June, 2019 news
June 29th, 2019
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Curso de formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina. 15ª edition
Communications in this event:
- Interferencia diagnóstica en la tuberculosis. Estudios de sensibilidad y especificidad
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la base de datos mycoDB.es
- Actividades del EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
June 29th, 2019
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Curso de formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina. 15ª edition. 16ª edition
Communications in this event:
- Interferencia diagnóstica en la tuberculosis. Estudios de sensibilidad y especificidad
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la base de datos mycoDB.es
- Actividades del EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
June 27th, 2019
Via publiDB

Communications in this event:
- Primera vacuna oral en jabalí frente al virus de la peste porcina africana
- Sesión de comunicaciones orales I: Investigación en Sanidad Animal
June 24th, 2019
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Host Richness Increases Tuberculosis Disease Risk in Game-Managed Areas
Investigation published in Microorganisms
Current scientific debate addresses whether species richness in animal communities may negatively moderate pathogen transmission and disease outcome (dilution effect), or to the contrary, if disease emergence benefits from more diverse community assemblages (amplification effect). The result may not depend exclusively on patterns of host species biodiversity but may depend on the specific composition of reservoir hosts and vectors, and their ecology. Host–pathogen interactions have shaped variations in parasite virulence, transmissibility and specificity. In the same way the importance of fact…
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June 20th, 2019
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In vivo analysis of Escherichia coli strains selected for different host specificities by a “Nearest Neighbour" bioinformatics approach in experimentally inoculated piglets
Poster communication in Junior Scientist Zoonoses Meeting 2019
June 19th, 2019
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Evolución del método histológico diferencial del preparado/producto cárnico: falta de soluciones y sensibilidad de la administración
Oral communication in V Congreso Internacional en Calidad y Seguridad Alimentaria
June 18th, 2019
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Weaned piglets: another factor to be considered for the control of Salmonella infection in breeding pig farms
Investigation article published in Veterinary Research
Field studies on Salmonella infection in suckling piglets are scarce due to the intrinsic difficulties of collecting proper samples (i.e. tonsils or mesenteric lymph nodes), and most of them rely on the analysis of rectal swabs that limit their accuracy. We used 495 slaughtered 4-weeks-old male piglets intended for human consumption from 5 Salmonella-seropositive breeding farms to collect gastrointestinal packages and perform a thorough detection of Salmonella on mesenteric lymph nodes and intestinal content. The overall prevalence of both infection and shedding was high (≈ 36%) in…
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June 18th, 2019
Via publiDB

Curso de actualización de la tuberculosis bovina
Communications in this event:
- Visita a cebadero y práctica de las pruebas diagnósticas
- Problemas en la aplicación en el campo del Programa nacional. Propuestas de solución y mejora
- Actividades del EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la base de datos mycoDB.es.
- Interferencia diagnóstica en la tuberculosis. Estudios de sensibilidad y especificidad
June 14th, 2019
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High Load of Deformed Wing Virus and Varroa destructor Infestation Are Related to Weakness of Honey Bee Colonies in Southern Spain
Frontiers in Microbiology publish this investigation article
Many factors, including pathogens, contribute to the continuing losses of colonies of the honey bee Apis mellifera, which has led to steady population decline. In particular, colony losses have been linked to deformed wing virus (DWV) and the Varroa destructor mite. To clarify the potential role of these two pathogens in honey bee colony weakening and loss, we sampled colonies in southern Spain during a 21-month period and analyzed the samples for loads of four viruses and varroa. Loads of DWV and black queen cell virus as well as varroa infestation negatively correlated with colony vigor as m…
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June 12nd, 2019
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Moving beyond descriptive epidemiology
Interview in CAHFS News of University of Minnesota
“Often we are not able to identify all the factors related to the space, but we can certainly look into the distribution of these health events,” says Julio Alvarez, DVM, PhD, who was among the course instructors who illustrated the full extent of U of M resources that can be utilized in future collaborations with MDH. “We can study the spatial patterns and then test whether or not those patterns are statistically significant.” Alvarez is an adjunct professor at CVM who primarily works at the Veterinary Health Surveillance Center at the Complutense University of Madrid, where his research take…
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June 11st, 2019
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Jornada de Inmersión Científica UCM Cientifícate
Communications in this event:
- Visita a las instalaciones de un laboratorio de contención biológica
- Cultivo, identificación microbiológica y resistencia a antimicrobianos
- Bioseguridad en laboratorios de contención biológica
June 7th, 2019
Via publiDB
Communications in this event:
- Abomasal Displacement in Beef Calves
June 6th, 2019
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Caracterización del gen groEl en Streptococcus equi subsp. equi y su relación con el fenotipo y el genotipo de los aislamientos
Conference in IX Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores
June 5th, 2019
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La secuenciación genómica, aliada en la lucha contra la resistencia a los antimicrobianos
New post in Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación
June 1st, 2019
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Diagnostic interaction between bovine tuberculosis (bTB) and Johne`sdisease in bTB highly prevalent dairy farms of Uruguay
Veterinary and Animal Science publish this investigation article
The consolidation of the dairy industry, with increase in sizes, density and productivity of the herds, was associated to unprecedented bovine tuberculosis (bTB) prevalence levels in dairy herds in Uruguay, where Johne`s disease (JD), another mycobacterial disease, is also prevalent. Here, we aimed to characterize the association between bTB- and JD-diagnostic results in two heavily bTB- and JD-coinfected dairy herds. Results from bTB-intradermal tests and JD-ELISA in 686 cows indicated a significantly (P < 0.001) higher frequency of bTB-positive animals in the JD-positive population, in which…
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