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March, 2017 news

March 31st, 2017

Via publiDB

Influencia de los factores ambientales sobre la aparición de enfermedades en chamaeleo calyptratus y furcifer pardalis mantenidos en cautividad

Beatriz Alvarez Carrion defended the PhD Thesis at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid

This work determines and describes the main disorders observed in Chamaleo calyptratus and Furcifer pardalis during the period of study. Moreover, the environmental parameters of the terrarium (such as artificial illumination, the thermic and hydric control, the elements of environmental enrichment and the feeding) are presented and evaluated as predisposing or determinant etiologic factors. Setting as variables the atmospheric pressure, temperature and relative humidity, it also evaluates the climate variations, showing its relationship to the seasonal pattern observed in some diseases. The p… Read more

March 25th, 2017

Via publiDB

El mundo de la carne. Sanidad animal en la granja. Radio Televisión Española

Sanidad animal en la granja

Interview in El mundo de la carne. Sanidad animal en la granja. Radio Televisión Española of Radio Nacional de España

Related news in other media:

- La carne en RNE 5: Sanidad Animal en la granja - agronewscastillayleon.com

March 23rd, 2017

Via publiDB

Direct personnel costs. Natural persons with direct contract. Inhouse consultancy

Conference in BESTPRAC WG1/WG2/WG3 Meeting

March 7th, 2017

Via publiDB


A Comparison of Deformed Wing Virus in Deformed and Asymptomatic Honey Bees

Investigation published in Insects

Deformed wing virus (DWV) in association with Varroa destructor is currently attributed to being responsible for colony collapse in the western honey bee (Apis mellifera). The appearance of deformed individuals within an infested colony has long been associated with colony losses. However, it is unknown why only a fraction of DWV positive bees develop deformed wings. This study concerns two small studies comparing deformed and non-deformed bees. In Brazil, asymptomatic bees (no wing deformity) that had been parasitised by Varroa as pupae had higher DWV loads than non-parasitised bees. However,… Read more

March 7th, 2017

Vía dicyt.com

Un proyecto nacional profundiza en la resistencia a la colistina, un importante antibiótico

Resistencia a la colistina

La colistina es un antibiótico de último recurso, es decir, se utiliza cuando ya no existe otra alternativa para el paciente…

March 5th, 2017

Via publiDB

Cómo luchar contra el auge de las superbacterias

Interview in El Huffpost of Huffington Post International

En 2050, las superbacterias matarán a 10 millones de personas en el mundo. ¿Qué podemos hacer para evitarlo?… Read more

March 3rd, 2017

Via publiDB

Frontiers in veterinary science

Prediction of Pig Trade Movements in Different European Production Systems Using Exponential Random Graph Models

Investigation article published in Frontiers in veterinary science

In most European countries, data regarding movements of live animals are routinely collected and can greatly aid predictive epidemic modeling. However, the use of complete movements’ dataset to conduct policy-relevant predictions has been so far limited by the massive amount of data that have to be processed (e.g., in intensive commercial systems) or the restricted availability of timely and updated records on animal movements (e.g., in areas where small-scale or extensive production is predominant). The aim of this study was to use exponential random graph models (ERGMs) to reproduce, underst… Read more

March 2nd, 2017

Via publiDB

Carmen Gonzalo Fernández-Manchón

Susceptibilidad de la especie porcina frente a tres cepas de Mycobacterium (M. bovis, M. caprae y M. tuberculosis)

Carmen Gonzalo Fernández-Manchón defended this Degree Final Project

March 1st, 2017

Via publiDB

Epidemiology and Infection

Active animal health surveillance in European Union Member States: gaps and opportunities

Investigation article published in Epidemiology and Infection

Animal health surveillance enables the detection and control of animal diseases including zoonoses. Under the EU-FP7 project RISKSUR, a survey was conducted in 11 EU Member States and Switzerland to describe active surveillance components in 2011 managed by the public or private sector and identify gaps and opportunities. Information was collected about hazard, target population, geographical focus, legal obligation, management, surveillance design, risk-based sampling, and multi-hazard surveillance. Two countries were excluded due to incompleteness of data. Most of the 664 components targeted… Read more

March 1st, 2017

Via publiDB

Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease

CHROMagar mSuperCARBA performance in carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae isolates characterized at molecular level and routine surveillance rectal swab specimens

Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease publish this investigation article

Performance of the CHROMagar mSuperCARBA media was assessed in both well-characterized carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (n=52) and routine surveillance rectal swab specimens (n=211). Limit of detection ranged between 101 and 102CFU/mL except for OXA-48 producers with low-carbapenem MICs (106CFU/mL). High sensitivity (100%) and specificity (100%) were obtained with rectal swabs… Read more

March 1st, 2017

Via publiDB


New article published in Trofeo

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