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October, 2019 news

October 30th, 2019

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Frontiers in veterinary science

Free-Ranging Pig and Wild Boar Interactions in an Endemic Area of African Swine Fever

Investigation published in Frontiers in veterinary science

African swine fever virus (ASFV) is spreading throughout Eurasia and there is no vaccine nor treatment available, so the control is based on the implementation of strict sanitary measures. These measures include depopulation of infected and in-contact animals and export restrictions, which can lead to important economic losses, making currently African swine fever (ASF) the greatest threat to the global swine industry. ASF has been endemic on the island of Sardinia since 1978, the longest persistence of anywhere in Eurasia. In Sardinia, eradication programs have failed, in large part due to th… Read more

October 28th, 2019

Via publiDB

XI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Tropical y Salud Internacional. SEMTSI

Zoonosis emergente de transmisión alimentaria: hepatitis E

Conference in XI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Tropical y Salud Internacional. SEMTSI

Related news in other media:

- Abogan por enfoque multidisciplinar en enfermedades emergentes - animalshealth.es

- Garrapatas letales y morcilla con hepatitis: ¿está España a salvo del brote de una enfermedad tropical? - elpais.com

October 24th, 2019

Via publiDB


Role of Wild Boar in the Spread of Classical Swine Fever in Japan

Investigation article published in Pathogens

Since September 2018, nearly 900 notifications of classical swine fever (CSF) have been reported in Gifu Prefecture (Japan) affecting domestic pig and wild boar by the end of August 2019. To determine the epidemiological characteristics of its spread, a spatio-temporal analysis was performed using actual field data on the current epidemic. The spatial study, based on standard deviational ellipses of official CSF notifications, showed that the disease likely spread to the northeast part of the prefecture. A maximum significant spatial association estimated between CSF notifications was 23 km by… Read more

October 24th, 2019

Via publiDB

Journées techniques 2019 de las Fesass

España a confirmar

Oral communication in Journées techniques 2019 de las Fesass

October 22nd, 2019

Via publiDB

XV Jornadas de difusión de la Cultura de Defensa. Seminario Cultural Permanente de Seguridad y Defensa. Cátedra Almirante Martín Granizo

El bioterrorismo del siglo XXI

Conference in XV Jornadas de difusión de la Cultura de Defensa. Seminario Cultural Permanente de Seguridad y Defensa. Cátedra Almirante Martín Granizo

October 16th, 2019

Via publiDB

Identification of host-associated genomic determinants in Escherichia coli

Oral communication in Zoonoses 2019 – International Symposium on Zoonoses Research

October 16th, 2019

Via publiDB

African Swine Fever

Oral communication in KBS News. Televisión Sur Koreana

October 15th, 2019

Via publiDB

Frontiers in Microbiology

Successful Host Adaptation of IncK2 Plasmids

Investigation published in Frontiers in Microbiology

The IncK plasmid group can be divided into two separate lineages named IncK1 and IncK2. IncK2 is found predominantly in poultry while IncK1 was reported in various mammals, including animals and humans. The physiological basis of this distinction is not known. In this manuscript we examined fitness cost of IncK1 and IncK2 plasmids at 37 and 42°C, which resembles mammalian and chicken body temperatures, respectively. We analyzed conjugation frequency, plasmid copy number and plasmid fitness cost in direct competition. Additionally, we measured levels of σ-32 in Escherichia coli carrying ei… Read more

October 15th, 2019

Via publiDB

Veterinary Research

Evaluation of the immunogenicity and efficacy of BCG and MTBVAC vaccines using a natural transmission model of tuberculosis

Veterinary Research publish this investigation article

Effective vaccines against tuberculosis (TB) are needed in order to prevent TB transmission in human and animal populations. Evaluation of TB vaccines may be facilitated by using reliable animal models that mimic host pathophysiology and natural transmission of the disease as closely as possible. In this study, we evaluated the immunogenicity and efficacy of two attenuated vaccines, BCG and MTBVAC, after each was given to 17 goats (2 months old) and then exposed for 9 months to goats infected with M. caprae. In general, MTBVAC-vaccinated goats showed higher interferon-gamma release than BCG va… Read more

October 15th, 2019

Vía rica.chil.me

La red de institutos europeos One Health EJP presenta sus avances

EJP avances

El Programa Conjunto Europeo One Health, en el que participan Visavet y el INIA, ha presentado sus avances en investigación relativa a resistencias antimicrobianas y zoonosis alimentarias que ha realizado en su primer año de vida…

- La red de institutos europeos One Health EJP presenta sus avances - animalshealth.es

October 10th, 2019

Vía animalshealth.es

Extremadura reduce la prevalencia de tuberculosis bovina del 13% al 4%

Prevalencia de la tuberculosis

En una reunión mantenida por la Consejería extremeña de Agricultura se han facilitado los últimos datos de prevalencia de tuberculosis bovina en la región, que muestran una importante reducción de cerca del 9% desde la pasada legislatura…

October 8th, 2019

Via publiDB

Scientific reports

Risk of African swine fever virus introduction into the United States through smuggling of pork in air passenger luggage

Investigation published in Scientific reports

African swine fever causes substantial economic losses in the swine industry in affected countries. Traditionally confined to Africa with only occasional incursions into other regions, ASF began spreading into Caucasian countries and Eastern Europe in 2007, followed by Western Europe and Asia in 2018. Such a dramatic change in the global epidemiology of ASF has resulted in concerns that the disease may continue to spread into disease-free regions such as the US. In this study, we estimated the risk of introduction of ASF virus into the US through smuggling of pork in air passenger luggage. Res… Read more

October 8th, 2019

Via publiDB

Antibiotiques: succès et déceptions

Résistance aux antibiotiques: humains, animaux et environnement

Conference in Antibiotiques: succès et déceptions

La résistance aux antibiotiques est, comme confirmée par l’OMS et l’ONU, la menace sanitaire actuelle la plus grave du monde. Bien qu’on utilise des antibiotiques depuis les années 30, les bactéries s’entrainent déjà depuis des millions d’années à résister contre elles-mêmes dans la nature, ce qui explique qu’elles ont développé des stratégies de résistance très efficientes. En fait, les bactéries, contrairement au reste des êtres vivants de la Terre, peuvent s’échanger entre elles des gènes responsables de divers mécanismes de résistance par un processus appelé « Transfert Horizontal des… Read more

October 7th, 2019

Via publiDB

VII Jornada del Pilar de Vacuno de Cebo

Bioseguridad, una visión práctica

Conference in VII Jornada del Pilar de Vacuno de Cebo

October 7th, 2019

Vía animalshealth.es

Constituyen un grupo de trabajo sobre la tuberculosis bovina

Grupo de trabajo tuberculosis

Castilla y León ha creado un grupo de trabajo técnico sobre la tuberculosis bovina con el objetivo de mejorar los estándares sanitarios de sus explotaciones ganaderas…

October 6th, 2019

Via publiDB

Pre-conference workshops GeoVet 2019

The application of molecular tools to spatial epidemiology

Oral communication in Pre-conference workshops GeoVet 2019

October 5th, 2019

Via publiDB

Integron Identification in Bacterial Genomes and Cassette Recombination Assays

The book Horizontal Gene Transfer edited by Humana Press Inc. includes this chapter

Integrons are genetic elements involved in bacterial adaptation to the environment. Sedentary chromosomal integrons (SCIs) can stockpile and rearrange a myriad of different functions encoded in gene cassettes. Through their association with transposable elements and conjugative plasmids, some SCIs have acquired mobility and are now termed Mobile Integrons (MIs). MIs have reached the hospitals and are involved in the rise and spread of antibiotic resistance genes through horizontal gene transfer among numerous bacterial species. Here we aimed at describing methods for the detection of integrons… Read more

October 2nd, 2019

Via publiDB

Hora 25

La resistencia a los antibióticos: una de las mayores amenazas para la salud mundial

Interview in Hora 25 of Cadena SER

Periodismo a la carta investiga sobre el efecto que produce el consumo excesivo de antibióticos.… Read more

October 1st, 2019

Via publiDB

Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Tuberculosis vaccination sequence effect on protection in wild boar

Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases publish this investigation article

The Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa) is a reservoir for tuberculosis (TB) in which vaccination is a valuable tool for control. We evaluated the protection and immune response achieved by homologous and heterologous regimes administering BCG and heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis (IV). Twenty-one wild boar piglets were randomly allocated in five groups: Control, homologous BCG, homologous IV, heterologous IV-BCG, heterologous BCG-IV. Significant 67% and 66% total lesion score reductions were detected in homologous IV (IVx2) and heterologous IV-BCG groups when compared with Control group (F4,16… Read more

October 1st, 2019

Via publiDB

Risk of acquisition of human diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli virulence genes in intercontinental travellers: a prospective, multi-centre study Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease

Investigation article published in Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease

Background: We studied the geographic distribution of diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli virulence genes (DEC VGs) acquisition in travellers and investigated if they acquired highly virulent EAEC/STEC hybrid strains. Methods: From the prospective, multicentre COMBAT study among 2,001 Dutch travellers, a subset of 491 travellers was were selected based on travel destination to 7 subregions. Faecal samples taken directly before and after travel were screened for nine DEC VGs with real-time PCR. Incidence proportions and rates were calculated for each gene and subregion. Results: 479 travellers… Read more

October 1st, 2019

Via publiDB

Peste porcina africana: situación actual y perspectivas de futuro

New article published in Sólo cerdo ibérico

La peste porcina africana se encuentra en la actualidad en tres continentes, mostrando una expansión activa en Europa y Asia. En Asia, las medidas de control han comenzado a afectar al abastecimiento, incrementando el precio de la carne de cerdo en el comercio internacional. Por ello es necesario el establecimiento de medidas de prevención y control efectivas. Además, desde la academia se continúan realizando ensayos para hallar una vacuna efectiva… Read more

October 1st, 2019

Via publiDB

Aborto ovino causado por Salmonella Abortusovis (aborto paratifoide)

New article published in Albèitar Portugal

Numa exploração de ovinos dependendo da aptidão dos animais, as principais fontes de lucro são a venda dos borregos e produção de leite, logo uma boa fertilidade é um fator chave para garantir a produtividade e rentabilidade do negócio. Neste âmbito, é essencial prevenir e controlar os abortos para garantirmos um parto e borregos saudáveis. A Salmonella Abortusovis é considerada uma das principais causas de abortos infeciosos, a seguir à Chlamydia abortus em muitos países europeus. Este artigo pretende fazer uma revisão sobre o aborto paratifóide e respetivas medidas de preveção… Read more

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