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July, 2017 news

July 25th, 2017

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Ecology of blaNDM and mcr-1

Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine publish this article

July 24th, 2017

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Seminar on diagnosis and surveillance of swine diseases in Europe

Diagnosis and surveillance of swine diseases in Europe

Oral communication in Seminario sobre diagnóstico y vigilancia de las enfermedades porcinas en Europa

July 21st, 2017

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A global vision of African swine fever control

A global vision of African swine fever control

Oral communication in A global vision of African swine fever control

July 13rd, 2017

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7th Congress of European Microbiologist. 26th Congress of the Spanish Society for Microbiology

Communications in this event:

- The concept of one health antimicrobial stewardship

- Targeted metagenomics for analysis of resistomes

- Small world initiative at the Deutsche Schule Madrid: citizen education to fight the antimicrobial resistance

- Understanding the impact of production animals on the dissemination of mcr-1

- Cross sectional study of hepatitis e virus in spanish pig slaughterhouses

- The origins of antibacterial vaccines: Jaime Ferran and Cholera

- Comparison of the dissemination of 16S rRNA methyltransferase genes in E. Coli from human an natural effluents using whole genome sequencing

- The sos-response controls intrinsic cephalospsrin resistance in enterorcocci

- The acquisition of insertion sequences drives the adaptation of multicopy plasmids to novel bacterial hosts

- ColE1 plasmid coexistence is mediated by compensatory adaptation

- New variant of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDVB) in young rabbits: clinical and pathological charaterization

- First results of the experience in Madrid and future perspectives

- Clonal diversity and methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus epidermis isolates from ruminants with subclinical mastitis

- Identification of Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis recovered from swine by Maldi Tof mass spectrometry

- One day-old chicks as a source of antimicrobial resistant bacteria for commercial laying hens farms

July 11st, 2017

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Javier Maroto Rodríguez

Diagnóstico de la tuberculosis en animales no destinados a la producción

Javier Maroto Rodríguez defended this Degree Final Project

July 11st, 2017

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Foro de colaboración público-privada en Sanidad Animal en avicultura

Presentación de líneas de investigación y oportunidades de colaboración

Conference in Foro de colaboración público-privada en Sanidad Animal en avicultura

July 10th, 2017

Via publiDB

Using Urban Wildlife Photographs from MOOC Participants to Indicate One Health Risks

Oral communication in Global Flipped Classroom & Workshop on One Health

July 10th, 2017

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Revisión sistemática y meta-análisis: Estrategias de control de Salmonella en granja y matadero de porcino

Conference in Reunión presentación resultados Salmonella

July 6th, 2017

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La rickettsiosi e le malattie neglette animali ed umane

Immunologia nelle malattie neglette

Conference in La rickettsiosi e le malattie neglette animali ed umane

July 4th, 2017

Via publiDB

Cursos de Verano de El Escorial. Matemáticas ¿para qué?

Epidemiología y Matemáticas

Oral communication in Cursos de Verano de El Escorial. Matemáticas ¿para qué?

July 1st, 2017

Via publiDB

Profesión Veterinaria

Bacterias que no temen a los antibióticos

Profesión Veterinaria publish this article

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