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January, 2017 news

January 28th, 2017

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The Veterinary Record

Effectiveness and practicality of control strategies for African swine fever: what do we really know?

Investigation article published in The Veterinary Record

African swine fever (ASF) is a major pig health problem, and the causative virus is moving closer to Western European regions where pig density is high. Stopping or slowing down the spread of ASF requires mitigation strategies that are both effective and practical. Based on the elicitation of ASF expert opinion, this study identified surveillance and intervention strategies for ASF that are perceived as the most effective by providing the best combination between effectiveness and practicality. Among the 20 surveillance strategies that were identified, passive surveillance of wild boar and syn… Read more

January 26th, 2017

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Usefulness of MALDI-TOF MS as a Diagnostic Tool for the Identification of Streptococcus Species Recovered from Clinical Specimens of Pigs

Investigation article published in PLoS ONE

The application of MALDI-TOF MS for identifying streptococcal isolates recovered from clinical specimens of diseased pigs was evaluated. For this proposal, the MALDI BDAL Database (Bruker Daltoniks, Germany) was supplemented with the main spectrum profiles (MSP) of the reference strains of S. porci, S. porcorum and S. plurextorum associated with pneumonia and septicemia. Although these three species showed similar MALDI profiles, several peaks were recognized that can be useful for their differentiation: S. porci (4113, 6133, 7975 and 8228 m/z Da), S. plurextorum (3979, 4078, 4665, 6164, 6491,… Read more

January 25th, 2017

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Conference in V Workshop sobre respuesta inmediata a las emergencias producidas por riesgos tecnológicos

January 25th, 2017

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Curso de Actualización de Tuberculosis Bovina

Nuevos estudios científicos 2014-2016 en materia de diagnóstico y control de la tuberculosis. Perspectivas de futuro

Conference in Curso de Actualización de Tuberculosis Bovina

January 24th, 2017

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Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

A naturally occurring single nucleotide polymorphism in a multicopy plasmid produces a reversible increase in antibiotic resistance

Investigation published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

ColE1 plasmids are small mobilizable replicons that play an important role in the spread of antibiotic resistance in Pasteurellaceae. In this study we describe how a natural single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) near the origin of replication of the ColE1-type plasmid pB1000 found in a Pasteurella multocida clinical isolate, generates two independent plasmid variants able to coexist in the same cell simultaneously. Using Haemophilus influenzae Rd strain as a model system, we combined antibiotic susceptibility tests, quantitative PCRs, competition assays and experimental evolution to characteriz… Read more

January 17th, 2017

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El Confidencial. Tecnología

Por qué las bacterias superresistentes a antibióticos son la próxima gran amenaza

Interview in El Confidencial. Tecnología of Titania Compañía Editorial, S.L.

January 2nd, 2017

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Manual de procedimiento para la toma y envío de muestras para cultivo microbiológico y diagnóstico de tuberculosis

Manual de procedimiento para la toma y envío de muestras para cultivo microbiológico y diagnóstico de tuberculosis

This book has been published by Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente - Universidad Complutense Madrid

Este manual es aplicable a la toma de muestras y su envío al laboratorio para la identificación del agente etiológico de la tuberculosis bovina, así como para el envío de cultivos con crecimiento positivo de micobacterias pertenecientes al complejo Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTBC), ADN o perfiles de espoligotipado de las mismas.… Read more

January 1st, 2017

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Veterinary Pathology

Canine Nervous System Lymphoma Subtypes Display Characteristic Neuroanatomical Patterns

Investigation article published in Veterinary Pathology

Primary and secondary nervous system involvement occurs in 4% and 5%-12%, respectively, of all canine non-Hodgkin lymphomas. The recent new classification of canine malignant lymphomas, based on the human World Health Organization classification, has been endorsed with international acceptance. This histological and immunocytochemical classification provides a unique opportunity to study the histologic anatomic distribution patterns in the central and peripheral nervous system of these defined lymphoma subtypes. In this study, we studied a cohort of 37 dogs with lymphoma, which at necropsy had… Read more

January 1st, 2017

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Tuberculosis bovina, un problema de salud pública

Información Veterinaria publish this article

La sanidad animal, especialmente en las campañas emprendidas para la erradicación de enfermedades, con frecuencia ha supuesto conflictos entre el sector ganadero y las administraciones públicas. Actualmente es el caso de la tuberculosis, enfermedad cuya trascendencia no siempre es percibida dado su curso generalmente crónico y con importantes repercusiones en el movimiento pecuario y con un diagnóstico complejo… Read more

January 1st, 2017

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El espacio europeo de educación superior (EEES)

New article published in Información Veterinaria

En este último artículo de la serie que venimos publicando y en la que queremos reflexionar y ofrecer nuestra visión sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria Veterinaria, pretendemos finalizar hablando de lo que supone el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior para la Europa que, entre todos, venimos construyendo desde hace casi 60 años. Vivimos una Europa azotada desde hace casi 10 años por una crisis económica sin precedentes, que se ha estancado e incluso ha retrocedido unos pasos en el camino de su construcción, en la que han hecho mella populismos que amenazan con desintegrarla, cuya mayor expres… Read more

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