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September, 2018 news

September 29th, 2018

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European Journal of Wildlife Research

Carriage of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in urban versus rural wild boars

Investigation article published in European Journal of Wildlife Research

The Western European population of wild boar (Sus scrofa) has increased its distribution over the past several decades, and some populations have colonized areas strongly influenced by human activity. Wild boars are known carriers of antibiotic-resistant bacteria acquired from the environment, and urban populations of wild boars may be more exposed than their rural counterparts. In this work, we compared the frequency of antibiotic resistance in indicator bacteria (Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium) isolated from urban wild boars with that from rural wild boars in N… Read more

September 27th, 2018

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Frontiers in veterinary science

Evaluation of the performance of the IDvet IFN-gamma test for diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in Spain

Investigation article published in Frontiers in veterinary science

In Spain, the national bovine tuberculosis (bTB) eradication program is based on yearly skin testing of every ≥6 weeks old animal using the single or comparative tuberculin test and parallel use of the interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) assay as an ancillary diagnostic test in infected herds. There are several versions of the latter. Recently, a new commercial IDvet IFN-γ assay has been authorized for use in the program, but there is limited scientific evidence about its performance in different epidemiological settings. Therefore, two studies to evaluate the performance of the IDvet ass… Read more

September 25th, 2018

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1st Global Congress of Pharmacy Faculties. Innovation in Pharmacy: Advances and perspectives


Conference in 1st Global Congress of Pharmacy Faculties. Innovation in Pharmacy: Advances and perspectives

September 20th, 2018

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Álvaro Roy Cordero

Evaluación de la vacuna MTBVAC frente a la tuberculosis en un modelo de infección natural en ganado caprino

Presentation by Álvaro Roy Cordero to obtain the Master in Tropical Medicine and International Health

September 19th, 2018

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Gestión de crisis sanitarias en el ganado porcino. 1ª parte: Las enfermedades más temibles del porcino

Suis publish this article

En esta primera entrega revisaremos los aspectos que hacen que una enfermedad sea considerada temible, cuáles son estas enfermedades considerando el contexto actual, cuál es el riesgo para nuestro país y las vías de entrada más importantes. En este número se tratan la Fiebre Aftosa, la Enfermedad del Valle del Séneca, la Peste Porcina Africana y la Peste Porcina Clásica.… Read more

September 15th, 2018

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Sputnik Mundo

Pollos y cerdos dan una clave para reducir la resistencia a los antibióticos

Interview in Sputnik Mundo of Sputnik Mundo

Un consorcio internacional de científicos tomó muestras en granjas de nueve países de la Unión Europea. El análisis permitió reconocer la presencia de 407 genes resistentes a los antibióticos. Esta investigación da nuevas herramientas para la reducción de la mayor amenaza que enfrenta hoy la salud de la población mundial… Read more

September 10th, 2018

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Nuevas amenazas biológicas

Oral communication in XV Curso de especialistas NRBQ nivel 3 de la Guardia Civil

September 4th, 2018

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First oral immunization in wild boar against African Swine Fever

Oral communication in 12th International Symposium on Wildboar and other Suids

September 1st, 2018

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FEMS Microbiology Letters

Educating in antimicrobial resistance awareness: adaptation of the Small World Initiative program to service-learning

FEMS Microbiology Letters publish this investigation article

The Small World Initiative (SWI) is a consolidated and successful education program rooted in the USA that tackles the antibiotic crisis by a crowdsourcing strategy. Based on active learning, it challenges young students to discover novel bioactive-producing microorganisms form environmental soil samples. Besides its pedagogical efficiency to impart Microbiology contents in academic curricula, SWI promotes vocations on research and development in Experimental Sciences and, at the same time, disseminates the antibiotic awareness guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO). We have adapted… Read more

September 1st, 2018

Via publiDB

Microbial Drug Resistance (Larchmont, N.Y.)

Molecular Characterization of Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in the Intensive Care Unit of Uruguays University Hospital Identifies the First rmtC Gene in the Species

Microbial Drug Resistance (Larchmont, N.Y.) publish this investigation article

Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) infections are an increasing concern in intensive care units (ICUs) worldwide. The combination of carbapenemases and 16S rRNA-methyltransferases (16S-RMTases) further reduces the therapeutic options. OXA-carbapenemase/A. baumannii clone tandems in Latin America have already been described; however, no information exists in this region regarding the occurrence of 16S-RMTases in this microorganism. In addition, the epidemiology of A. baumannii in ICUs and its associated resistance profiles are poorly understood. Our objectives were as follows: … Read more

September 1st, 2018

Via publiDB

Journal of Virological Methods

Novel and highly sensitive sybr® green real-time pcr for poxvirus detection in odontocete cetaceans

Investigation published in Journal of Virological Methods

Poxviruses are emerging pathogens in cetaceans, temporarily named `Cetaceanpoxvirus` (CePV, family Poxviridae), classified into two main lineages: CePV-1 in odontocetes and CePV-2 in mysticetes. Only a few studies performed the molecular detection of CePVs, based on DNA-polymerase gene and/or DNA-topoisomerase I gene amplification. Herein we describe a new real-time PCR assay based on SYBR® Green and a new primer set to detect a 150 bp fragment of CePV DNA-polymerase gene, also effective for conventional PCR detection. The novel real-time PCR was able to detect 5 up to 5 × 106 copi… Read more

September 1st, 2018

Via publiDB

Grupos terroristas tratan de inocular enfermedades infecciosas a la población civil

Naves en LLamas publish this article

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