December, 2017 news
December 29th, 2017
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Curso de formación: diagnóstico de tuberculosis en matadero
Communications in this event:
- Inspección de órganos y linfonodos diana para el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina
- Tuberculosis bovina: lesiones y diagnósticos diferenciales
- Generalidades de la tuberculosis bovina: etiología, diagnóstico y epidemiología
December 21st, 2017
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e-ColeVet / VetenVIVO. Formación de profesionales veterinarios. 2017 edition
Communications in this event:
- Inspección post-mortem: principales lecciones en la especie porcina
- Inspección post-mortem: Lesiones especificas en caza mayor y menor
- Limpieza y desinfección de explotaciones ganaderas. Cómo y cuándo hacerlas de manera eficientes
- Patología intestinal en pequeños animales
- Diagnóstico de patologías víricas en caballos
- Agentes zoonóticos en alimentos y su repercusión en la Salud Pública
- Nuevos reservorios de Leishmaniosis
- Zoonosis transmitidas por garrapatas
- Inspección post-mortem: Principales lesiones en ganado vacuno
- Diagnóstico diferencial enfermedades dermatológicas en pequeños animales
- Utilización de antimicrobianos en ganadería: nuevos retos
December 20th, 2017
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Curso de actualización de tuberculosis bovina. 2017 edition. 6ª edition
Communications in this event:
- Coloquio. El veterinario como pieza importante en la erradicación de la tuberculosis bovina
December 18th, 2017
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Curso de Técnicas de Diagnóstico en Laboratorio de Sanidad Animal
Communications in this event:
- Zoonosis de transmisión alimentaria y su repercusión en Salud Pública. Detección y caracterización
- Técnicas de diagnóstico para la detección de Brucella
- Investigación de otras enfermedades de interés en Sanidad Animal por PCR
- Trazabilidad de las muestras y aseguramiento de la calidad
- Cultivo de micobacterias: medios líquidos (MGIT) y sólidos
- Muestras de elección para el estudio de Tuberculosis
December 16th, 2017
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Genetic diversity assessment of Tunisian Mycobacterium bovis population isolated from cattle
BMC Veterinary Research publish this investigation article
The genetic diversity of M. bovis in Tunisia is still underestimated despite the implementation of an eradication program. The lack of data about spatial distribution of the M. bovis population hinders the control of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) progress. This study represents the largest molecular analysis of M. bovis isolates in Tunisia. It is aimed to upgrade the understanding of bTB epidemiology and the geographical distribution of the infection. Tuberculosis research was performed in cattle (n = 149) with TB-compatible lesions collected over 5 months from a slaughterh…
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December 14th, 2017
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Zoonosis alimentarias, su importancia en Salud Pública: Salmonella y Campylobacter
Conference in Agentes zoonóticos en alimentos: Campylobacter y Salmonella
December 13rd, 2017
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Resistencias antimicrobianas: Mecanismos de resistencia y pruebas de laboratorio para detectarlas
Oral communication in Jornada Formativa sobre Agentes Zoonóticos y Resistencias Antimicrobianas en Alimentos
December 11st, 2017
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Diagnosis, vaccines
Oral communication in BBSRC-Defra-NC3Rs Bovine Tuberculosis Research Workshop
December 7th, 2017
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Communications in this event:
- Monitorización sanitaria del lince ibérico reintroducido en Castilla-La Mancha
- Primeros datos de área de campeo del jabalí (Sus scrofa, L. 1758) en Galicia
- El incremento poblacional del jabalí amenaza la fauna silvestre asociada a los humedales
December 6th, 2017
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The outline of African swine fever
Conference in The 23rd Leading Seminar
December 1st, 2017
Servicio de Informática y Comunicación
Preventing and reducing the transmission of antimicrobial resistance
The "HECTOR" project brings together research groups from Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom
Antibiotics have revolutionized human and veterinary medicine and saved countless lives. Their discovery represented a quantum leap in the treatment of infectious diseases. However, unfortunately, the global emergence and steady increase of bacteria resistant to multiple antimicrobials have jeopardized their efficacy, to the extent that resistant strains have become a major public health threat. Moreover, there is rising concern that some bacterial infections may become untreatable in the future. Multiple factors have contributed to the present situation. One such factor, exemplified by the recent emergence and global spread of colistin resistance or of extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL), is the presence of resistance determinants on mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids and transposons, which are rapidly transmitted between the same and different bacterial species.…
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December 1st, 2017
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Characterization of Streptococcus pyogenes from Animal Clinical Specimens, Spain
Investigation published in Emerging Infectious Diseases
Streptococcus pyogenes appears to be almost exclusively restricted to humans, with few reports on isolation from animals. We provide a detailed characterization (emm typing, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis [PFGE], and multilocus sequence typing [MLST]) of 15 S. pyogenes isolates from animals associated with different clinical backgrounds. We also investigated erythromycin resistance mechanisms and phenotypes and virulence genes. We observed 2 emm types: emm12 (11 isolates) and emm77 (4 isolates). Similarly, we observed 2 genetic linages, sequence type (ST) 26 and ST63. Most isolates exhibited…
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December 1st, 2017
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Multi-Laboratory Evaluation of a Novel Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Assay for Confirming Isolation of Mycobacterium bovis from Veterinary Diagnostic Specimens
Journal of Clinical Microbiology publish this investigation article
A novel lateral flow immunochromatographic device (LFD) was evaluated in several veterinary diagnostic laboratories. It was confirmed to be specific for Mycobacterium bovis and M. caprae cells. The performance of the novel LFD was assessed relative to the confirmatory tests routinely applied after culture (spoligotyping or qPCR) in each laboratory; liquid (MGIT or BacT/Alert) and/or solid (Stonebrink, Coletsos or Lowenstein-Jensen) cultures were tested. In comparison to spoligotyping of acid-fast positive MGIT cultures, percentage agreement between positive LFD and spoligotyping results was ex…
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December 1st, 2017
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Differentiation of Flavobacterium psychrophilum from Flavobacterium psychrophilum-like species by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry
Investigation published in Research in Veterinary Science
Rainbow trout fry syndrome (RTFS) is an important infectious disease caused by Flavobacterium psychrophilum affecting farmed salmonids worldwide. Other Flavobacterium psychrophilum-like species (F. plurextorum, F. oncorhynchi, F. tructae, F. collinsii and F. piscis) have been isolated from diseased rainbow trout fry suspected of RTFS although the epidemiological and clinical relevance of these pathogens are unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential use of MALDI-TOF (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight) Mass Spectrometry as method for specific ide…
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December 1st, 2017
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Equine viral arteritis in breeding and sport horses in central Spain
Research in Veterinary Science publish this investigation article
Equine viral arteritis (EVA) may have a high economic impact on breeding stud farms due to the occurrence of EVA-associated abortion outbreaks and the ability of the virus to persist in carrier stallions. While the consequences of EVA in premises with sport horses are usually less severe, the first confirmed outbreak of EVA in Spain occurred in a riding club in Barcelona, but no data on the seroprevalence of EVA in sport horses have been reported in Spain. Given the importance of both Spanish Purebred (SP) breeding horses and sport horses for Spain`s equine industry, the aim of this study was …
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December 1st, 2017
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Grado de Veterinaria. 2017-2018 edition
Communications in this event:
- Microbiología en Inmunología
December 1st, 2017
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Seminars VISAVET 2017
Communications in this event:
- Uso de herramientas STEM para el estudio de patógenos emergentes: Salmonella en Minnesota
- Bacterias resistentes a colistina y su importancia en Salud Pública y Seguridad Alimentaria
- The control of bovine tuberculosis in India: combining traditional and novel methods
- Introducción a la estadística Bayesiana y su aplicación en la evaluación de técnicas diagnósticas
- Caracterización molecular de aislados de Leishmania infantum en lagomorfos salvajes
- Estudio poblacional de aislados de Staphylococcus epidermidis procedentes de mamitis
- Inmunoproteómica de la bPPD para la identificación de biomarcadores serológicos
December 1st, 2017
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Bioseguridad en enfermedades infecciosas
Conference in Ciberer. Jornada de formación en fenotipado de modelos animales
December 1st, 2017
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Niveles de bioseguridad en enfermedades infecciosas
Oral communication in Jornadas de Formación en Fenotipado de Modelos Animales