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September, 2017 news

September 29th, 2017

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Cristina Martínez Ovejero

Mecanismos emergentes de resistencia a antibióticos en enterobacterias de origen humano, animal y ambiental

PhD Thesis defense by Cristina Martínez Ovejero at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid

The inclusion of antibiotics in clinical practice lead to a major revolution in medicine. Their use not only made infectious diseases curable, one of the main death causes of the 20th Century, but also enabled great advances in medicine and surgery. Ergo, antibiotics have helped achieve medical milestones which have substantially improved human quality of life, and increased life expectancy. Albeit, shortly after starting using them, it was observed how certain bacteria were surviving the antibiotics. At first it was thought that this antibacterial resistance was a natural consequence, linked … Read more

September 29th, 2017

Via publiDB

Estudio comparativo de la prevalencia de tuberculosis bovina en suidos domésticos y silvestres en el sur de España

Oral communication in 34èmes rencontres du G.E.E.F.S.M

September 28th, 2017

Via publiDB

Resistencias microbianas

Oral communication in LIV Simposium Científico de Avicultura de WPSA-AECA

Related news in other media:

- Zoetis presente en el LIV Simposium Científico de Avicultura - nutricionanimal.info

September 27th, 2017

Via publiDB

Regulation of the 16S rRNA resistance methyltransferases: A functional and mutational analysis of the armA 5` UTR

Andreas Hoefer defended the PhD Thesis at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid

Antimicrobial resistance remains one of the most serious threats to modern medicine. As such, the selection and administration of antibiotics must be carefully considered, especially since the discovery of novel antimicrobial agents has reduced substantially. Agents that have previously been dismissed for unfavorable secondary activity are becoming increasingly valuable as the resistance prevalence towards the first choice antibiotic increases drastically. The aminoglycosides are a family of antibiotics that belong to this category. Shortly after their introduction to the market, problems with… Read more

September 20th, 2017

Via publiDB

1er Foro Avícola Zoetis

Gripe Aviar: factores clave en la bioseguridad de la EU

Conference in 1er Foro Avícola Zoetis

September 19th, 2017

Via publiDB

Bacterias resistentes a los antibióticos en la carne

Oral communication in II Fórum Cárnico. La innovación para ser competitivos

September 15th, 2017

Via publiDB

West Nile Virus en Caballos. ¿Qué necesito saber?

New article published in Badajoz Veterinaria

El virus de West Nile es un arbovirus transmitido por mosquitos que pertenece al género Flavivirus, familia Flaviviridae (Smithburn, 1940) y que afecta a aves, équidos y al hombre. El virus pertenece al complejo antigénico de la Encefalitis Japonesa, el cual incluye ocho especies víricas (Burke, 2001). Son virus de gran interés en salud humana y están asociados principalmente a mosquitos del género Culex como vector principal, aunque se ha visto que otros mosquitos e incluso garrapatas, pueden estar implicados en su transmisión. Hasta el momento se han designado 5 linajes filogenéticos diferen… Read more

September 14th, 2017

Via publiDB

Cristina Montes Solís

Prevención y tratamiento de diarreas postdestete en lechones. Cuantificación de E. coli positivos a mcr-1 mediante real time-qPCR con SYBR Green I en heces de porcino

Cristina Montes Solís defended this presentation at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid in order to obtain the Master of Research

January 23rd, 2018

Vía lanzadigital.com

Ganaderos y cazadores lucharán juntos contra la tuberculosis animal

Grupo operativo

Representantes de ambos sectores presentan los resultados de un Grupo Operativo Supaautonómico…

- Ganaderos y gestores cinegéticos conocen de la mano de IREC y VISAVET los últimos avances científicos y técnicos sobre diagnóstico y gestión de tuberculosis animal - tarancondigital.es

- Ganaderos, agricultores, cazadores y científicos muestran en Madrid los avances contra la tuberculosis animal - elperiodico.com

- El grupo operativo supraautonómico "Tuberculosis" sigue avanzando en el desarrollo de herramientas para el control de la enfermedad - agronewscastillayleon.com

- Expertos, ganaderos y gestores de caza trabajan para contribuir al control de la tuberculosis - cienciaycaza.org

- Expertos de la UCM, ganaderos y gestores de caza avanzan en un proyecto para controlar la tuberculosis bovina - 20minutos.es

- Expertos de la UCLM, ganaderos y gestores de caza avanzan en un proyecto para controlar la tuberculosis bovina - lacerca.com

- Expertos de la UCLM, ganaderos y gestores de caza avanzan en un proyecto para controlar la tuberculosis bovina - lavanguardia.com

- La UCLM trabaja en el control de la tuberculosis bovina - eldigitaldealbacete.com

- Expertos de la UCLM, ganaderos y gestores de caza avanzan en un proyecto para controlar la tuberculosis bovina - ecodiario.eleconomista.es

- El grupo operativo 'Tuberculosis', al que pertenece la UCLM, continúa trabajando en el control de esta enfermedad - objetivocastillalamancha.es

- El grupo operativo 'Tuberculosis', al que pertenece la UCLM, continúa trabajando en el control de esta enfermedad - oretania.es

- Expertos, ganaderos y gestores de caza trabajan en el control de la tuberculosis - clm24.es

- Expertos, ganaderos y gestores caza trabajan en el control de la tuberculosis - agroinformacion.com

September 12nd, 2017

Via publiDB

Curso de Actualización de tuberculosis bovina

Nuevos estudios científicos en materia de diagnóstico. Perspectivas de futuro

Conference in Curso de Actualización de tuberculosis bovina

September 8th, 2017

Servicio de Informática y Comunicación

Experts, ranchers and hunting managers work on tuberculosis control

The supra-regional operating group "Tuberculosis" has held a new working meeting

The members of the supra-regional Operative Group "Tuberculosis" have held a meeting in Madrid to continue working on the development of an innovation and transfer project whose objective is to implement management measures that contribute to the control of a disease as important as bovine tuberculosis.… Read more

September 8th, 2017

Via publiDB

Epidemiología: teoría y práctica II

Oral communication in Master Universitario en Sanidad y Producción Porcina 7ª Edición 2012

September 7th, 2017

Via publiDB

Abordaje de los programas AMS dede la gestión. Perspectiva Europea

Conference in Antimicrobial stewardship: de la teoría a la práctica

September 6th, 2017

Via publiDB


Motion-based video monitoring for early detection of livestock diseases: The case of African swine fever

Investigation published in PLoS ONE

Early detection of infectious diseases can substantially reduce the health and economic impacts on livestock production. Here we describe a system for monitoring animal activity based on video and data processing techniques, in order to detect slowdown and weakening due to infection with African swine fever (ASF), one of the most significant threats to the pig industry. The system classifies and quantifies motion-based animal behaviour and daily activity in video sequences, allowing automated and non-intrusive surveillance in real-time. The aim of this system is to evaluate significant changes… Read more

September 1st, 2017

Via publiDB

International Microbiology

Genomic Plasticity of Vibrio cholerae

Investigation published in International Microbiology

Vibrio cholerae is one of the deadliest pathogens in the history of humankind. It is the causative agent of cholera, a disease characterized by a profuse and watery diarrhoea that still today causes 95.000 deaths worldwide every year. V. cholerae is a free living marine organism that interacts with and infects a variety of organisms, from amoeba to humans, including insects and crustaceans. The complexity of the lifestyle and ecology of V. cholerae suggests a high genetic and phenotypic plasticity. In this review, we will focus on two peculiar genomic features that enhance genetic plasticity i… Read more

September 1st, 2017

Via publiDB

Veterinary Microbiology

The response of red deer to oral administration of heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis and challenge with a field strain

Investigation article published in Veterinary Microbiology

Deer species (family Cervidae) are often part of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex maintenance host community, and tuberculosis (TB) control in deer, including vaccination, is consequently an area of ongoing research. However, most research into deer vaccination against TB is focused on using the live bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG). Oral inactivated vaccines represent an interesting alternative to either oral or parenteral BCG, since neither diagnostic cross-reactions nor vaccine strain survival are likely to occur. In order to describe the red deer response to heat-inactivated M. bovis (… Read more

September 1st, 2017

Via publiDB

Short communication: Isolation frequency of bacteria causing lymphadenitis and abscesses in small ruminants in central Spain

Small Ruminant Research publish this investigation article

Infectious lymphadenitis in small ruminants caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and Staphylococcus aureus subsp. anaerobius are widely distributed throughout the world, and result in significant economic losses. Trueperella pyogenes has also been associated with lymphadenitis in sheep and goats. In order to determinate the isolation frequency of the different agents associated with lymphadenitis and abscesses, 171 pus samples (135 from sheep and 36 from goats) from 46 flocks were investigated. Isolated bacteria were identified by MALDI-TOF method. S. aureus subsp. anaerobius was the m… Read more

September 1st, 2017

Via publiDB

Letters in Applied Microbiology

The mobile dso-gene-sso element in rolling circles plasmids of staphylococci reflects the evolutionary history of its resistance gene

Investigation article published in Letters in Applied Microbiology

The qacC and lnuA genes of Staphylococcus species were recently proposed to comprise a mobile element when residing on rolling-circle plasmids. Here we present other examples of resistance genes on staphylococcal rolling-circle plasmids, including fosB producing resistance to fosfomycin, cat resulting in resistance to chloramphenicol, and cadB for resistance to the toxic heavy metal cadmium. For three of these genes (qacC, lnuA and fosB) evidence was obtained that the genes have spread between different plasmid backgrounds. The lack of mutations in qacC suggests that the spread occurred relati… Read more

September 1st, 2017

Via publiDB

Infection Genetics and Evolution

Phylogenomic analysis of the complete sequence of a gastroenteritis-associated cetacean adenovirus (bottlenose dolphin adenovirus 1) reveals a high degree of genetic divergence

Investigation published in Infection Genetics and Evolution

Adenoviruses are common pathogens in vertebrates, infecting a wide range of hosts, but only having rarely been detected and correlated with disease in cetaceans. This article describes the first complete genomic sequence of a cetacean adenovirus, bottlenose dolphin adenovirus 1 (BdAdV-1), detected in captive bottlenose dolphin population (Tursiops truncatus) suffering from self-limiting gastroenteritis. The complete genome sequence of BdAdV-1 was recovered from data generated by high-throughput sequencing and validated by Sanger sequencing. The genome is 34,080bp long and has 220 nucleotides l… Read more

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