February, 2020 news
February 28th, 2020
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Adenovirus-vectored African Swine Fever Virus Antigens Cocktail Is Not Protective against Virulent Arm07 Isolate in Eurasian Wild Boar
Investigation published in Pathogens
African swine fever (ASF) is a viral disease of domestic and wild suids for which there is currently no vaccine or treatment available. The recent spread of ASF virus (ASFV) through Europe and Asia is causing enormous economic and animal losses. Unfortunately, the measures taken so far are insufficient and an effective vaccine against ASFV needs to be urgently developed. We hypothesized that immunization with a cocktail of thirty-five rationally selected antigens would improve the protective efficacy of subunit vaccine prototypes given that the combination of fewer immunogenic antigens (betwee…
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February 26th, 2020
Via publiDB
Animals, people, virus
El diario vasco publish this article
Hygienic conditions in Asian markets, the inspection nightmare…
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February 26th, 2020
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VISAVET Journal Club. 2020 edition
Communications in this event:
- The Evolution of Class 1 Integrons and the Rise of Antibiotic Resistance
- Early Pulmonary Lesions in Cattle Infected via Aerosolized Mycobacterium bovis
February 21st, 2020
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Seminars VISAVET 2020
Communications in this event:
- Hepatitis E. Study in spanish swine population
- Construyendo un nuevo antibiótico inteligente utilizando biología sintética
February 19th, 2020
Via publiDB

Auditorías de bioseguridad en relación con la tuberculosis. Protocolo de realización. Ejercicio práctico
Conference in Curso de actualización de tuberculosis bovina
February 17th, 2020
Vía porcicultura.com
La porcicultura mexicana va por buen camino en su tarea contra la PPA, opinó José Manuel Sánchez - Vizcaíno
Porcicultura mexicana
Aunque aún existen áreas de oportunidad como la mayor protección en fronteras y un fondo de aseguramiento, la opinión del Dr. Vizcaíno al visitar a la Oporpa es que la porcicultura mexicana va por buen camino en la lucha contra la PPA…
June 15th, 2020
Vía alimente.elconfidencial.com
70 científicos, detrás de la vacuna para la peste porcina
Vacuna contra la peste porcina africana
VACDIVA es el proyecto con más de 20 entidades de varios países para luchar contra el virus, teniendo en cuenta que España es el primer productor de este ganado de Europa. Su coordinador nos cuenta que habrá vacuna también para el covid-19…
- MSD anuncia su colaboración con el proyecto VACDIVA contra la PPA - animalshealth.es
- COAG será el nexo de unión del ganadero con el proyecto VACDIVA, que busca una vacuna contra la peste porcina - agroinformacion.com
- Ponen en marcha el proyecto Vacdiva para desarrollar una vacuna frente a la PPA - eurocarne.com
- Comienza el proyecto VACDIVA para desarrollar una vacuna contra la PPA - porcino.info
- Arranca el proyecto VACDIVA, una vacuna contra la peste porcina africana - animalshealth.es
- Arranca el proyecto VACDIVA, una vacuna contra la peste porcina africana - ucm.es
February 15th, 2020
Via publiDB

Disease-mediated piglet mortality prevents wild boar population growth in fenced overabundant settings
Investigation published in European Journal of Wildlife Research
Assessing Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa) mortality is a key for understanding population dynamics and adjusting hunting harvest and population management. We used radio-tagging and video-trapping to quantify piglet summer mortality in a managed (i.e. fenced and year-round fed) wild boar population from southern Spain. We used two independent tools to assess wild boar mortality, i.e. radio-tracking and video footage. A total of 32 wild boar piglets were captured at selective feeders acting as cage-traps, and all the piglets were equipped with ear-tag transmitters including a mortality sensor. …
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February 15th, 2020
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Varroa y el virus de las alas deformadas, una historia de amor
Oral communication in Feria MELIZA
February 15th, 2020
Vía tribuna.ucm.es
Cross Rector de la UCM 2020: Un gran día para correr
Cross Rector de la Universidad Complutense
February 13rd, 2020
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Dynamic Network of Interactions in the Wildlife-Livestock Interface in Mediterranean Spain: An Epidemiological Point of View
Pathogens publish this investigation article
The correct management of diseases that are transmitted between wildlife and livestock requires a reliable estimate of the pathogen transmission rate. The calculation of this parameter is a challenge for epidemiologists, since transmission can occur through multiple pathways. The social network analysis is a widely used tool in epidemiology due to its capacity to identify individuals and communities with relevant roles for pathogen transmission. In the present work, we studied the dynamic network of interactions in a complex epidemiological scenario using information from different methodologi…
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February 13rd, 2020
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Las zoonosis en la Sevilla del Siglo XVI
Oral communication in I Congreso de Historia de la Alimentación
February 12nd, 2020
Via publiDB
Antibiotic resistance patterns in human, animal, food and environmental isolates in Ghana: a review
The Pan African medical journal publish this investigation article
Many articles have been published on resistant microorganisms isolated from humans, animals, foods and the environment in Ghana. However, there are no reviews that summarize the information on the isolates and antibiotics tested so far in the country. This literature review was completed through "PubMed" and "Google Scholar" searches. We included publications from the period 1975-2015 with a laboratory-based methodology to determine antibiotic resistance of strains isolated in Ghana. In total, 60 articles were included in the analysis with 10% of the articles carrying out nationwide research o…
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February 12nd, 2020
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Antimicrobial Usage in Companion and Food Animals: Methods, Surveys and Relationships With Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals and Humans
Frontiers in veterinary science publish this investigation article
The best way to quantify antimicrobial use (AMU) in animals is still an elusive question, it probably does not have a unique answer. This collection of 15 articles describes different metrics, methodologies, data sources, animal scenarios, study designs, and levels of study about AMU quantification in animals. The diversity of approaches highlights a strong need for international collaboration, sharing of experiences, and more discussion about methods to improve uptake of harmonized standards (where harmonization might be suitable)…
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February 12nd, 2020
Via publiDB

Grado de Veterinaria. 2019-2020 edition
Communications in this event:
- Diagnóstico clínico laboratorial
- Anatomía Patológica Especial
February 12nd, 2020
Via publiDB

Curso de actualización de la tuberculosis bovina. 2019-2020 edition. 13ª edition
Communications in this event:
- Coloquio. Todos los actores implicados en busca de una erradicación
- Acreditación de las pruebas de diagnóstico. Intradermotuberculinización simple y comparada
February 11st, 2020
Servicio de Informática y Comunicación
Women in science
February 11, day of Women and Girls in Science
The United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution declaring 11 February as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. From VISAVET we join the global movement to engaging women and girls in science.…
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February 11st, 2020
Via publiDB

¿Qué es un pangolín y por qué lo señalan como responsable del coronavirus?
Interview in Cultura Científica OTRI UCM of Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación. Universidad Complutense
Se ha convertido en el protagonista del fin de semana en el momento en el que muchos medios de comunicación lo han apuntado con el dedo acusador como responsable de la transmisión del coronavirus de Wuhan. Investigadores de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid expertos en Biología y en Sanidad Animal nos presentan al pangolín, un desconocido para la mayoría del público general, y aclaran informaciones –y desinformaciones– vertidas sobre esta especie en los últimos días.…
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Related news in other media:
- Día Mundial del pangolín: entre el exterminio y el coronavirus - sostenibilidad.semana.com
- Especulan sobre origen animal del Coronavirus - inforegion.pe
- Expertos de la UCM explican el papel del pangolín en el nuevo coronavirus - animalshealth.es
- ¿Qué es un pangolín y por qué lo señalan como responsable del coronavirus? - dicyt.com
February 7th, 2020
Via publiDB

Coronavirus de Wuhan: ¿Otra zoonosis emergente?
Oral communication in Conferencias Facultad de Veterinaria 2020
Related news in other media:
- Coronavirus de Wuhan: un virus peligroso, pero no tanto - Tribuna Complutense
- In the interaction of humans and animals is the origin of the epidemic - Animal`s Health
February 6th, 2020
Via publiDB
PPA, la mayor amenaza y la menos conocida
Oral communication in XXVI Ciclo de Conferencias AMVECAJ
February 4th, 2020
Foro sobre Fiebre Porcina Africana y los Retos en Mexico
VISAVET participated in this event
February 4th, 2020
Via publiDB

Protective Effect of Oral BCG and Inactivated Mycobacterium bovis Vaccines in European Badgers (Meles meles) Experimentally Infected With M. bovis
Investigation article published in Frontiers in veterinary science
In Europe, badgers (Meles meles) are recognized as major tuberculosis (TB) reservoir hosts with the potential to transmit infection to associated cattle herds. Recent studies in Spain have demonstrated that vaccination with a heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis vaccine (HIMB) successfully protects captive wild boar and red deer against progressive disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of two oral vaccines against TB in a badger model: the live-attenuated M. bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin BCG vaccine (Danish strain) and a HIMB vaccine. Twenty-four badgers were separated i…
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Related news in other media:
- España avanza en la vacunación oral de reservorios de tuberculosis - animalshealth.es
February 4th, 2020
Via publiDB
Curso de Experto Universitario en Prevención y Gestión de Crisis Internacionales. 2019-2020 edition. 13ª edition. 16ª edition
Communications in this event:
- Visita a las instalaciones de un centro de nivel 3 de contención biológica
February 2nd, 2020
Via publiDB

Qué tiene que decir la ciencia sobre el Apocalipsis
Interview in Ciencia. El País of El País
February 1st, 2020
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A ten-year-surveillance program of zoonotic pathogens in feral pigeons in the City of Madrid (2005-2014): The importance of a systematic pest control
Investigation article published in Research in Veterinary Science
Feral pigeons have increased in urban settings worldwide becoming a potential health risk for humans and other animals. Control and surveillance programs are essential to prevent the possible transmission of zoonotic pathogens carried by pigeons. A surveillance program was carried out in Madrid City (Spain) during 2005–2014 to determine the role of urban pigeons as carriers of zoonotic agents comparing these results with studies performed elsewhere in the last fifteen years.
A total of 1372 pigeons were randomly captured and tested for detection of Antimicrobial susceptibility and genetic h…
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February 1st, 2020
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Evaluation of a new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in goat milk
Investigation published in Research in Veterinary Science
Caprine tuberculosis (TB) is a zoonosis with sanitary and economic repercussions. Caprine TB control programs are based on a test and cull strategy using the intradermal tuberculin tests and slaughterhouse surveillance. However, this approach is not always feasible and may have a limited sensitivity under specific circumstances. In this study, performance of a new experimental test based on the P22 protein complex (P22 ELISA) was evaluated in two TB-infected herds using milk and serum samples and compared with cell-based diagnostic tests. Samples from a low (n = 62, herd 1) and a high (n = 52,…
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February 1st, 2020
Via publiDB

Comparison of the sensitivity of laryngeal swabs and deep tracheal catheters for detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in experimentally and naturally infected pigs early and late after infection
Investigation published in Veterinary Microbiology
Detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection in live pigs is a critical component to measure the success of disease control or elimination strategies. However, in vivo diagnosis of M. hyopneumoniae is difficult and the imperfect sensitivity of diagnostic tools has been deemed as one of the main challenges. Here, the sensitivity of laryngeal swabs and deep tracheal catheters for detection of M. hyopneumoniae early and late after infection was determined using inoculation status as a gold standard in experimentally infected pigs and a Bayesian approach in naturally infected pigs. Three-hundre…
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Related news in other media:
- Detección de Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae – ¿Hisopado de laringe o catéter traqueal? - porcino.info
February 1st, 2020
Via publiDB

Prevalence and time trend analysis of antimicrobial resistance in respiratory bacterial pathogens collected from diseased pigs in USA between 2006-2016
Investigation article published in Research in Veterinary Science
Swine respiratory disease complex (SRDC) causes massive economic losses to the swine industry and is a major animal welfare concern. Antimicrobials are mainstay in treatment and control of SRDC. However, there is a lack of data on the prevalence and trends in resistance to antimicrobials in bacterial pathogens associated with SRDC. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and changes in resistance to 13 antimicrobials in swine bacterial pathogens (Streptococcus suis, Pasteurella multocida, Actinobacillus suis and Haemophilus parasuis) in the U.S.A using data collected at Univ…
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