May, 2014 news
May 30th, 2014
Curso de Formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina
VISAVET participated in this event
May 30th, 2014
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Curso de Formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina. Especial E7 edition
Communications in this event:
- Actividades de EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la base de datos
May 28th, 2014
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Curso de Formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina
Communications in this event:
- Actividades del EU-RL for Bovine Tuebrculosis
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la base de datos
May 25th, 2014
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82nd General Session World Assembly of Delegates of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Communications in this event:
- Peste porcina Africana: Nuevos retos y medidas para evitar su propagación
- African Swine Fever: New challenges and measures to prevent its spred
May 24th, 2014
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Evaluation of the specificity of intradermal tuberculin and serological tests for diagnosis of tuberculosis in alpaca (Vicugna pacos) and llama (Lama glama) herds under field conditions in Peru
Investigation article published in The Veterinary Record
Diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) in camelids is still a challenge mainly due to the lack of standardised diagnostic assays and the limitations regarding sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of the current diagnostic techniques (Álvarez and others 2012). Accurate diagnosis of the disease in camelids is of increasing importance, especially in Europe, where New World camelid (NWC) populations are growing (Barlow and others 1999, D’Alterio and others 2006, Twomey and others 2012). Furthermore, camelids can be reservoirs of TB infection for other domestic and wild animals and human beings and, there…
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May 21st, 2014
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. Universidad Complutense (UCM).gif)
Seminars VISAVET 2014
Communications in this event:
- Curriculum Vitae del investigador
- Bioseguridad en el laboratorio
- Experiencia de un veterinario en Nepal
- Epidemiología espacial de la diarrea epidémica porcina en Norteamérica
- La resistencia a antibióticos: de la Naturaleza al Hospital
- Nuevas aplicaciones basadas en la técnica MALDI-TOF en la investigación biomédica
- Leishmania: nuevos reservorios para una vieja enfermedad
- Detección de carbapenemasas en efluentes urbanos: ¿un nuevo modelo de vigilancia epidemiológica?
- Actividades desarrolladas por los servicios de VISAVET ASISTENCIA: SEVEGAN Y SEVEMUR
- Bovine Tuberculosis and the EU-RL
- Introducción a la Histología Molecular mediante MALDI Imaging
May 20th, 2014
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Curso de Formación nos aspectos teóricos, prácticos e de base legal no diagnóstico da tuberculose bovina. XXIII edition
Communications in this event:
- Actividades de EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
- Epidemioloxía molecular da tuberculose. Aplicación práctica da base de datos
May 19th, 2014
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Oral Vaccination with Heat Inactivated Mycobacterium bovis Activates the Complement System to Protect against Tuberculosis
PLoS ONE publish this investigation article
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a pandemic affecting billions of people worldwide, thus stressing the need for new vaccines. Defining the correlates of vaccine protection is essential to achieve this goal. In this study, we used the wild boar model for mycobacterial infection and TB to characterize the protective mechanisms elicited by a new heat inactivated Mycobacterium bovis vaccine (IV). Oral vaccination with the IV resulted in significantly lower culture and lesion scores, particularly in the thorax, suggesting that the IV might provide a novel vaccine for TB control with special impact on the …
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Related news in other media:
- El grupo SaBio de la UCLM desarrolla una nueva vacuna contra la tuberculosis -
- El Grupo SaBio desarrolla una vacuna oral que activa el sistema inmunitario frente a la tuberculosis - Noticias UCLM
- Desarrolla una vacuna oral que activa el sistema inmunitario frente a la tuberculosis -
- La UCLM desarrolla una vacuna para hacer frente a la tuberculosis -
- El Grupo SaBio desarrolla una vacuna oral frente a la tuberculosis -
- El Grupo SaBio de la UCLM desarrolla una vacuna oral frente a la tuberculosis -
- Una vacuna oral que activa el sistema inmunitario frente a la tuberculosis -
- El Grupo SaBio desarrolla una vacuna oral que activa el sistema inmunitario frente a la tuberculosis -
- El Grupo SaBio de la UCLM desarrolla una vacuna oral que activa el sistema inmunitario frente a la tuberculosis -
- El Grupo de investigación SABIO, de la UCLM, desarrolla una vacuna oral que activa el sistema inmunitario frente a la tuberculosis -
- La Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha desarrolla una vacuna contra la tuberculosis -
- La vacunación oral de jabalíes contra la tuberculosis, ya es efectiva -
- Desarrollan una vacuna contra la tuberculosis - Europa Press
- Científicos españoles confirman una vacunación efectiva frente a la tuberculosis en jabalíes -
May 13rd, 2014
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Curso de Formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de tuberculosis bovina. XXIII edition. especial E4 edition
Communications in this event:
- Actividades del EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
- Aspectos generales de la inmunología de la tuberculosis. Respuesta inmune innata y adquirida
May 12nd, 2014
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24th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID)
Communications in this event:
May 6th, 2014
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Curso de Formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de tuberculosis bovina. especial E3 edition
Communications in this event:
- Actividades del EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la base de datos
May 6th, 2014
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La OMS alerta de que la resistencia a antibióticos hará que infecciones comunes sean mortales
Interview in Hoy por hoy of Cadena Ser
La OMS ha alertado alerta de que la resistencia a los antibióticos es ya una amenaza mundial, ya que enfermedades comunes se pueden convertir en "potencialmente mortales" por la pérdida de eficacia de los medicamentos. Según ha señalado el Doctor Rafael Cantón, jefe del servicio de microbiología del Hospital Ramón y Cajal, que nos ha acompañado esta mañana para abordar el tema, se trata de "una alerta no solamente a los ciudadanos sino también a los profesionales". También ha estado con nosotros Rosa Mª Lastra, farmacéutica de Madrid, quien ha afirmado que la venta de medicamentos ha cambiado,…
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May 5th, 2014
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Animal tuberculosis in Spain: A multihost system
The book Zoonotic Tuberculosis: Mycobacterium bovis and Other Pathogenic Mycobacteria: 3rd Edition edited by Wiley & Sons, Inc. includes this chapter
In the Mediterranean part of the Spanish mainland, animal TB is still a major concern. This chapter summarizes the current knowledge on TB in cattle, other domestic M. tuberculosis complex (MTBC) hosts, and wildlife in Spain. It briefly addresses aspects of strain diversity and human infection, and provides an outlook on current and future research. In some Mediterranean habitats, a multihost system exists in which transmission among three wild ungulate species, cattle and other livestock, and to a lesser extent, other wildlife contributes to infection maintenance. Data from GPS and data logge…
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May 5th, 2014
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Peste porcina africana
Oral communication in Master Universitario en Virología
May 1st, 2014
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Evaluation of the spatial patterns and risk factors, including backyard pigs, for classical swine fever occurrence in Bulgaria using a Bayesian model
Investigation article published in Geospatial health
The spatial pattern and epidemiology of backyard pig farming and other low bio-security pig production systems and their role in the occurrence of classical swine fever (CSF) is described and evaluated. A spatial Bayesian model was used to explore the risk factors, including human demographics, socioeconomic and environmental factors. The analyses were performed for Bulgaria, which has a large number of backyard farms (96% of all pig farms in the country are classified as backyard farms), and it is one of the countries for which both backyard pig and farm counts were available. Results reveal …
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May 1st, 2014
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Staphylococcus aureus Carrying mecC Gene in Animals and Urban Wastewater, Spain
Investigation published in Emerging Infectious Diseases
A new methicillin resistance mechanism gene, a divergent mecA homologue named mecC (formerly mecALGA251), was recently described in Staphylococcus aureus (1). Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolates carrying mecC have been recovered from humans, ruminants, pets, and other animals such as rats, seals, and guinea pigs (1–3). It has been suggested that mecC-carrying MRSA isolates might not be detected by using MRSA selective media (4). For mecC-carrying S. aureus isolates, cefoxitin MICs of 4–64 mg/L have been demonstrated (1–2,4), values that would normally include susceptible isolates, …
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May 1st, 2014
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Gestión de crisis sanitarias en ganado porcino (2ª parte). Detección temprana y actuación en caso de sospecha
New article published in Suis