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October, 2020 news

October 31st, 2020

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The Lancet

Host or pathogen-related factors in COVID-19 severity?

Investigation published in The Lancet

Lucy Okell and colleagues1 observed that the transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is currently in marked decline in many countries. Okell and colleagues suggest two possible explanations for this decline, namely the effect of lockdowns, physical distancing, and other interventions; or, alternatively, herd immunity. After analysing trends in cumulative deaths over time in many European countries that went into lockdown at different stages of their epidemic, and data obtained from serology studies on the proportion of the population that had the infection … Read more

Related news in other media:

- Los expertos se mojan sobre la utilidad del confinamiento - lagacetadesalamanca.es

- Investigadores plantean analizar la virulencia del virus - latribunadeciudadreal.es

October 30th, 2020

Vía redrisa.es

El virus de la peste porcina africana, un viejo enemigo que vuelve a amenazarnos

RISA lucha contra la PPA en España

La noticia reciente de los casos de peste porcina africana (PPA) aparecidos en Alemania han activado la alarma en Europa una vez más por la amenaza que supone este virus porcino devastador. La investigación en Sanidad Animal en España hace décadas que estudia esta enfermedad y tiene estrategias preparadas para anticipar la detección de posibles casos e intentar disponer de una vacuna eficaz. La Red de Investigación en Sanidad Animal (RISA) aglutina a la mayoría de los centros y grupos de investigación dedicados a trabajar con la PPA de nuestro país…

October 29th, 2020

Via publiDB


Antimicrobial Resistance of Coagulase-Positive Staphylococcus Isolates Recovered in a Veterinary University Hospital

Investigation published in Antibiotics

The Staphylococcus pseudintermedius group (SIG) is an emerging threat in veterinary medicine, particularly methicillin-resistant (MRSP) isolates, which are frequently associated with multidrug resistance. Reliable identification of SIG members is critical to establish correct antimicrobial treatments. However, information on the molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance patterns of MRSP in some regions is still limited. This study aimed to assess the antimicrobial resistance of SIG isolates recovered from animals at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Complutense University of Madrid… Read more

Related news in other media:

- La amenaza de las bacterias resistentes en hospitales veterinarios de España - animalshealth.es

October 28th, 2020

Via publiDB


Genetic Determinants of Resistance to Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporin and Fluoroquinolone in Escherichia coli Isolated from Diseased Pigs in the United States

Investigation published in mSphere

Fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins are critically important antimicrobial classes for both human and veterinary medicine. We previously found a drastic increase in enrofloxacin resistance in clinical Escherichia coli isolates collected from diseased pigs from the United States over 10 years (2006 to 2016). However, the genetic determinants responsible for this increase have yet to be determined. The aim of the present study was to identify and characterize the genetic basis of resistance against fluoroquinolones (enrofloxacin) and extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ceftiofur) in swine E. coli … Read more

October 28th, 2020

Via publiDB

XIV Jornadas Internacionales de la Universidad de Málaga sobre seguridad, emergencia y catástrofes. Abordaje multidisciplinar sobre COVID 19 y riesgos asociados

Riesgos Biológicos, vectores de transmisión y abordaje epidemiológico de la COVID 19

Conference in XIV Jornadas Internacionales de la Universidad de Málaga sobre seguridad, emergencia y catástrofes. Abordaje multidisciplinar sobre COVID 19 y riesgos asociados

October 26th, 2020

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A pathological study of Leishmania infantum natural infection in European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and Iberian hares (Lepus granatensis)

Online communication in 2nd International Caparica Conference on Leishmaniasis

October 22nd, 2020

Via publiDB

Informe COVID

Interview in Telecinco of Mediaset España

October 22nd, 2020

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Máster Universitario en Biología Sanitaria

Visita virtual al Centro VISAVET. Asignatura de Gestión de Laboratorio y Transferencia de Conocimiento

Online communication in Máster Universitario en Biología Sanitaria

October 22nd, 2020

Via publiDB

Los veterinarios reclaman su papel para evitar futuras pandemias: la estrategia One Health

Interview in niusdiario.es of Nius

October 21st, 2020

Via publiDB


Reduction of Salmonella Typhimurium Cecal Colonisation and Improvement of Intestinal Health in Broilers Supplemented with Fermented Defatted `Alperujo`, an Olive Oil By-Product

Animals publish this investigation article

Salmonella spp. contaminates egg and poultry meat leading to foodborne infections in humans. The emergence of antimicrobial-resistant strains limit the use of antimicrobials. We aimed to determine the effects of the food supplement, fermented defatted ‘alperujo’, a modified olive-oil by-product, on Salmonella Typhimurium colonisation in broilers. One hundred and twenty 1-day-old broilers were divided into four experimental groups: 2 control groups and 2 treated groups, and challenged with S. Typhimurium at day 7 or 21. On days 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 of life, duodenum and caecum tissue sample… Read more

October 21st, 2020

Via publiDB


Online communication in Webinar. Proyectos COVID UCM: pasado (análisis en residencias de ancianos) y futuro (COVID-LOT)

October 17th, 2020

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Nuevas Amenazas Biológicas

Conference in Primeras Jornadas de Cultura de Bioseguridad. Amenazas Biológicas Reemergentes

October 15th, 2020

Via publiDB

Evaluación del efecto del lugar de inoculación en los resultados de la prueba de intradermotuberculinización en ganado caprino

Jose Sánchez Cesteros defended this Degree Final Project

The place of inoculation is related to the sensitivity of intradermal tuberculin test in cattle, so much so, that the legislation and procedure manuals strictly specify that it should be carried out at half height in the limit between the anterior and the middle third of the neck. However, the usual practice in goats is to use the scapula zone as indicated by some specific goat tuberculosis programmes. The effect of the inoculation place in the intradermal test has been studied by comparing the increase in skin-fold thickness, the number of test reactors and the detection of clinical signs in … Read more

October 15th, 2020

Via publiDB

Mª Eugenia Almecija Arques

Evaluación de la potencia de la tuberculina bovina en cobayas: resultados en animales infectados y sensibilizados

Degree Final Project defended by Mª Eugenia Almecija Arques

October 15th, 2020

Via publiDB

In vivo and in vitro analysis of E. coli strains for host specificity and antibiotic resistance transmission

Poster presented in Zoonoses 2020 - International Symposium on Zoonoses Research

October 13rd, 2020

Via publiDB


Identifying Spanish Areas at More Risk of Monthly BTV Transmission with a Basic Reproduction Number Approach

Viruses-Basel publish this investigation article

Bluetongue virus (BTV) causes a disease that is endemic in Spain and its two major biological vector species, C. imicola and the Obsoletus complex species, differ greatly in their ecology and distribution. Understanding the seasonality of BTV transmission in risk areas is key to improving surveillance and control programs, as well as to better understand the pathogen transmission networks between wildlife and livestock. Here, monthly risk transmission maps were generated using risk categories based on well-known BTV R0 equations and predicted abundances of the two most relevant vectors in Spai… Read more

October 13rd, 2020

Via publiDB


El veterinario tiene la formación sanitaria en los 5 campos donde la amenaza biológica puede afectar

Interview in diarioveterinario.com of Diario Veterinario

Related news in other media:

- Reclaman mayor presencia veterinaria para prevenir el bioterrorismo - https://www.diarioveterinario.com/t/2779429/reclaman-mayor-presencia-veterinaria-prevenir-bioterrorismo

October 8th, 2020

Via publiDB

La entrevista de Radio 5

Entrevista a Julio Álvarez Sánchez

Interview in La entrevista de Radio 5 of Radio Televisión Española

Existe en España un Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria que tiene, entre otros objetivos, evitar que determinados micro-organismos salten de los animales al ser humano. Julio Álvarez Sánchez es su jefe de epidemiología… Read more

October 8th, 2020

Via publiDB

Cinecia. El País

El último encargo para el exterminador de virus

Interview in Cinecia. El País of El País

José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno, archienemigo de las pestes desde que sufrió la polio de niño, se enfrenta a un último desafío antes de jubilarse: la plaga que amenaza a los cerdos en todo el mundo… Read more

October 1st, 2020

Via publiDB

Ecological Indicators

Quantifying wildlife-livestock interactions and their spatio-temporal patterns: Is regular grid camera trapping a suitable approach?

Investigation published in Ecological Indicators

Camera trapping use has increased significantly in ecological studies in recent decades due to its ability to register information about cryptic and/or elusive species and, more recently, due to its ability to derive population parameters, such as population abundance or density. For these latter applications, camera traps set in a regular grid pattern (CT-RG) are required to obtain representative information of the study area. The present work aims to assess the usefulness of the information collected through CT-RG to study interspecific interactions between animals, in terms of frequency of … Read more

October 1st, 2020

Via publiDB

Información Veterinaria

Trabajar con colectividades nos ha facilitado entender siempre los aspectos epidemiológicos esenciales

Interview in Información Veterinaria of Organización Colegial Veterinaria Española

Desde su constitución como tal en 2008, el Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET) se dedica a la de investigación, servicio y apoyo a la docencia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid-UCM. Sus instalaciones de bioseguridad, la acreditación obtenida y una plantilla multidisciplinar han hecho posible su participación activa en varias crisis de salud pública relevantes, desde la actual del COVID-19 a la rabia, sin olvidar el ébola, la influenza o la leishmania. Su directora, Lucía de Juan Ferré, es doctora en Veterinaria, profesora del departamento de Sanidad Animal de la Complute… Read more

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