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January, 2018 news

January 30th, 2018

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Master Universitario en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales

Visita a un laboratorio de alta seguridad biológica: Centro VISAVET

Conference in Master Universitario en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales

January 28th, 2018

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Armas de destrucción masiva silenciosas: Sónicas, Psicotrónicas, Ambientales, Zoonóticas, Genéticas y Robóticas

Conference in Curso de Expertos en Prevención y Gestión de Crisis Internacionales

January 25th, 2018

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Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Emergence of chromosome borne colistin resistance gene mcr-1 in clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae from India

Investigation article published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Transmissible colistin resistance gene, mcr-1 has breached the one of the last line of defense for treatment of infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae… Read more

January 23rd, 2018

Vía lanzadigital.com

Ganaderos y cazadores lucharán juntos contra la tuberculosis animal

Grupo operativo

Representantes de ambos sectores presentan los resultados de un Grupo Operativo Supaautonómico…

- Ganaderos y gestores cinegéticos conocen de la mano de IREC y VISAVET los últimos avances científicos y técnicos sobre diagnóstico y gestión de tuberculosis animal - tarancondigital.es

- Ganaderos, agricultores, cazadores y científicos muestran en Madrid los avances contra la tuberculosis animal - elperiodico.com

- El grupo operativo supraautonómico "Tuberculosis" sigue avanzando en el desarrollo de herramientas para el control de la enfermedad - agronewscastillayleon.com

- Expertos, ganaderos y gestores de caza trabajan para contribuir al control de la tuberculosis - cienciaycaza.org

- Expertos de la UCM, ganaderos y gestores de caza avanzan en un proyecto para controlar la tuberculosis bovina - 20minutos.es

- Expertos de la UCLM, ganaderos y gestores de caza avanzan en un proyecto para controlar la tuberculosis bovina - lacerca.com

- Expertos de la UCLM, ganaderos y gestores de caza avanzan en un proyecto para controlar la tuberculosis bovina - lavanguardia.com

- La UCLM trabaja en el control de la tuberculosis bovina - eldigitaldealbacete.com

- Expertos de la UCLM, ganaderos y gestores de caza avanzan en un proyecto para controlar la tuberculosis bovina - ecodiario.eleconomista.es

- El grupo operativo 'Tuberculosis', al que pertenece la UCLM, continúa trabajando en el control de esta enfermedad - objetivocastillalamancha.es

- El grupo operativo 'Tuberculosis', al que pertenece la UCLM, continúa trabajando en el control de esta enfermedad - oretania.es

- Expertos, ganaderos y gestores de caza trabajan en el control de la tuberculosis - clm24.es

- Expertos, ganaderos y gestores caza trabajan en el control de la tuberculosis - agroinformacion.com

January 17th, 2018

Via publiDB

Master en Seguridad Alimentaria

Control de micotoxinas en materias primas y alimentos procesados

Conference in Master en Seguridad Alimentaria

January 15th, 2018

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In-depth resistome analysis by targeted metagenomics

Microbiome publish this investigation article

BACKGROUND: Antimicrobial resistance is a major global health challenge. Metagenomics allows analyzing the presence and dynamics of "resistomes" (the ensemble of genes encoding antimicrobial resistance in a given microbiome) in disparate microbial ecosystems. However, the low sensitivity and specificity of available metagenomic methods preclude the detection of minority populations (often present below their detection threshold) and/or the identification of allelic variants that differ in the resulting phenotype. Here, we describe a novel strategy that combines targeted metagenomics using las… Read more

January 9th, 2018

Via publiDB

Veterinary Research

Genomic comparisons of Streptococcus suis serotype 9 strains recovered from diseased pigs in Spain and Canada

Investigation article published in Veterinary Research

Streptococcus suis is one of the most important bacterial pathogens in the porcine industry and also a zoonotic agent. Serotype 9 is becoming one of the most prevalent serotypes within the S. suis population in certain European countries. In the present study, serotype 9 strains isolated from a country where infection due to this serotype is endemic (Spain), were compared to those recovered from Canada, where this serotype is rarely isolated from diseased pigs. For comparison purposes, strains from Brazil and the only strain isolated from a human case, in Thailand, were also incorporated. Firs… Read more

January 9th, 2018

Vía lanzadigital.com

Analizarán el desafío que supone la tuberculosis animal para la ganadería y la caza

Grupo Operativo Supraautonómico Turbeculosis analizará la expansión de la tuberculosis animal

January 4th, 2018

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Peste porcina africana

La PPA amenaza de nuevo ¿Qué podemos hacer?

Oral communication in Peste porcina africana

January 1st, 2018

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Ecological Indicators

The relevance of host overcrowding in wildlife epidemiology: A new spatially explicit aggregation index

Ecological Indicators publish this investigation article

Species distribution and population abundance are keystone patterns in ecology, and currently also in epidemiology. The aggregation of individuals in the population is closely related to distribution and abundance, but they are not totally equivalent patterns. Despite the great efforts made in recent decades to harmonise the sampling protocols used to collect distribution and abundance data, studies regarding the development and testing of aggregation indices are scarce, even when individuals’ aggregation is quite relevant and necessary for the design of effective wildlife management policies.… Read more

January 1st, 2018

Via publiDB

Recoding of synonymous genes to expand evolutionary landscapes requires control of secondary structure affecting translation

Biotechnology and bioengineering publish this investigation article

Synthetic DNA design needs to harness the many information layers embedded in a DNA string. We previously developed the Evolutionary Landscape Painter (ELP), an algorithm that exploits the degeneracy of the code to increase protein evolvability. Here, we have used ELP to recode the integron integrase gene (intI1) in two alternative alleles. Although synonymous, both alleles yielded less IntI1 protein and were less active in recombination assays than intI1. We spliced the three alleles and mapped the activity decrease to the beginning of alternative sequences. Mfold predicted the presence of mo… Read more

January 1st, 2018

Via publiDB

Profesión Veterinaria

Veterinarios y antibióticos: destinados a entenderse

New article published in Profesión Veterinaria

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