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December, 2014 news

December 23rd, 2014

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Spatial dynamics of bovine tuberculosis in the autonomous community of madrid, Spain (2010-2012)

PLoS ONE publish this investigation article

Progress in control of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is often not uniform, usually due to the effect of one or more sometimes unknown epidemiological factors impairing the success of eradication programs. Use of spatial analysis can help to identify clusters of persistence of disease, leading to the identification of these factors thus allowing the implementation of targeted control measures, and may provide some insights of disease transmission, particularly when combined with molecular typing techniques. Here, the spatial dynamics of bTB in a high prevalence region of Spain were assessed during … Read more

December 21st, 2014

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BMC Veterinary Research

First molecular detection and characterization of herpesvirus and poxvirus in a Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens)

Investigation published in BMC Veterinary Research

BackgroundHerpesvirus and poxvirus can infect a wide range of species: herpesvirus genetic material has been detected and amplified in five species of the superfamily Pinnipedia; poxvirus genetic material, in eight species of Pinnipedia. To date, however, genetic material of these viruses has not been detected in walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), another marine mammal of the Pinnipedia clade, even though anti-herpesvirus antibodies have been detected in these animals.Case presentationIn February 2013, a 9-year-old healthy captive female Pacific walrus died unexpectedly at L¿Oceanografic (Valencia, S… Read more

December 21st, 2014

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La Red de Laboratorios de Alerta Biológica. (RE-LAB)

Oral communication in Jornada de Protección Civil "Los Servicios de Protección Civil Municipales ante las Enfermedades Emergentes"

December 17th, 2014

Servicio de Informática y Comunicación

No more faculties, for a decent Spanish Veterinary

Deans of Veterinary call for the profession for a mass mobilization to fight the opening of new faculties in Spain

Veterinary Students and Professional Association of Veterinarians of Spain join the mass mobilization, which was held today December 17 at 12 am in Spain.… Read more

December 16th, 2014

Via publiDB

Globalización y Sanidad Animal - Salud Pública

Conference in Semana de la Investigación y la Innovación

December 15th, 2014

Via publiDB

Journal of Immunological Methods

Post-stained Western blotting, a useful approach in immunoproteomic studies

Journal of Immunological Methods publish this investigation article

The precise localisation of immunogenic proteins on stained two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) gels is occasionally difficult, contributing to the erroneous identification of unrelated non-immunogenic proteins, which is expensive and time consuming. This inconvenience can be solved by performing immunoblotting using previously stained polyacrylamide gels. This approach was proposed nearly 20 years ago but is now almost forgotten. We have evaluated the suitability of this approach to identify immunogenic proteins from Lactococcus garvieae. Some of the immunogenic proteins identified in L. ga… Read more

December 15th, 2014

Via publiDB

Profesión Veterinaria

SEVEMUR: el servicio veterinario municipal de urgencia de Madrid

New article published in Profesión Veterinaria

El Servicio Veterinario de Urgencia de Madrid Salud (SEVEMUR), es un servicio del Ayuntamiento de Madrid en la actualidad prestado por un equipo de veterinarios del Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET) de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, que trabaja las 24 horas del día, durante los 365 días del año. Actúa en los 21 distritos de la Ciudad de Madrid donde se denuncie la presencia en la vía pública de animales perdidos o en situación de desamparo, enfermos o heridos prioritariamente, aunque también asiste a animales sanos. Dispone de un vehículo equipado con el material nece… Read more

December 15th, 2014

Via publiDB

Profesión Veterinaria

ÉBOLA: Revisión, importancia zoonósica y actuación veterinaria en España

Profesión Veterinaria publish this article

La enfermedad del virus del Ébola, o fiebre hemorrágica del Ébola, se detectó por primera vez en 1976 en dos brotes simultáneos ocurridos en la República Democrática del Congo (antiguo Zaire) y en el interior de Sudán. Años antes se había tenido contacto en Europa con un virus muy similar, el virus de Marburgo. La sintomatología de las epidemias de Ébola se caracterizaba por un cuadro de fiebre hemorrágica muy severo y una tasa de mortalidad del 50-80% que acabó con la vida de 400 personas. El desconocimiento de la existencia de un nuevo virus letal, dio lugar a la rápida propagación de la enf… Read more

Related news in other media:

- Así se sacrificó al perro ‘Exkalibur’ - elpais.com

December 11st, 2014

Via publiDB

Nuevas amenazas en Seguridad Sanitaria

Conference in Seminario de Seguridad Sanitaria en el Siglo XXI.- Gestión de Crisis

December 1st, 2014

Via publiDB

The Veterinary Journal

Molecular typing of Streptococcus suis isolates from Iberian pigs: A comparison with isolates from common intensively-reared commercial pig breeds

Investigation article published in The Veterinary Journal

The Iberian pig (IP) is a traditional Spanish breed variety of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) with high economic importance because of the value of the dry-cured products in national and international markets. The genetic characteristics of tonsillar and clinical Streptococcus suis isolates from the IP maintained under extensive or intensive management conditions were investigated. S. suis isolates from IP pigs were compared with S. suis isolates from intensively-farmed pigs of common breeds (CBP). S. suis was isolated from 48.4% of the IP tonsils examined, indicati… Read more

December 1st, 2014

Via publiDB

Environmental Microbiology

Detection of mecC-Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates in river water: a potential role for water in the environmental dissemination

Investigation article published in Environmental Microbiology

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)is a public health concern due to limited treatment options. The recent description of a mecA homologue, mecC in human and cattle, led to studies to detect this new variant in human and other animal species. Detection of mecC in wild boar and fallow deer in a Spanish game estate led us to further investigate the presence of mecC-MRSA at this location. Samples from cattle, wild animals, workers and river water were tested. A further three mecC-MRSA isolates were obtained from river water. Molecular characterization (multilocus sequence typing an… Read more

December 1st, 2014

Via publiDB

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

Bluetongue in Spain: from the first outbreak to 2012

Investigation published in Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

Outbreaks of bluetongue disease have occurred in Spain six times and have been caused by the following serotypes of bluetongue virus (BTV), in chronological order: BTV10, BTV2, BTV4, BTV1 and BTV8. Serotypes BTV1, BTV2 and BTV4 may have entered the country in Culicoides transported by wind; BTV8 via infected animal movements; and BTV10 across the Portuguese border. The evolution of each serotype has been different: BTV1, BTV4 and BTV10 spread throughout mainland Spain; BTV2 did not spread from the Balearic Islands to the Iberian Peninsula; and BTV8 has proven very poor at spreading throughout … Read more

December 1st, 2014

Via publiDB

Coexistencia de plásmidos ColE1: resistencia, número de copias y coste biológico

Poster presented in Red de Elementos Extracromosómicos y otros elementos móviles (REDEEX-2)

December 1st, 2014

Via publiDB

Our first line of defense

Interview in Revista Muy Interesante of GyJ España

Scientific groups, forces of order and prevention services spread across our country try to ensure safety for any disaster. Zero risk does not exist.… Read more

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