March, 2018 news
March 27th, 2018
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In vivo transfer and microevolution of avian native IncA/C2blaNDM-1-carrying plasmid pRH-1238 during a broiler chicken infection study
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy publish this investigation article
The emergence and spread of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) in wildlife and livestock animals poses an important safety concern for public health. With our in vivo broiler chicken infection study we investigated transfer and experimental microevolution of the blaNDM-1-carrying IncA/C2 plasmid (pRH-1238) introduced by avian native Salmonella (S.) Corvallis, without inducing antibiotic selection pressure. We evaluated dependency of the time point of inoculation on donor [S Corvallis (12-SA01738)] and a plasmid-free Salmonella spp. recipient [S Paratyphi B (dTa+), 13-SA01617] exc…
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March 27th, 2018
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Curso de actualización de tuberculosis bovina. 8ª edition
Communications in this event:
March 22nd, 2018
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An advection-deposition-survival model to assess the risk of introduction of vector-borne diseases through the wind: Application to bluetongue outbreaks in Spain
Investigation article published in PLoS ONE
This work develops a methodology for estimating risk of wind-borne introduction of flying insects into a country, identifying areas and periods of high risk of vector-borne diseases incursion. This risk can be characterized by the role of suitable temperatures and wind currents in small insects` survival and movements, respectively. The model predicts the number density of introduced insects over space and time based on three processes: the advection due to wind currents, the deposition on the ground and the survival due to climatic conditions. Spanish livestock has suffered many bluetongue ou…
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Related news in other media:
- Desarrollan una herramienta para predecir introducción de mosquitos del norte de África -
- Descubren un sistema que podría evitar enfermedades en el ganado -
- Una herramienta predice la introducción de mosquitos procedentes del norte de África -
March 22nd, 2018
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8th One Health Sweden Scientific Meeting
Communications in this event:
- Hepatitis E in the whole Spanish pork food chain: From farm to supermarket
- Global Approach for TB Eradication
March 21st, 2018
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Curso de formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina. 13ª edition
Communications in this event:
- Interferencia diagnóstica en la tuberculosis. Estudios de sensibilidad y especificidad
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la base de datos
- Actividades del EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
March 21st, 2018
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Veterinary PhD Research Seminars
Communications in this event:
- Antibiorresistencia de L. garvieae: caracterización fenotípica y molecular
- Hepatitis E en España: zoonosis emergente y situación en el ganado porcino
- Los plásmidos ColE1 y su importancia en la resistencia a antibióticos
- Evaluación de las vacunas MTBVAC y MTBVAC+ frente a la tuberculosis en el modelo experimental cabra
- Riesgos asociados a la presencia de Staphylococcus aureus en productos curados de cerdo
- Patologías respiratorias en potros. Epidemiología y diagnóstico laboratorial
March 20th, 2018
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Assessment on living WB movements in EuropeImplications of ASFV introduction
Oral communication in ASF-STOP WG2-4 workshop. Control of ASF in Eastern Europe. Knowledge gaps and the need of data driven evidence
March 16th, 2018
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PCR-Based Analysis of ColE1 Plasmids in Clinical Isolates and Metagenomic Samples Reveals Their Importance as Gene Capture Platforms
Investigation article published in Frontiers in Microbiology
ColE1 plasmids are important vehicles for the spread of antibiotic resistance in the Enterobacteriaceae and Pasteurellaceae families of bacteria. Their monitoring is essential, as they harbor important resistant determinants in humans, animals and the environment. In this work, we have analyzed ColE1 replicons using bioinformatic and experimental approaches. First, we carried out a computational study examining the structure of different ColE1 plasmids deposited in databases. Bioinformatic analysis of these ColE1 replicons revealed a mosaic genetic structure consisting of a host-adapted conser…
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March 15th, 2018
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Uso de las técnicas serológicas para la detección de anticuerpos frente a la tuberculosis animal
Oral communication in Jornada de formación práctica en serología para la detección de anticuerpos frente a la tuberculosis en animales
March 15th, 2018
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Alimentación y salud en pequeños animales
Conference in Aula Veterinaria-Iberzoo+Propet
March 14th, 2018
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Estudios seroepidemiológico del complejo Mycobacterium tuberculosis en el ganado porcino extensivo en Andalucía
Conference in X foro ANVEPI
March 14th, 2018
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VetenVIVO. Formación de profesionales veterinarios. 2018 edition
Communications in this event:
- Lesiones bucales en pequeños animales
- Lesiones oncológicas en pequeños animales
- Enfermedades reproductivas en Bovinos. Las olvidadas
- Patología intestinal en pequeños animales
- Patología respiratoria en bovinos
- Enfermedades Emergentes: Riesgos, Alertas y Prevenciones
- Diagnóstico diferencial enfermedades dermatológicas en pequeños animales
- Inspección post-mortem: Principales lesiones en ganado vacuno
March 12nd, 2018
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Comparative genomics of quinolone-resistantand susceptibleCampylobacter jejuniof oultry origin from major poultry producing European countries (GENCAMP)
EFSA Journal publish this article
A total of 502 Campylobacter jejuniisolates from poultry in 12 different European countries(10 of them the largest poultry production countries in Europe)werewhole genome sequencedto examine the genomic diversity of fluoroquinolone resistant (FQ-R) and susceptible(FQ-S)C. jejuniacross the poultry producing European countries and to determine whether the emergence of fluoroquinolone resistance among C.jejuniis related to the transmission through countries or to the selection through fluoroquinolone use in the individual countries. A high genomic diversity was obs…
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March 8th, 2018
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Master en Dirección y Desarrollo del Talento
Communications in this event:
- Visita a un laboratorio de alta seguridad biológica: Centro VISAVET
- Bioseguridad e instalaciones de contención biológica
March 7th, 2018
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Amenazas Biológicas
Conference in III Congreso Comunicación y Seguridad en Eventos
March 7th, 2018
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Curso de actualización de tuberculosis bovina. 7ª edition
Communications in this event:
- Coloquio. El veterinario como pieza importante en la erradicación de la tuberculosis bovina
March 1st, 2018
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Mass Protection Shields
Oral communication in VIII Concurso de Divulgación Científica UCM
In a world in which pathogens are increasingly better warriors, antibiotics and vaccines are two of our best shields in the fight against infectious diseases: they are times to value their role, not to belittle it…
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March 1st, 2018
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Inmunología práctica para porcino
Conference in porciFORUM 2018
Related news in other media:
- El porciFORUM 2018 celebrará su 3ª edición en la Llotja-Lleida -
- La cita ineludible del sector porcino. PorciFORUM 2018, un programa técnico de alto nivel -