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November, 2018 news

November 28th, 2018

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Spatio-temporal epidemiology of anthrax in Hippopotamus amphibious in Queen Elizabeth Protected Area, Uganda

Investigation published in PLoS ONE

Background Anthrax is a zoonotic disease primarily of herbivores, caused by Bacillus anthracis, a bacterium with diverse geographical and global distribution. Globally, livestock outbreaks have declined but in Africa significant outbreaks continue to occur with most countries still categorized as enzootic, hyper endemic or sporadic. Uganda experiences sporadic human and livestock cases. Severe large-scale outbreaks occur periodically in hippos (Hippopotamus amphibious) at Queen Elizabeth Protected Area, where in 2004/2005 and 2010 anthrax killed 437 hippos. Ecological drivers of these outbrea… Read more

November 26th, 2018

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Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación

Brote de Listeriosis vinculado al consumo de salmón en Europa

New post in Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación

La Agencia Europea para la Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA) y el Centro Europeo para la Prevención y el Control de Enfermedades (ECDC) publicaron ayer un informe técnico sobre el brote de Listeria monocytogenes que afecta a varios países europeos y se ha vinculado al consumo de productos de salmón. Los productos listos para el consumo, como el salmón ahumado en frío y el salmón marinado, son la fuente probable de este brote de Listeria monocytogenes que ha afectado a Dinamarca, Alemania y Francia desde 2015. El estudio se basó en la secuenciación del genoma completo (WGS) para identificar el brote… Read more

November 24th, 2018

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La primera vía para frenar la peste porcina pasa por la bioseguridad y disminuir la concentración de jabalíes

Interview in Agronwes Castilla y León of Agronews Catilla y León

November 19th, 2018

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Grandes animales. Módulo 1. Trabajo con animales

Oral communication in Curso Avanzado de Formación en Bioseguridad. Conforme a los requisitos de la norma UNE-CWA 16335: 2014 "Competencia del profesional en bioseguridad"

November 15th, 2018

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El País

España es el país europeo con más infecciones bacterianas en los centros sociosanitarios

Interview in El País of El Pais

November 14th, 2018

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Going In-Depth on African Swine Fever

Interview in SwineCast of SwineCast

November 13rd, 2018

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Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación

Nutriscore: la etiqueta relacionada con la calidad nutricional de los alimentos

New online article published in Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación

Instaurado en Francia hace seis meses y pendiente de introducirse en Bélgica y Portugal, el código Nutriscore consiste en un gráfico con coloración gradual del verde al rojo en cinco niveles. Cada producto destacará el color que le corresponda en función de su contenido en azúcares, grasas saturadas, sal, calorías, fibra y proteínas. Así, los colores verdes identificarán los alimentos más saludables y los rojos, a los de menor calidad nutricional… Read more

Related news in other media:

- El etiquetado NutriScore solo se aplicará a alimentos con más de un ingrediente - sweetpress.com

November 12nd, 2018

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Are Movements Important In The Transmission Of Bovine Tuberculosis In Castilla y Leon, Spain?

Poster presented in 15th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 15)

November 7th, 2018

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Guerra contra sombras: nuevas amenazas biológicas

Conference in Seguridad Global

November 1st, 2018

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Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation

Rapid differentiation of Staphylococcus aureus subspecies based on MALDI-TOF MS profiles

Investigation published in Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation

Staphylococcus aureus encompasses 2 subspecies ( aureus and anaerobius) with significant differences in their epidemiology and pathogenicity. We evaluated the suitability of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for the rapid identification of both subspecies using a panel of 52 S. aureus isolates (30 subsp. anaerobius and 22 subsp. aureus) recovered from different origins, countries, and years. The on-board library identification system correctly identified 42 of 52 (81%) S. aureus isolates at the species level with score values >2.0. Limi… Read more

November 1st, 2018

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Journal of Equine Veterinary Science

MultiOrgan Disease and Death Associated With Streptococcus equi spp. zooepidemicus in a 2-Month-Old Foal

Investigation article published in Journal of Equine Veterinary Science

A 2-month-old Andalusian colt in central Spain presented dyspnea, diarrhea, and depression. Despite the initial treatment for presumptive pneumonia caused by Rhodococcus equi, after 1 hour, the colt showed signs of shock and died. The necropsy revealed multiple abscesses in the lung, as well as enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes, and hemorrhagic peritonitis. Samples were taken from trachea, lung parenchyma, small intestine, and colon. All samples yielded a pure culture of Streptococcus equi spp. zooepidemicus, whereas R. equi was excluded by using a specific qPCR performed on all samples. Isolate… Read more

November 1st, 2018

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Preventive Veterinary Medicine

Epidemiological surveillance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in extensively raised pigs in the south of Spain

Preventive Veterinary Medicine publish this investigation article

The role of domestic pigs in the epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) is considered to be limited due to the characteristics of intensive production systems. However, in southwestern Spain, Iberian pigs are usually raised under extensive management systems, sharing their habitat with other domestic and wild species, some of which may act as reservoirs of MTC. Our objective was to determine the seroprevalence, risk factors, spatial distribution and spoligotypes of MTC circulating in extensively farmed pigs in Andalusia (southern Spain), a region with a high prevalence of tub… Read more

November 1st, 2018

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Veterinary Microbiology

Use of processing fluids and serum samples to characterize porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus dynamics in 3 day-old pigs

Investigation published in Veterinary Microbiology

Collection of serum samples of pigs at weaning to monitor for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) has become a common practice to determine PRRSV herd infection status. Diagnostic sensitivity of this practice is low in herds undergoing PRRSV elimination once prevalence of infection is near zero. Thus, the goal of this study was to characterize the dynamics of PRRSV infection in 3 day-old pigs overtime using serum and serosanguineous fluids obtained as part of castration and tail docking practices (processing fluids (PF)). Secondary goal was to estimate sensitivity and s… Read more

November 1st, 2018

Via publiDB

Preventive Veterinary Medicine

Modeling cost-effectiveness of risk-based bovine tuberculosis surveillance in Minnesota

Investigation published in Preventive Veterinary Medicine

In the United States, slaughter surveillance combined with other measures has effectively maintained a very low prevalence of bovine tuberculosis (bTB). However, bTB continues to be sporadically detected, causing substantial economic burden to the government and cattle producers. To detect the infection earlier and reduce sudden economic losses, additional risk-based surveillance of live animals might be more cost-effective than slaughter surveillance alone to detect and prevent bTB infection. The objective of this study was to evaluate alternative risk-based surveillance strategies targeting … Read more

November 1st, 2018

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Profesión Veterinaria

Medicina Preventiva Veterinaria: concepto y actualización

Profesión Veterinaria publish this article

November 1st, 2018

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Biosecurity and Control of ASF in Different Scenarios

Oral communication in PIC Symposium

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