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August, 2022 news

August 26th, 2022

Via publiDB

Oxford University Press

The expression of aminoglycoside resistance genes in integron cassettes is not controlled by riboswitches

Nucleic Acids Research publish this investigation article

Regulation of gene expression is a key factor influencing the success of antimicrobial resistance determinants. A variety of determinants conferring resistance against aminoglycosides (Ag) are commonly found in clinically relevant bacteria, but whether their expression is regulated or not is controversial. The expression of several Ag resistance genes has been reported to be controlled by a riboswitch mechanism encoded in a conserved sequence. Yet this sequence corresponds to the integration site of an integron, a genetic platform that recruits genes of different functions, making the presence… Read more

Related news in other media:

- Desmienten una teoría sobre resistencia a antibióticos nueve años después - ucm.es

- Un equipo de científicos españoles desmiente una teoría de resistencia a antibióticos publicada hace nueve años - phmk.es

- Investigadores españoles desmienten una teoría sobre resistencia a antibióticos - eldebate.com

- Nuevas aportaciones nacionales al estudio de la resistencia a los antibióticos - imfarmacias.es

- Veterinarios españoles desmienten una teoría sobre resistencia a antibióticos 9 años después - animalshealth.es

August 23rd, 2022

Via publiDB

Scientific reports

Harmonisation of in-silico next-generation sequencing based methods for diagnostics and surveillance

Scientific reports publish this investigation article

Improvements in cost and speed of next generation sequencing (NGS) have provided a new pathway for delivering disease diagnosis, molecular typing, and detection of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Numerous published methods and protocols exist, but a lack of harmonisation has hampered meaningful comparisons between results produced by different methods/protocols vital for global genomic diagnostics and surveillance. As an exemplar, this study evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of five well-established in-silico AMR detection software where the genotype results produced from running a pan… Read more

August 12nd, 2022

Via publiDB

Frontiers in veterinary science

The Omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern also affects companion animals

Investigation article published in Frontiers in veterinary science

The emergence of the Omicron variant (B.1. 1.529) has brought with it an increase in the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 disease. However, there is hardly any data on its incidence in companion animals. We have detected the presence of this new variant in domestic animals (dogs and cats) living with infected owners in Spain. None of the RT-qPCR positive animals (10.13%) presented any clinical signs and the viral loads detected were low. In addition, the shedding of viral RNA lasted a short period of time in the positive animals. Infection with this variant of concern (VOC) was confirmed by RT-qPCR and… Read more

August 5th, 2022

Servicio de Informática y Comunicación

The training for end users of the Moroccan DIM-LAB mobile biological laboratory ends in Madrid

Visavet validated the mobile BSL3 laboratory, the biological agent detection techniques and the training of future technical staff, in a NATO cooperation project led by Adelfas

Last week ended with a technical experts meeting in Madrid, the training of Moroccan end-users of the mobile biological laboratory objective of the DIM-LAB “Deployable CB analytical laboratory. Application of nano- bio technology” that brings together two NATO partner countries, Morocco and Tunisia, and a member country, Spain.… Read more

August 1st, 2022

Servicio de Informática y Comunicación

SEVEMUR 2007-2022

VISAVET will not continue the SEVEMUR Veterinary Service of Madrid and summarises its management in 15 years

The VISAVET Health Surveillance Center of the Complutense University of Madrid summarises the management in the SEVEMUR Emergency Veterinary Service of the Madrid City Council, during the period that it was awarded this public tender. Fifteen years of uninterrupted activity, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, carried out by veterinary professionals who travel through the different districts of the city of Madrid where the presence of sick or injured, lost or abandoned animals on public roads was reported. or in a helpless situation. During this time, countless experiences and very varied functions within the development of the three main activities of the service: veterinary assistance, research and outreach.… Read more

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