October, 2014 news
October 30th, 2014
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IV Conference on Bioterrorism. Evolution of Vector threat and consequences
Communications in this event:
- Microterrorists: evolution and new technologies in threat vector (Biomimicry)
- Vector Disease Risk in Spain
October 29th, 2014
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CTX-M-15-non-ST131 Escherichia coli isolates are mainly responsible of faecal carriage with ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in travellers, immigrants and those visiting friends and relatives
Investigation article published in Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Prevalence of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) and/or carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (EPE and CPE) in stool samples from 75 travellers, 8 people visiting friends and relatives and 3 immigrants who had travelled or came from tropical or subtropical areas was determined. Thirty-one per cent (27/86) of the subjects were faecal carriers of EPE, and 37 EPE isolates were recovered (36 Escherichia coli, 1 Klebsiella pneumoniae). CTX-M-15 was the most prevalent enzyme (64.8%) mainly associated with E. coli belonging to phylogroup A and sequence type complex 10. Most of the ESBL-p…
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October 29th, 2014
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New strategies for the prevention and control of african swine fever
Lina Mur Gil defended the PhD Thesis at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid
African swine fever (ASF) is one of the most complex and important diseases of swine. As it is a mandatory notifiable disease, its presence implies important socio-economic consequences in affected countries. Nowadays, ASF is endemic in a lot of countries within the African continent, posing a permanent risk of spread to free countries in other continents. This fact was clearly demonstrated by the last two escapes of ASF virus (ASFV) into Europe (1960 and 2007), that still nowadays are causing problems both in Sardinia (affected since 1978) and East Europe (affected in 2007). The lack of contr…
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October 29th, 2014
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Biosecurity and Prevention of Occupational Risks in the Microbiology Laboratories Course. 2014 edition
Communications in this event:
- Verificación de instalaciones de contención biológica y otros supuestos
- Supuestos prácticos de bioseguridad. Experimentación animal con brucelosis ovina
- Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en los Laboratorios de Microbiología (Riesgos Biológicos) I
- Supuestos prácticos de bioseguridad. Micobacteriosis
- Introducción al Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria (VISAVET) y a sus instalaciones
- Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en los Laboratorios de Microbiología (Riesgos Biológicos) III
- Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en los Laboratorios de Microbiología (Riesgos Biológicos) II
- Equipment and laboratory practices
October 28th, 2014
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El papel del laboratorio en el diagnostico de la tuberculosis bovina: el laboratorio Europeo de referencia
Oral communication in Coloquio de Investigación en Tuberculosis Bovina
October 28th, 2014
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Curso de Formación Práctico sobre Zoonosis transmitidas por Animales Salvajes
Communications in this event:
- Campilobacteriosis: Importancia en las especies cinegéticas
- Salmonelosis: importancia en las especies cinegéticas
- Tuberculosis en animales: identificación de lesiones y riesgos asociados
October 27th, 2014
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Máster Universitario en Sanidad y Producción Porcina
Communications in this event:
October 22nd, 2014
Servicio de Informática y Comunicación

Granted the Advanced Technologies in Health Surveillance Program
The VISAVET Center of Complutense University has received one of the eight funding granted by the Community of Madrid in the Agrifood and Biotechnology area.
Today Wednesday, October 22 took place in the Real Casa de Correos in Madrid, the Community of Madrid grant of R&D Activities Technology 2014-2018 Programmes, with the acceptance of Advanced Technologies in Health Surveillance Programme coordinated by VISAVET Centre of Complutense University of Madrid which was submitted to this call for support for the implementation of programs of R&D activities which rewards the best projects between research groups from the Community of Madrid. The Complutense University of Madrid gets in total funding for research coordinators 6 groups of programs in different areas of the call. The event was chaired by the Community of Madrid President, Ignacio Gonzalez Jaime, the Education, Youth and Sports Councillor, Mrs. Lucia Figar, and Education, Youth and Sports Deputy Councilor Mrs. Alicia Delibes.…
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Related news in other media:
- Un programa coordinado por el VISAVET consigue una de las ayudas de I+D en Tecnologías de la Comunidad de Madrid - red.escubre
October 22nd, 2014
Servicio de Informática y Comunicación
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center of the U.S. Army visits VISAVET
Jorge Christian, chief engineer of RDECOM laboratory, visited the Reference Laboratory of Biological Alert Network of Spain (RE-LAB)
Coinciding with the meetings about NBQ protection that will be carried out these days by the NATO in Madrid, Luis Martin Otero, Coordinator of VISAVET Reference Laboratory of Biological Alert Network of Spain (RE-LAB), has received Jorge Christian who is chief engineer at Edgewood Center and responsible of research and innovation of collective and individual protection of U.S. Army.…
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October 22nd, 2014
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. Universidad Complutense (UCM).gif)
Seminars VISAVET 2014
Communications in this event:
- Curriculum Vitae del investigador
- Bioseguridad en el laboratorio
- Experiencia de un veterinario en Nepal
- Epidemiología espacial de la diarrea epidémica porcina en Norteamérica
- La resistencia a antibióticos: de la Naturaleza al Hospital
- Nuevas aplicaciones basadas en la técnica MALDI-TOF en la investigación biomédica
- Leishmania: nuevos reservorios para una vieja enfermedad
- Detección de carbapenemasas en efluentes urbanos: ¿un nuevo modelo de vigilancia epidemiológica?
- Actividades desarrolladas por los servicios de VISAVET ASISTENCIA: SEVEGAN Y SEVEMUR
- Bovine Tuberculosis and the EU-RL
- Introducción a la Histología Molecular mediante MALDI Imaging
October 21st, 2014
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Was euthanasia for Excalibur the right choice?
Interview in La mañana of RTVE
José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Professor of Animal Health, said that to sacrifice Excalibur (the dog of the spanish nurse infected with Ebola, Teresa Romero) was the correct decision.
"I think it was the most appropriate thing to do", he said, given the high probability of infection of the dog and the lack of conditions to maintain biosecurity quarantine Excalibur.…
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October 17th, 2014
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Key points for the prevention and control of ASF
Conference in FP7 LinkTADs WP4 2nd Workshop on Vaccine and Diagnostic Technology Development on Transboundary Animal Diseases and Zoonoses
October 17th, 2014
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VIII Congreso Mundial Taurino de Veterinaria
Communications in this event:
- Análisis molecular de aislados de Mycobacterium bovis procedentes de ganado de lidia
October 16th, 2014
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Decompression sickness (`the bends`) in sea turtles
Investigation published in Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
Decompression sickness (DCS), as clinically diagnosed by reversal of symptoms with recompression, has never been reported in aquatic breath-hold diving vertebrates despite the occurrence of tissue gas tensions sufficient for bubble formation and injury in terrestrial animals. Similarly to diving mammals, sea turtles manage gas exchange and decompression through anatomical, physiological, and behavioral adaptations. In the former group, DCS-like lesions have been observed on necropsies following behavioral disturbance such as high-powered acoustic sources (e.g. active sonar) and in bycaught ani…
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October 16th, 2014
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Máster en Microbiología y Parasitología: I+D
Communications in this event:
- Divulgación Científica. Asignatura de Gestión y Evaluación de la Investigación
October 16th, 2014
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Simultaneous Detection of African Swine Fever Virus Antibodies in Serum and Oral Fluid Using a Recombinant p30 Antibody ELISA
Conference in 118th Annual Meeting United States Animal Health Association and 57th Annual Conference American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians
African swine fever (ASF) is a devastating, highly contagious disease classified as a Foreign Animal Disease (FAD) in the U.S. Serology has been widely used in ASFV control programs in the Iberian Peninsula and Sardinia as a tool for the detection of ASFV carrier animals. Among ASFV proteins considered to be candidate antigens for serological tests, structural proteins p30, p54, and p72 are the best described, most highly studied, and most widely used in commercial ASFV serum antibody ELISAs1.
Serum and oral fluid antibody-positive samples were generated by experimental inoculation of 17 pigs…
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October 15th, 2014
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Curso de Formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina. XXVI edition
Communications in this event:
- Actividades del EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la base de datos mycoDB.es
- Introducción a la tuberculosis (reseña histórica, etiología, sintomatología)
October 14th, 2014
Consejo de Dirección
Statement on the resignation of Dr. Lucas Domínguez as Director of VISAVET Centre
The VISAVET Center from Complutense University of Madrid confirms the personal decision of Professor Dr. Lucas Dominguez of submitting his irrevocable resignation as Director of VISAVET Centre, who will not make further statements on this matter.…
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October 9th, 2014
Official statement concerning the action of VISAVET Center in removing a dog from an Ébola virus-infected nursing assistant’s house
The VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre of the Complutense University of Madrid yesterday, October 8th 2014, carried out a veterinary action to support public administrations in Madrid competent in Public and Animal Health and in compliance with a Court Order.…
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October 9th, 2014
Servicio de Informática y Comunicación

Complutense University appreciates the work of VISAVET in support of Public Health
The Universidad Complutense Government She thanks the work of the VISAVET Health Surveillance in support of public health in the current health crisis and VISAVET support provided by public administrations of Community Madrid competent Public Health and Animal Health.…
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October 8th, 2014
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“The dog had to be euthanized because there was no where to put it”
Interview in El País of El País
October 7th, 2014
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Curso de Formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina
Communications in this event:
- Actividades del EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la base de datos mycoDB.es
October 2nd, 2014
Servicio de Informática y Comunicación

Veterinarians at the University of Naples in VISAVET
Posgrade students visited the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Complutense University
Posgrade students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of University of Naples Federico II visited the facilities of VISAVET Center after touring the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Clinical Hospital and the Veterinary Museum Complutense.…
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October 2nd, 2014
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Inspección de carne de caza y de matanzas domiciliarias de cerdos
Communications in this event:
- Campilobacteriosis: Importancia en las especies cinegéticas
- Tuberculosis en animales: identificación de lesiones y riesgos asociados
- Salmonelosis: importancia en las especies cinegéticas
October 1st, 2014

Review on bovine tuberculosis
A comprehensive review on bovine tuberculosis has been published in the Research Veterinary Science Journal. This special issue “Bovine Tuberculosis” is one of the deliverables for the TB-STEP project (Strategies for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis, 212414), coordinated by Dr. Lucas Domínguez, Director of the VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre. Partners of the project together with other scientists have collaborated in this issue edited by Dr. Lucía de Juan (VISAVET-UCM, Spain) and Dr. Martin Vordermeier (APHA, UK).…
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October 1st, 2014
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Bovine tuberculosis: Historical perspective
Investigation article published in Research in Veterinary Science
Bovine tuberculosis (TB) is a zoonotic disease which has implications for both public health and economic impacts due to decreased production, increased condemnation and mortality rates and cost of control programmes. TB transmission between cattle and humans has significantly decreased in countries where specific control programmes have been implemented. The knowledge about this disease has improved substantially in recent years and this fact has allowed the enhancement of TB diagnostic tools and control measures. Nevertheless, concerns remain regarding the epidemiology and immunology of the …
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October 1st, 2014
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Tuberculosis in domestic animal species
Investigation article published in Research in Veterinary Science
M. bovis and M. caprae, members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC), are the major causative agents of tuberculosis in domestic animals. Notably, M. bovis exhibits a wide host range; the infection has been reported in many domesticated animals and free or captive wildlife. Despite most of them acting as spill-over hosts in particular epidemiological scenarios, some domesticated species as pigs, camelids and goats may display high rates of infection and possibly play a role in the inter-species transmission of the disease. The aim of this review is to make an updated overview of th…
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October 1st, 2014
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Evaluation of the spatial and temporal distribution of and risk factors for Bluetongue serotype 1 epidemics in sheep Extremadura (Spain), 2007-2011
Investigation published in Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Extremadura has been one of the regions in Spain most severely affected by Bluetongue (BT) epidemics. The first incursion of BTV, which was successfully eradicated one year later, occurred in 2004, involving the BTV-serotype 4. However, a second incursion occurred in September 2007, this time involving serotype 1. Since then, the implementation of intensive vaccination programs have significantly reduced BTV-1 occurrence, but the disease has not been completely eradicated yet. This study aimed to provide, for the first time, a complete description of the spatial and temporal patterns of BTV-1 …
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October 1st, 2014
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Farm-level risk factors for the occurrence, new infection or persistence of tuberculosis in cattle herds from South-Central Spain
Preventive Veterinary Medicine publish this investigation article
Eradication of tuberculosis (TB) in cattle is a priority in the EU. However, and despite the resources invested, TB eradication is still a goal yet to be accomplished. As a consequence, the identification of risk factors contributing to TB transmission and persistence is key to a better understand and, ultimately, more cost-effectively control and eradicate this complex zoonotic disease worldwide. This study aimed to identify the factors contributing to the TB occurrence, new infection, and persistence in one of the most TB-prevalent regions in the South-Central part of Spain (SCS), Ciudad Rea…
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October 1st, 2014
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Current ante-mortem techniques for diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis
Investigation published in Research in Veterinary Science
Bovine tuberculosis (TB), mainly caused by Mycobacterium bovis, is a zoonotic disease with implications for Public Health and having an economic impact due to decreased production and limitations to the trade. Bovine TB is subjected to official eradication campaigns mainly based on a test and slaughter policy using diagnostic assays based on the cell-mediated immune response as the intradermal tuberculin test and the gamma-interferon (IFN-γ) assay. Moreover, several diagnostic assays based on the detection of specific antibodies (Abs) have been developed in the last few years with the aim…
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October 1st, 2014
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Bovine tuberculosis: within-herd transmission models to support and direct the decision-making process
Investigation article published in Research in Veterinary Science
Use of mathematical models to study the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases is becoming increasingly common in veterinary sciences. However, modeling chronic infectious diseases such as bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is particularly challenging due to the substantial uncertainty associated with the epidemiology of the disease. Here, the methodological approaches used to model bTB and published in the peer-reviewed literature in the last decades were eviewed with a focus on the impact that the models` assumptions may have had on their results, such as the assumption of density vs. frequenc…
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October 1st, 2015
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Grado de Veterinaria (UCM)
Communications in this event:
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología
- Prácticas. Asignatura de Microbiología e Inmunología