 2011
Via publiDB

Mycobacterium caprae Infection in Livestock and Wildlife, Spain
Investigation article published in Emerging Infectious Diseases
Mycobacterium caprae is a pathogen that can infect animals and humans. To better understand the epidemiology of M. caprae, we spoligotyped 791 animal isolates. Results suggest infection is widespread in Spain, affecting 6 domestic and wild animal species. The epidemiology is driven by infections in caprids, although the organism has emerged in cattle…
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