April, 2022 news
April 29th, 2022
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![](https://www.visavet.es/images/eventos/Seminars VISAVET 2022.jpg)
Seminars VISAVET 2022
Communications in this event:
- Experimentación Animal. Congreso FELASA 2022
- When order matters: the importance of genome structure in V. cholerae
- Discussion on curricula development and research topics in fish pathology
- Nanotechnology basics in fish pathology
- Introduction in fish pathology
- Malaria anaemia: Understanding the pathogenesis, significance and impact of co-infection
April 28th, 2022
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![6º Seminario Anembe de Producción de vacuno de carne 6º Seminario Anembe de Producción de vacuno de carne](https://www.visavet.es/images/organismos/Asociacion Nacional de Especialistas en Medicina Bovina de Espana.jpg)
Tuberculosis bovina, hacia donde nos dirigimos, hay esperanza?
Oral communication in 6º Seminario Anembe de Producción de vacuno de carne
April 27th, 2022
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![Frontiers in veterinary science Frontiers in veterinary science](../images/publicaciones/revistas/Front Vet Sci.gif)
The role of the wild boar spreading African swine fever virus in Asia: another underestimated problem
Frontiers in veterinary science publish this investigation article
African swine fever (ASF) is a highly lethal infectious disease in naïve populations of domestic pigs and wild boar. In Asia, from the first outbreak in August 2018 until the end of November 2021, ASF has been reported in Asian countries. The ASF virus (ASFV) circulation in domestic pigs is considered the main problem in Asia. On the other hand, there are very few reports of ASF in wild boar. However, considering the high wild boar density within the same area of backyard domestic pig farms in Asia, the occurrence of ASFV infection in wild boar may be underestimated. The role of the wild boar …
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April 23rd, 2022
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![International Journal of Molecualr Sciences International Journal of Molecualr Sciences](../images/publicaciones/revistas/Int J Mol Sci.gif)
Garvicins AG1 and AG2: Two Novel Class IId Bacteriocins of Lactococcus garvieae Lg-Granada
International Journal of Molecualr Sciences publish this investigation article
Lactococcus garvieae causes infectious diseases in animals and is considered an emerging zoonotic pathogen involved in human clinical conditions. In silico analysis of plasmid pLG50 of L. garvieae Lg-Granada, an isolate from a patient with endocarditis, revealed the presence of two gene clusters (orf46-47 and orf48-49), each one encoding a novel putative bacteriocin, i.e., garvicin AG1 (GarAG1; orf46) and garvicin AG2 (GarAG2; orf48), and their corresponding immunity proteins (orf47 and orf49). The chemically synthesised bacteriocins GarAG1 and GarAG2 presented inhibitory activity against path…
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April 22nd, 2022
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![Microorganisms Microorganisms](../images/publicaciones/revistas/Microorganisms.gif)
Isolation and Genetic Characterization of Streptococcus iniae Virulence Factors in Adriatic Sturgeon ( Acipenser naccarii)
Investigation article published in Microorganisms
The first case of infection of Streptococcus iniae in Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii) was recently reported in a raceway system located in Northern Italy. A second episode of infection in sturgeons with absence of mortality and evident clinical signs, was registered in November 2020 in the same farm and is reported in this study. Histopathological changes observed in infected organs are described. The strains isolated in the two episodes were compared using molecular analysis based on PCR, phylogeny and virulence factors analysis. Not all the major virulence factors were detected for th…
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April 18th, 2022
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![Veterinary Research Veterinary Research](../images/publicaciones/revistas/Vet Res.gif)
Nonspecific protection of heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis against Salmonella Choleraesuis infection in pigs
Investigation article published in Veterinary Research
Trained immunity is the capacity of innate immune cells to produce an improved response against a secondary infection after a previous unrelated infection. Salmonellosis represents a public health issue and affects the pig farming industry. In general, vaccination against salmonellosis is still facing problems regarding the control of distinct serovars. Therefore, we hypothesized that an immunostimulant based on heat inactivated Mycobacterium bovis (HIMB) could have an immune training effect in pigs challenged with Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis (S. Choleraesuis) and decided to explo…
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Related news in other media:
- Nuevo avance español en la lucha contra la salmonelosis porcina - diarioveterinario.com
- Bacilos de tuberculosis inactivados frente a la salmonelosis en cerdos - animalshealth.es
April 12nd, 2022
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![](https://www.visavet.es/images/eventos/One Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting.jpg)
One Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting. 2022 edition
Communications in this event:
- Metagenomic sequencing analysis of the effects of apramycin on the poultry gut microbiome
- Antimicrobial Resistance and COVID-19
- ECO-HEN: Dynamics of E.coli in laying hens
April 8th, 2022
Vía diarioveterinario.com
Bruno González-Zorn: Los grandes protagonistas de la vida son las bacterias
Protagonismo de las bacterias
Varios expertos han hablado sobre el enfoque One Health y la resistencia antibiótica en una jornada organizada por la UCM…
April 7th, 2022
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![Entrevistas Entrevistas](https://www.visavet.es/images/organismos/Universidad Complutense.jpg)
Antibiotic resistance is the biggest health problem in the world right now
Interview in Entrevistas of Unidad de Cultura Científica. Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación. Universidad Complutense
A comienzos del siglo XXI, cuando aún a nadie le sonaba el concepto, Bruno González-Zorn trabajaba ya bajo el paraguas de One Health (Una Salud) que defiende que, para lograr la salud humana, animal y ambiental, hace falta la colaboración multidisciplinar. Por eso, y por sus innumerables trabajos en Europa, América, Asia y África, el Catedrático de Sanidad Animal de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid es uno de los quince elegidos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud en su grupo de asesores internacionales contra la resistencia a antibióticos. Con motivo del Día Mundial de la Salud, que se…
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April 6th, 2022
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![Potencial de la epidemiología basada en aguas residuales en latinoamérica, un enfoque a la resistencia antimicrobiana Potencial de la epidemiología basada en aguas residuales en latinoamérica, un enfoque a la resistencia antimicrobiana](https://www.visavet.es/images/organismos/Red Panamericana de Epidemiologia Ambiental.jpg)
Problemática de la resistencia antimicrobiana y cómo podría usarse la epidemiologia de aguas residuales
Conference in Potencial de la epidemiología basada en aguas residuales en latinoamérica, un enfoque a la resistencia antimicrobiana
April 6th, 2022
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![](https://www.visavet.es/images/eventos/Training Session in Pathology Animal Tuberculosis.jpg)
Training Session in Pathology Animal Tuberculosis
Communications in this event:
- Examples of compatible and non-compatible tuberculosis cases with scanned preparations
- Histological interpretation of tuberculous lesions in other species
- Basic approach to the histopathological diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis
- Online exercise to identify gross lesions
- Pathological diagnosis of tuberculosis. Description of gross lesions
- The immunology of bovine tuberculosis
April 3rd, 2022
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![A hombros de gigantes A hombros de gigantes](https://www.visavet.es/images/organismos/Radio Nacional de Espana.png)
One health en la Tierra y la estrella más lejana en el cielo
VISAVET has participated in A hombros de gigantes of Radio Nacional de España
April 3rd, 2022
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![](https://www.visavet.es/images/organismos/European Association for Aquatic Mammals.jpg)
European Association for Aquatic Mammals 2022 Annual Congress
Communications in this event:
- Diagnosing Brucella in cetaceans: thoughts from the field
- Herpesvirus screening and evaluation in Western Mediterranean Cetaceans
April 1st, 2022
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![Frontiers in veterinary science Frontiers in veterinary science](../images/publicaciones/revistas/Front Vet Sci.gif)
First Detection of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 (Delta) Variant of Concern in a Symptomatic Cat in Spain
Investigation published in Frontiers in veterinary science
Natural and experimental SARS-CoV-2 infection in pets has been widely evidenced since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the numerous affected animals, cats are one of the most susceptible species. However, little is known about viral pathogenicity and transmissibility in the case of variants of concern (VOCs) in animal hosts, such as the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant first detected in India. Here, we have identified the B.1.617.2 (Delta) VOC in a cat living with a COVID-19 positive owner. The animal presented mild symptoms (sneezing) and a high viral load was detected in the oropharyng…
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April 1st, 2022
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Método de muestreo sencillo y seguro para monitorizar el virus de la peste porcina africana
Porcinews publish this article
La Peste Porcina Africana (PPA) representa actualmente el mayor desafío sanitario para el sector porcino a nivel global. Solo la detección temprana del virus de la PPA (VPPA) y las medidas de bioseguridad adecuadas son eficaces para frenar su expansión. Uno de los riesgos más reconocidos en cuanto a la introducción y difusión del VPPA en un país son los alimentos contaminados, animales infectados (domésticos o silvestres) y los vehículos de transporte de ganado contaminados.
Para mejorar la vigilancia de la PPA, hemos evaluado un nuevo método de muestreo para la detección e inactivación del V…
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