January, 2023 news
January 30th, 2023
Servicio de Informática y Comunicación
2023 World NTD Day
VISAVET partner of this initiative under the slogan #100percentCommitted to ending neglected tropical diseases
January 29th, 2023
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Técnica ELISA para la detección de interferón gamma para el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina
Conference in Jornadas de formación teórico-práctica en la técnica de detección de interferón gamma para el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina
January 26th, 2023
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Máster Universitario en Gestión de Desastres
Communications in this event:
- Bioterrorismo y RELAB. Asignatura de Coordinación de la respuesta tras un desastre
January 25th, 2023
Servicio de Informática y Comunicación
The UCM Health Surveillance research group passes its second external evaluation with an excellent rating
The Spanish Research Agency awards 96 of the 100 possible points to the group on the 30th anniversary of its creation
The Health Surveillance research group, assign to the VISAVET Centre of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), has received an excellent rating in the second external evaluation by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) under the Ministry of Science and Innovation. The group, directed by Professor Lucas Domínguez Rodríguez, Full Professor at the UCM, is made up mainly of teaching researchers from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the UCM and includes members from other institutions such as the Carlos III Health Institute, the National Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Technology, the Institute for Research in Hunting Resources, and Universities of Burgos, Extremadura, Minnesota and the European University of Madrid.…
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Related news in other media:
- El grupo Vigilancia Sanitaria de UCM obtiene una calificación de excelente de Agencia Estatal de Investigación - diarioveterinario.com
- El grupo de investigación Vigilancia Sanitaria de Visavet cumple 30 años - animalshealth.es
January 25th, 2023
Via publiDB
Gripe aviar en visones
Interview in Telediario 1 of Radio Televisión Española
Related news in other media:
- La infección de unos visones con gripe aviar en España pone en guardia a la comunidad científica - diariocritico.com
January 20th, 2023
Via publiDB
New Methodologies for the Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis
PhD Thesis defense by Víctor Lorente Leal at the VISAVET Centre of the Complutense University of Madrid
Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a serious infectious disease of bovids that is subjected to eradication programmes around the world due to its negative effect in animal health and production, as well as its zoonotic potential. Despite the great advances in the eradication of the disease, bTB is still an ongoing problem in certain regions of the EU and Spain. The main objective of this doctoral thesis was the development of novel diagnostic and characterisation tools that can contribute in enhancing the efficiency of the eradication efforts. This was achieved through the development of sensitive a…
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January 17th, 2023
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Characterization of the Fecal and Mucosa-Associated Microbiota in Dogs with Chronic Inflammatory Enteropathy
Investigation published in Animals
Chronic inflammatory enteropathies are the most common cause of chronic vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. The pathogenesis of this disease is known to be multifactorial, where intestinal barrier dysfunction, immunological dysregulation and gut microbiota changes play a central role. Most sequencing studies assessing the intestinal microbiota in canine species have been made to evaluate fecal samples. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to characterize the intestinal bacterial microbiota from duodenal biopsies and fecal samples in dogs with inflammatory bowel disease at the diagnosis time and to co…
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January 13rd, 2023
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Nuevas amenazas sanitarias del S.XXI. Módulo del programa: Dimensiones y Fundamentos de la Seguridad
Conference in Máster de formación permanente en Inteligencia para la Seguridad
January 4th, 2023
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What about the bull? A systematic review about the role of males in bovine infectious infertility within cattle herds
Investigation article published in Veterinary and Animal Science
Numerous pathogens affect cow fertility. Nevertheless, little information has been published about microorganisms associated with cattle infertility focusing on bulls. The present review offers a current analysis and highlights potential key aspects on the relevance of bulls in the emergence of infertility problems of infectious origin within herds that are still not completely determined. The present systematic review was conducted using the PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases on December 9, 2022. In total, 2,224 bibliographic records were reviewed and, according to strict inclusion …
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January 1st, 2023
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First report and molecular characterization of cases of natural Taylorella asinigenitalis infection in three donkey breeds in Spain
Investigation published in Veterinary Microbiology
Taylorella asinigenitalis is a non-pathogenic bacteria isolated from the genital tract of donkeys but also a cause of metritis and vaginal discharge in mares. It is closely related to Taylorella equigenitalis, the cause of Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM) in horses, and has been present in different countries in Europe since 1995. Up to date, there are no studies on the prevalence of T. asinigenitalis in the equine or asinine populations in Spain; this is the first report of the presence of T. asinigenitalis in donkeys (Equus asinus) from different breeds in three regions of Spain. A total of …
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January 1st, 2023
Via publiDB
Intestinal T-cell lymphoma in an Asian small-clawed otter: case report and literature review of lymphoma in the subfamily Lutrinae
Investigation article published in Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
The Asian small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinereus) is an endangered species that is common in zoologic collections. A 17-y-old female Asian small-clawed otter under human care, with a clinical history of chronic renal disease, was euthanized because of deteriorating health. Histologically, the jejunal wall was infiltrated by a monomorphic population of small neoplastic lymphocytes that expanded the lamina propria of the villi and crypts, and on rare occasions invaded the submucosa. The tumor was composed of T cells (CD3+) with a proliferation index of 16%. Based on the World Health Organization (WH…
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January 1st, 2023
Via publiDB
Principales patologías que se pueden encontrar en un caballo de tiro
The book El caballo de tiro y arrastre valenciano. Evaluación de su actividad física edited by Universidad de León includes this chapter
January 1st, 2023
Via publiDB
Estrategia y respuesta One Health (una salud)
Chapter included in La amenaza biológica. Cuadernos de Estrategia 217 edited by IEEE. Ministerio de Defensa
El concepto One Health implica la colaboración de todos los profesionales sanitarios (médicos, veterinarios, farmacéuticos, psicólogos, enfermeros, etc.) para hacer frente a situaciones de crisis biológicas, los cuales aportan sus conocimientos y experiencias. Estamos viendo que cada día aparecen nuevas enfermedades emergentes y aquellas que creíamos controladas, se están adaptando a los cambios ambientales y están volviendo a aparecer de forma reemergente. La interacción, cada vez más frecuente del ser humano con la naturaleza, hace que la aparición de zoonosis sea cada vez más frecuente. El …
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January 1st, 2023
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Nuevas amenazas silenciosas
The book La amenaza biológica. Cuadernos de Estrategia 217 edited by IEEE. Ministerio de Defensa includes this chapter
En el siglo XXI, la tecnología junto con la biotecnología ofrece nuevos campos para la investigación que a veces parecen de ciencia-ficción y con un amplio espectro de posibilidades, siendo muchas de ellas de aplicación dual. Lo que significa que, en el mundo de hoy, el dominio mental y biológico sobre la población es el objetivo para conseguir dichos fines, siendo desarrollada por los países más poderosos. Las nuevas amenazas silenciosas que se desarrollan son: armas sónicas, armas psicotrónicas, armas ambientales, armas genéticas, etnobombas, entomológicas y robóticas, que hacen de este mund…
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January 1st, 2023
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Chapter included in La amenaza biológica. Cuadernos de Estrategia 217 edited by IEEE. Ministerio de Defensa
En el mundo globalizado que caracteriza al siglo XXI, se han puesto de manifiesto los riesgos y amenazas a la seguridad biológica derivados de una nueva situación caracterizada por el intercambio a nivel mundial de personas, productos, conocimientos y tecnologías.
El actor principal hasta ahora, caracterizado por el Estado, ha tenido que compartir espacio con otros que eran menos relevantes, pero que han adquirido una importancia significativa. De este modo se observa cómo se han posicionado con fuerza las organizaciones, grupos e individuos, que han demostrado en ocasiones unas capacidades…
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January 1st, 2023
Via publiDB
Emergencia del virus de la viruela del mono: ¿Un problema de sanidad animal?
New article published in Profesión Veterinaria
January 1st, 2023
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Entrevista a Lucía de Juan, directora del Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria
Interview in Profesión Veterinaria of Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Madrid
Desde su origen VISAVET ha estado ligado al estudio de las enfermedades zoonósicas y a la colaboración con la administración en crisis sanitarias…
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