January, 2015 news
January 30th, 2015
Servicio de Informática y Comunicación
Mortarboard giving to the VISAVET new doctors
Reciben su birrete durante el acto de la festividad de Santo Tomás de Aquino
El día 30 de enero de 2015 la Universidad Complutense de Madrid celebró el acto académico con motivo de la festividad de Santo Tomás de Aquino, en el que se invistió doctora “honoris causa” a Doña Elena Poniatowska Amor y se impuso el birrete a los doctores de la Universidad que obtuvieron el grado académico durante el curso 2013/2014. Asistieron a este acto María Concepción Porrero Calonge y Marta Pérez Sancho recientes doctoras del Centro VISAVET.…
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January 30th, 2015
Via publiDB
Multiple sampling and discriminatory fingerprinting reveals clonally complex and compartmentalized infections by M. bovis in cattle
Investigation published in Veterinary Microbiology
The combination of new genotyping tools and a more exhaustive sampling policy in the analysis of infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis has shown that infection by this pathogen is more complex than initially expected. Mixed infections, coexistence of clonal variants from a parental strain, and compartmentalized infections are all different modalities of this clonal complexity. Until recently, genotyping of Mycobacterium bovis in animal populations was based on spoligotyping and analysis of a single isolate per infection; therefore, clonal complexity is probably underdetected. We used multipl…
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January 29th, 2015
Via publiDB
Seminarios en Sanidad Animal
Communications in this event:
- Detection of virulence genes of Escherichia coli intestinal pathotypes in animals, humans and water
- Las metilasas del ARNr 16S: del ribosoma a la sociedad
January 28th, 2015
Via publiDB
Experto Universitario en Prevención y Gestión de Crisis Internacionales. 11ª edition
Communications in this event:
- Visita al Laboratorio de Alerta Biológica (VISAVET)
- La amenaza biológica y química
January 28th, 2015
Via publiDB
Veterinaria de Salud Pública y gestión de Zoonosis
Conference in Acto de conmemoración de Santo Tomás de Aquino UEx 2015
El catedrático de Sanidad Animal de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Lucas Domínguez, ha impartido la lección magistral titulada Veterinaria de Salud Pública y gestión de Zoonosis en el acto de conmemoración de Santo Tomás de Aquino de la Universidad de Extremadura…
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Related news in other media:
- Los Institutos Universitarios de Investigación refuerzan la apuesta de la UEx por la I+D+i - 20minutos.es
- Los institutos universitarios de investigación refuerzan la apuesta de la UEx por la I+D+i - digitalextremadura.com
- Los Institutos de Investigación refuerzan la apuesta por la I+D+i - europa press
- Los institutos universitarios de investigación refuerzan la apuesta de la UEx por la I+D+i - unex.es
January 26th, 2015
Via publiDB
Antimicrobial resistance determinants of Campylobacter isolated from human and animals
Oral communication in 1st International Caparica Conference in Antibiotic Resistance
January 22nd, 2015
Via publiDB
Genetic characterization of porcine populations tolerant to new variants of African swine fever virus using a medium-density DNA chip
New article published in Actas Iberoamericanas de Conservación Animal
Recent studies in East Africa have revealed a complex epidemiological situation in
local breeds of domestic pig that seems to show greater tolerance to the African
swine fever virus (ASFV) which favors the endemic nature of the disease in these
regions, allowing its dispersion. This tolerance may have higher relation with the
genetic characteristics of the animal than with the viral structure itself. In this work,
the genetic characterization of local African pig populations, both domestic and wild,
that may be related to the ASF disease tolerance was carried out. The whole set of
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January 21st, 2015
Vía sanidadanimal.info
New agreement between UCM and Sardinian Government to provide scientific and Technical support to eradicate African Swine Fever on the island
African Swine Fever eradication in Sardinia
The project will be carried out by the research team SUAT-VISAVET led by Prof. José Manuel Sánche-Vizcaíno. The new eradication plan, expected to be the final after 30 years of presence of the disease in Sardinia, has received the green light from the European Union which has financed it with €1.08million as initial funding. The project will be coordinated by the Directorate General of the Presidency of the Region, which includes the Health, Agriculture and Environment departments, and will be supported by the international experts: Alberto Laddomada (EU Dirtectorate General of Health and Cons…
January 20th, 2015
Via publiDB
New post in SEVEMUR Blog
La leishmaniosis es una enfermedad zoonótica causada por protozoos del género Leishmania que afecta principalmente a perros y a humanos. Existe una gran variedad de especies animales que actúan como reservorio, entre las que se encuentran roedores, gatos e incluso las aves. Aunque la leishmaniosis felina es menos frecuente, su incidencia parece haber aumentado en los últimos años…
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January 20th, 2015
Via publiDB
Grado de Biología (UCM)
Communications in this event:
- Visita guiada al centro VISAVET. Asignatura de Microbiología Clínica
- Campylobacter. Asignatura de Microbiología
- Micobacterias y Bioseguridad en el Laboratorio. Asignatura de Microbiología
- Campylobacter como principal causa de la infección alimentaria
January 20th, 2015
Via publiDB
Curso de Formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina. XXVIII edition
Communications in this event:
- Actividades del EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la base de datos mycoDB.es
- Aspectos generales de la inmunología de la tuberculosis. Respuesta inmune innata y adquirida
January 19th, 2015
Via publiDB
Risks in the consumption of raw milk
New outreach post in Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación
La leche cruda puede contener bacterias causantes de enfermedades graves. La implementación de buenas prácticas de higiene en las granjas actuales es esencial para reducir la contaminación de la leche cruda, mientras que el mantenimiento de la cadena de frío también es importante para prevenir o retardar el crecimiento de bacterias en la leche cruda. Sin embargo, estas prácticas no eliminan estos riesgos por si solas. Hervir la leche cruda antes de su consumo es la mejor manera de matar a muchas de las bacterias que pueden hacernos enfermar. Expertos del Panel de la EFSA sobre Riesgos Biológic…
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January 16th, 2015
Via publiDB
Máster en Microbiología y Parasitología: I+D
Communications in this event:
- Divulgación Científica. Asignatura de Gestión y Evaluación de la Investigación
January 15th, 2015
Via publiDB
Curso de Formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina
Communications in this event:
- Actividades del Laboratorio Europeo de Referencia para la tuberculosis bovina
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la base de datos mycoDB.es
January 14th, 2015
Via publiDB
Control de micotoxinas en materias primas y alimentos procesados
Conference in Master en Seguridad Alimentaria
January 14th, 2015
Via publiDB
Curso de Formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina
Communications in this event:
- Actividades del Laboratorio Europeo de Referencia para la tuberculosis bovina
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la base de datos mycoDB.es
January 13rd, 2015
Via publiDB
Seminars VISAVET 2015
Communications in this event:
- Next-generation sequencing and its applications
- Source attribution of foodborne diseases
- Detección, prevalencia y epidemiología molecular de virus en cetáceos
- Campylobacter en animales salvajes
- Diseño de un método de diferenciación de preparados de carne y productos cárnicos
- ¿Cómo se organiza un Ring Trial?
- Modelización de la transmisión del virus Chikungunya en un área virgen
January 8th, 2015
Via publiDB
Máster Universitario en Análisis Sanitario
Communications in this event:
- Visita a las instalaciones del Centro VISAVET. Asignatura de Diagnóstico Microbiológico
- ¿Por qué es diferente el cultivo de las micobacterias? Asignatura de Diagnóstico Microbiológico
- Identificación microbiana basada en el técnica MALDI-TOF. Asignatura de Diagnóstico Microbiológico
January 1st, 2015
Via publiDB
Histopathological findings in cetaceans stranded on the spanish mediterranean coast between 2011 and 2014
Journal of Comparative Pathology publish this investigation article
Introduction: A histopathological study was carried out on 11 cetaceans stranded on the southeastern Spanish Mediterranean coast between 2011 and 2014. The purpose of this study was to contribute to the surveillance of the health status of the free-ranging cetacean population.
Materials and Methods: Formalin-fixed tissue samples were submitted for examination to the Pathology Service of the Complutense University Veterinary Hospital from eight striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), two Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus) and one Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris).
Results: Mor…
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January 1st, 2015
Via publiDB
An Update on the Epidemiology and Pathology of African Swine Fever
Investigation article published in Journal of Comparative Pathology
African swine fever (ASF) is one of the most important infectious diseases of swine and has major negative consequences for affected countries. ASF is present in many sub-Saharan countries, Sardinia and several countries of eastern and central Europe, where its continuous spread has the swine industry on heightened alert. ASF is a complex disease for which no vaccine or treatment is available, so its control is based on early detection and rapid control of spread. For a robust and reliable early detection programme it is essential to be able to recognize the clinical signs and pathological cha…
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January 1st, 2015
Via publiDB
Polymorphism of genes encoding PmrAB in colistin-resistant strains of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica isolated from poultry and swine
The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy publish this investigation article
Objectives: To detect the occurrence of low susceptibility to colistin (polymyxin E), a last-resort antimicrobial, among enterobacteria isolated from samples of animal origin (poultry and swine) and to find out the molecular basis of colistin resistance. Methods: Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli were isolated from eggs and swine samples. Bacterial strains were screened for colistin resistance by using MIC determinations interpreted according to EUCAST recommendations. pmrAB genes were amplified by PCR from bacterial isolates and their sequences were characterized.
Results: Nine colis…
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