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September, 2019 news

September 26th, 2019

Via publiDB

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

Mapping changes in the spatiotemporal distribution of lumpy skin disease virus

Investigation article published in Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

Lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV) is an infectious disease of cattle transmitted by arthropod vectors which results in substantial economic losses due to impact on production efficiency and profitability, and represents an emerging threat to international trade of livestock products and live animals. Since 2015, the disease has spread into the Northern Hemisphere including Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and the Balkans. The rapid expansion of LSDV in those regions represented the emergence of the virus in more temperate regions than those in which LSDV traditionally occurred. The… Read more

September 24th, 2019

Via publiDB

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

Emergent subtype of hepatitis E virus genotype 3 in wild boar in Spain

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases publish this investigation article

Wild boar (Sus scrofa) is considered the main wildlife reservoir of zoonotic hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotypes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the circulation of HEV in free-ranging wild boar in the Doñana National Park (DNP), Spain. Blood samples were collected from 99 wild boar in the DNP during 2015. Sera were analyzed in parallel using indirect ELISA and real-time RT-PCR. A total of 57 of the 99 tested animals (57.6%; 95%CI: 47.8-67.3%) had anti-HEV antibodies, indicating that this virus is widespread in wild boar in the DNP. HEV RNA was detected in one animal and phylogenetic analy… Read more

September 24th, 2019

Vía animalshealth.es

La lucha contra las resistencias llega a los animales de compañía

Resistencia en animales

La Unión Europea y expertos del sector de la sanidad animal como el catedrático Bruno González Zorn están implementando esfuerzos para el control del uso de antibióticos en las clínicas veterinarias de pequeños animales…

September 19th, 2019

Scientific Steering Board Meeting, One Health European Joint Programme (SSB OHEJP)

VISAVET participated in this event

September 19th, 2019

Via publiDB


En tuberculosis no se puede achacar todo a las técnicas diagnósticas

Interview in Profesionales of Animal´s Health

El experto en tuberculosis bovina Javier Bezos explica cómo funcionan los test diagnósticos de tuberculosis, la eficacia de las vacunas y los saneamientos, y cual considera el método más efectivo para erradicar la enfermedad… Read more

September 19th, 2019

Vía animalshealth.es

En tuberculosis no se puede achacar todo a las técnicas diagnósticas

Evolución tuberculosis bovina

El experto en tuberculosis bovina Javier Bezos explica cómo funcionan los test diagnósticos de tuberculosis, la eficacia de las vacunas y los saneamientos, y cual considera el método más efectivo para erradicar la enfermedad…

September 18th, 2019

Med-Vet-Net Association Governing Board

VISAVET participated in this event

September 18th, 2019

Via publiDB

María Juez García

Asociación entre resistencia a antibióticos y factores del hospedador y la bacteria en patógenos de transmisión alimentaria

Degree Final Project defended by María Juez García

Salmonellosis is one of the main foodborne zoonosis worldwide and also in the European Union. It is caused by Salmonella enterica subesp. enterica, that can be divided in over 2,500 serotypes. Salmonella is a very ubiquitous bacteria that is also very resistant to a wide range of environmental conditions. Its importance is further complicated by the increasing problem of antimicrobial resistance. Among the large variety of food products associated with its transmission, egg and egg products are among the most frequently reported sources of infection. Salmonellosis mainly leads to gastrointesti… Read more

September 18th, 2019

Via publiDB

Abel Díaz Castillo

Estudio sobre el efecto de los corticoides y la presensibilización con tuberculina empleados con fine fraudulentos en la prueba de intradermotuberculinización (IDTB)

Abel Díaz Castillo defended this Degree Final Project

En el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis (TB) en rumiantes domésticos influyen factores inmunológicos y técnicos. En el presente estudio se evaluaron dos factores que podrían interferir en el mismo al utilizarse con fines fraudulentos, pudiendo afectar al avance del programa de erradicación. Por ello, los resultados obtenidos podrían servir para la mejora del programa y alcanzar el objetivo de erradicación de la enfermedad. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si la presensibilización con tuberculina, así como la aplicación de corticoides a nivel local tienen efecto sobre la prueba de int… Read more

September 18th, 2019

Via publiDB

Lucía Aroca Lara

Real-time RT-PCR Bornavirus type 1 (BDV-1) detection

Degree Final Project defended by Lucía Aroca Lara

Bornavirus (BDV) is the causative agent of Borna disease (BD). Typically, it is described as a chronic, progressive, non-suppurative meningoencephalomyelitis which mainly affects horses and sheep, causing behavioural and neurological alterations. Currently, the possible zoonotic aspect of BD is very controversial. BD diagnosis is very challenging. Clinical diagnosis is insufficient by itself as there are many differential diagnoses of pathogens which cause similar clinical signs in horses. So far, no diagnostic method has enough sensitivity and specificity to be used, on its own, in a BD cl… Read more

September 18th, 2019

Via publiDB

Oportunidades para investigación y desarrollo en epidemiología de Tuberculosis bovina

Epidemiología de la tuberculosis bovina en España. Programa de erradicación, técnicas de diagnóstico, actividades VISAVET-EU-RL y estudios epidemiológicos

Oral communication in Oportunidades para investigación y desarrollo en epidemiología de Tuberculosis bovina

September 11st, 2019

Via publiDB


Carbapenemase-producing Elizabethkingia meningoseptica from healthy pigs associated with colistin use in Spain

Investigation published in Antibiotics

Carbapenems are considered last-resort antimicrobials, especially for treating infections involving multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. In recent years, extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) and carbapenemase-producing Gram-negative bacteria have become widespread in hospitals, community settings, and the environment, reducing the range of effective therapeutic alternatives. The use of colistin to treat infection caused by these multi-drug bacteria may favour the selection and persistence of carbapenem-resistant bacteria. In this study, it is described, for the first time to our kn… Read more

September 6th, 2019

Via publiDB

Seminario apicultura in memoriam de la Dra. María Jesús Muñoz Reoyo

Mesa redonda: respondemos a tus preguntas

Conference in Seminario apicultura in memoriam de la Dra. María Jesús Muñoz Reoyo

September 4th, 2019

Via publiDB

Frontiers in veterinary science

Risk of Introduction of Infectious Animal Diseases for Europe Based on the Health Situation of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula

Frontiers in veterinary science publish this investigation article

The current growth of the human population, the intensification of animal production, climate change or globalization favors an increase in the transmission of infectious diseases. Risk analysis is the tool that allows the identification of the factors involved in the introduction and the spread of infectious diseases. The main objective of this work is to evaluate the risk of entry of animal infectious zoonotic and non-zoonotic diseases from North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula to countries of the European Union. A probabilistic formulation has been developed to obtain the probabilities of … Read more

Related news in other media:

- Presentan los últimos avances científicos en enfermedades animales - animalshealth.es

- Gripe aviar y enfermedad de Newcastle, con riesgo de llegar a Europa - diarioveterinario.com

- Gripe aviar y enfermedad de Newcastle, con riesgo de llegar a Europa - diarioveterinario.com

September 4th, 2019

Via publiDB

Radio 5

Listeriosis y salud pública

Interview in Radio 5 of Radio Televisión Española

Una mayor sensibilidad en su detección y el cambio de hábitos alimenticios han aumentado la presencia y el diagnóstico de la listeriosis en los últimos años. A raíz del último brote, veterinarios, farmacéuticos, médicos y enfermeros se forman en la bacteria y en la listeriosis durante las II Jornadas formativas de Salud Pública de la Universidad Complutense. Noemí Martínez habla con dos de sus participantes: Lucas Domínguez, catedrático de sanidad animal de la Facultad de Veterinaria, y José María Molero, médico de familia y secretario general del Sindicato de Facultativos del CSIT.… Read more

September 4th, 2019

Via publiDB

EFE Salud

Experto asegura que la incidencia para la salud de la listeria es "muy baja"

Interview in EFE Salud of Agencia EFE

Madrid, 4 sep (EFE).- La exposición de las personas a la listeria es "frecuente" pero su incidencia en la salud es "muy baja" ya que su potencia patógena depende de circunstancias como el tipo de cepa, la dosis ingerida o la salud del infectado, según el experto de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Lucas Domínguez. Lo ha asegurado este miércoles durante su participación en las II Jornadas formativas de Salud Pública, en la Facultad de Veterinaria, dedicadas a la listeriosis, tras el brote detectado en carne mechada que ha afectado a más de 200 personas. Domínguez, catedrático de Sani… Read more

Related news in other media:

- Experto asegura que la incidencia para la salud de la listeria es "muy baja" - cope.es

- Experto asegura que la incidencia para la salud de la listeria es - elconfidencial.com

September 4th, 2019

Via publiDB

Brote de listeriosis 2019 en España

Oral communication in II Jornadas formativas de Salud Pública: Listeriosis

Related news in other media:

- En salud pública se enteran de que existimos cuando surgen problemas - animalshealth.es

September 1st, 2019

Via publiDB

Does pollen diversity influence honey bee colony health?

Investigation article published in Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research

Aim of study: Colony losses of the western honey bee Apis mellifera have increased alarmingly in recent years. These losses have been attributed to nutritional deficiency, environmental conditions, viral infection and the global presence of the ectoparasite mite Varroa destructor. Ensuring pollen availability may improve colony health, so the present study aimed to examine whether the diversity of pollen collected by the colony as well as landscape characteristics of apiaries influence colony health. Area of study: Tenerife Island (Canary Islands, Spain). Material and methods: Colonies at ei… Read more

September 1st, 2019

Via publiDB

Journal of Environmental Quality

Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Freshwater Trout Farms in a Watershed in Chile

Investigation article published in Journal of Environmental Quality

Point sources such as wastewater treatment plants, terrestrial agriculture, and aquaculture may release antibiotic residues, antibiotic resistant bacteria, and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) into aquatic ecosystems. However, there is a lack of quantitative studies attributing environmental ARG abundance to specific sources. The goal of this study was to evaluate the role of freshwater trout farms in the release and dissemination of ARGs into the environment. Sediment samples upstream and downstream from five rainbow trout farms were collected over time in southern Chile. A microfluidic qua… Read more

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