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September, 2011 news

September 29th, 2011

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Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación

Brote de listeriosis en EEUU por el consumo de melones

New post in Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación

Un brote causado por Listeria monocytogenes crea alarma en EEUU. Según datos proporcionados por el CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), hasta el momento y desde el inicio del brote (aproximadamente el 15 de agosto), el brote ha afectado a dieciocho estados y se han declarado 72 personas enfermas y 13 muertos, pudiendo aparecer más casos en las próximas semanas. El presunto causante del brote es el consumo de melones de la variedad cantalupo procedentes de una explotación en Granada, Colorado.… Read more

September 29th, 2011

Via publiDB

Cuidados con las Mascotas

Interview in Salud Revista.es of Vocento

Los animales de compañia no son un capricho temporal y requieren de mucha atención si queremos obtener de ellos todos los beneficios saludables que nos pueden aportar y ninguno de los riesgos que pueden conllevar. Conocerlos bien siempre es el mejor remedio… Read more

Related news in other media:

- Pets to take care - Diario vasco

September 26th, 2011

Vía Vivahuelva.es

Rule out the relationship between the consumption of ham and toxoplasmosis

A proper treatment, salting and temperatures make it unviable the presence of this parasite in Spanish hams

There is no scientific evidence linking the consumption of cured ham, Iberian and white with the transmission of Toxoplasma, according to interim results of a study being done by researchers at the Andalusian Technological Meat Sector (TEIC) Cortegana…

- The ham consumption an the toxoplasmosis does`t have any relation - Laopiniondegranada.es

- The ham consumption doesn`t transmit the toxoplasmosis - Odiel Información de Huelva

September 26th, 2011

Vía La verdad.es

UCLM investigate the spread of viruses and bacteria to prevent epidemics

El programa marco ANTIGOTE es impulsor de una propuesta de investigación sobre el origen de las pandemias

Food infections are not a new phenomenon,and however, which produced this summer in Germany the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli) triggered a huge public alarm by their unexpected effects on the health of people and a commercial and economical crisis until now.…

- Castilla-La Mancha University investigate from October the strain which caused the crisis of - Europa Press

- Investigan en C. Real bacterias que pasan de animal a persona, como la E. coli - ABC.es

- La UCLM investigará que cepa provocó la crisis del E.coli - SINC

- The IREC-UCLM of Ciudad Real investigares bacteria that pass from animal to person - Informacion Veterinaria

September 20th, 2011

Rosae Martín Peña

The VISAVET facilities: an architectural model

74 students of 4ºth course of Architecture of the Polytechnic University (UPM), visited the Health Surveillance Centre with the objective of collecting ideas for the topics of their projects, which will consist in designing of a facility for animals

It is the first time that they faced such a big idea, and this will mean a practical way to end the course for them. To accomplish their goal, the needed to get to visit an architectural structure, this will work as source of inspiration. And these were the facilities of the VISAVET Centre of UCM.… Read more

September 20th, 2011

Via publiDB

Seminario del Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos ETSA-UPM

Instalaciones Veterinarias de Bioseguridad

Conference in Seminario del Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos ETSA-UPM

September 19th, 2011

Servicio de Informática y Comunicación

New approaches in Hygiene, Food Security and Public Health in Europe

New approaches in Hygiene, Food Security and Public Health in Europe

Research Master's Degree in Veterinary Science

Gertrude M. Wassenaar (Technical University of Denmark), researcher collaborator with VISAVET Centre, will give two seminars on 20 and 21 September in the Research Master's Degree in Veterinary Science.… Read more

September 14th, 2011

Via publiDB


Protection against Tuberculosis in Eurasian Wild Boar Vaccinated with Heat-Inactivated Mycobacterium bovis

Investigation published in PLoS ONE

Tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium bovis and closely related members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex continues to affect humans and animals worldwide and its control requires vaccination of wildlife reservoir species such as Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa). Vaccination efforts for TB control in wildlife have been based primarily on oral live BCG formulations. However, this is the first report of the use of oral inactivated vaccines for controlling TB in wildlife. In this study, four groups of 5 wild boar each were vaccinated with inactivated M. bovis by the oral and intramuscu… Read more

September 14th, 2011

Via publiDB

Múltiples aplausos por la captura de una serpiente bastarda en Moncloa

New outreach post in SEVEMUR Blog

Madrid es considerada desde hace muchos años por sus habitantes como la ciudad que nunca duerme. Tanto es así, que cualquier excusa es buena para salir a la calle y cotillear lo que en ese momento está aconteciendo. No importa que sea más de media noche, o que el termómetro no alcance los 0 grados.… Read more

September 13rd, 2011

Via publiDB

Mar Melero Asensio

Estudio epidemiológico espacial y molecular de herpesvirus en los cetáceos varados en la Comunidad Valenciana en 2010 y 2011. Potencial mejora de su diagnóstico

Presentation by Mar Melero Asensio to obtain the Master of Research. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Complutense University of Madrid

September 12nd, 2011

Via publiDB

El gato errante

New outreach post in SEVEMUR Blog

El origen de los bosques de noruega se desconoce, tal vez por ello tengan algo de errantes. Son relativamente antiguos aunque se han vuelto populares en Europa relativamente hace poco. Ya en la mitología nórdica se hacía referencia a ellos. La leyenda cuenta como el dios Thor, el más fuerte de todos los dioses no fue capaz de levantar el carruaje de la diosa Freya tirado por gatos de esta raza. Otros cuentos populares aseguran que los vikingos viajaban con gatos endémicos de su zona, para controlar plagas de roedores en sus barcos.… Read more

September 8th, 2011

Via publiDB

Critical points in a risk assessment of introduction and spread of pathogenic agents for honeybees in Spain

Poster communication in 3rd European Conference of Apidology (EurBee3)

September 6th, 2011

Via publiDB

Segundo simposium de investigadores de tuberculosis, paratuberculosis y otras micobacteriosis de importancia en salud animal

Micobacteriosis porcina

Conference in Segundo simposium de investigadores de tuberculosis, paratuberculosis y otras micobacteriosis de importancia en salud animal

September 2nd, 2011

Impacto de la inmunología en la salud porcina

VISAVET participated in this event

September 1st, 2011

Via publiDB

Journal of Medical Microbiology

Plasmid-borne 16S rRNA methylase ArmA in aminoglycoside-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in Poland

Journal of Medical Microbiology publish this investigation article

We characterized 17 clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae producing 16S rRNA methylase ArmA. The isolates originated in Poland from 2002 to May 2010 and encompassed four XbaI-PFGE clusters. All the isolates were resistant to amikacin, gentamicin and kanamycin (MIC range: 256-1024 mg l(-1)) and carried the armA gene on a large plasmid of approximately 90 or 130 kb in 15 and 2 isolates, respectively. The armA gene was found in a ~10 kb ClaI restriction fragment of the large plasmid and was flanked by the same elements as in Tn1548. All the isolates carried the bla(CTX-M) gene for a CTX-M-ty… Read more

September 1st, 2011

Via publiDB

Journal of Clinical Microbiology

Limitations of Spoligotyping and Variable Number Tandem Repeat Typing for Molecular Tracing of Mycobacterium bovis in a High Diversity Setting

Investigation published in Journal of Clinical Microbiology

This study describes the attempt to trace the first Mycobacterium bovis outbreak in alpacas (Lama pacos) in Spain by spoligotyping and VNTR analysis. Due to high genotype diversity no matching source was identified, but local expansion of a clonal group was found and its significance for molecular tracing is discussed… Read more

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