May, 2012 news
May 31st, 2012
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Futuro de la sanidad caprina: ¿hacia dónde vamos en la forma de financiar y organizar la sanidad?
Conference in III Foro Nacional del Caprino
May 28th, 2012
Emerging diseases, export and oestrosis focus the First Pfizer Sheep Farming Meeting
Emerging diseases, export and oestrosis occupied the most of the Meetings
Pfizer Animal Health held on 8 and 9 May in Cáceres and Badajoz, respectively, the First Meeting of Sheep Farming, in which explained the most topical issues for the sector, since the market situation to the major diseases that can affect cattle today…
May 24th, 2012
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El brote de los brotes: un mal ejemplo de cobertura mediática y de crisis alimentaria
New outreach post in Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación
Un año después, el brote alemán de Escherichia coli sigue siendo un ejemplo de lo que no se debe hacer en una crisis alimentaria. Entre otras cosas, se le puso a toda prisa un nombre inadecuado y dañino: la “crisis del pepino español”. No obstante, también tiene sus consecuencias positivas: un nuevo proyecto financiado por la UE para hacer frente a amenazas epidémicas, y un nuevo enfoque de la seguridad alimentaria global…
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May 23rd, 2012
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Enfermedades emergentes en el ganado ovino: lengua azul y enfermedad de Schmallenberg
Oral communication in XIV Foro Nacional Ovino
May 9th, 2012
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Enfermedades emergentes en el ganado ovino: Lengua Azul y Enfermedad de Schmallenberg
Conference in 1as Jornadas Ganaderas Pfizer de ovino en Badajoz
May 8th, 2012
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Utilización de leones marinos para facilitar diferentes actividades desarrolladas por la Armada Española
New article published in Documentos de opinión del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos
La utilización de leones marinos permitiría mejorar la seguridad nacional, así como aumentar las capacidades operativas de la Armada Española, disminuyendo costes económicos y riesgos, en las misiones en las que participa…
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May 8th, 2012
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Enfermedades emergentes en el ganado ovino: Lengua Azul y Enfermedad de Schmallenberg
Oral communication in 1as Jornadas Ganaderas Pfizer de ovino en Cáceres
May 1st, 2012
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Fitness cost and interference of Arm/Rmt aminoglycoside resistance methyltransferases with the RsmF housekeeping methyltransferase
Investigation article published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Arm/Rmt methyltransferases have emerged recently in pathogenic bacteria as enzymes that confer high-level resistance to 4,6 disubstituted aminoglycosides through methylation of the G1405 residue in the 16S rRNA. In prokaryotes, nucleotide methylations are the most common type of rRNA modification, and are introduced post- transcriptionally by a variety of site-specific housekeeping enzymes to optimize ribosomal function. Here we show that while the aminoglycoside resistance methyltransferase RmtC methylates G1405, it impedes methylation of the housekeeping methyltranferase RsmF at position C14…
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May 1st, 2012
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CpG-enriched plasmid enhances the efficacy of the traditional foot-and-mouth disease killed vaccine
Microbiology and Immunology publish this investigation article
A CpG-enriched recombinant plasmid (pUC18-CpG) as an adjuvant of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) killed vaccine was tested for immunization and vaccination challenge in a porcine model. Our preliminary results had indicated that the recombinant plasmid could enhance the humoral immune response triggered by the traditional oil-adjuvant vaccine after the initial inoculation. A subsequent vaccination-challenge test showed an increased PD(50) (50% protective dose) value. Thus, coadministration of the recombinant plasmid with the oil-adjuvant vaccine helped illicit an immune response earlier than that…
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May 1st, 2012
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Unexpected high responses to tuberculin skin-test in farmed red deer: implications for tuberculosis control
Preventive Veterinary Medicine publish this investigation article
Tuberculosis (TB) in deer is a serious zoonotic disease of worldwide distribution. Detection of infected animals is usually performed using single or comparative skin testing (SST/CST), although false responses due to sensitization to other mycobacteria may occur, hampering diagnostic specificity. We describe the evolution of the responses to the SST, CST and to an in-house serological assay in a red deer farm subjected to regular TB testing in southern Spain in an attempt to understand the dynamics of possible non-specific reactions occurring under field conditions. We performed 2288 skin-tes…
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May 1st, 2012
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La enfermedad de Schmallenberg
Tierras de Castilla y León: Ganadería publish this article
May 1st, 2012
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Vacunas altamente inmunógenas: el método más eficaz de lucha frente a Salmonella
New article published in Selecciones Avícolas
En avicultura, la presencia de Salmonella en las granjas ha pasado de ser un problema de Sanidad Animal a una cuestión más grave concerniente al ámbito de la Salud Pública. El serovar Enteritidis -así como otras serovariedades de Salmonella spp.- produce un escaso número de bajas en las granjas y la gran mayoría de animales infectados carecen de sintomatología, por lo que aparentemente están sanos. El principal problema es que al localizarse Salmonella en el tracto digestivo de las aves, es fácilmente transmisible a través de las heces a sus producciones - carne y huevos - y, a través de estas…
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