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January, 2024 news

January 31st, 2024

Via publiDB

Frontiers in veterinary science

Non-tuberculous mycobacteria: occurrence in skin test cattle reactors from official tuberculosis-free herds

Investigation article published in Frontiers in veterinary science

Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are considered a relevant cause of non-specific reactions to the most widely applied bovine tuberculosis (bTB) test, the intradermal tuberculin test. In order to establish which NTM species might act as a potential source of such diagnostic interference, a collection of 373 isolates obtained from skin test positive cows from 359 officially tuberculosis-free (OTF) herds, culled in the framework of the bTB eradication campaign in Spain, were identified at the species level through PCR and Sanger sequencing of the 16S rDNA, hsp65 and rpoB genes. Of the 308 isola… Read more

Related news in other media:

- Aparición de micobacterias no tuberculosas en rebaños oficiales libres de tuberculosis - interempresas.net

January 31st, 2024

Via publiDB

Rethinking Animal Tuberculosis Diagnostics: Unveiling the power of the Bayesian approach

Conference in Society for Bayesian Methods in Epidemiology and Diagnostics Conference

January 23rd, 2024

Via publiDB

rtve play

La resistencia a los anitibióticos

Interview in rtve play of Radio Televisión Española

January 18th, 2024

Via publiDB

Enni Amanda Ramirez Vuori

Immunological aspects of ovine pulmonary tuberculosis: histological and immunohistochemical study

Degree Final Project defended by Enni Amanda Ramirez Vuori

Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MBC) species are capable of infecting a wide range of hosts, including sheep, which can act as reservoirs. Our objective was to characterize histologically and immunohistochemically the pulmonary granulomas caused by three species of MTC (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) in sheep (Ovis orientalis aries). Twelve animals experimentally inoculated via hematogenous route were included in a retrospective study. Granulomas were classified, quantified and described using hematoxylin-eosin and Masson`s trichrome stains. Histological study of the lesions reve… Read more

January 16th, 2024

Via publiDB

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

Detection of Brucella in Dermacentor ticks of wild boar with brucellosis

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases publish this investigation article

Brucellosis is a sanitary and economically relevant disease affecting humans, livestock, and wildlife. Ticks have been suggested as vectors, long-term carriers, and amplifiers of Brucella. In this study, ticks from wildlife ungulate hosts living in hunting reserves of a central region of Spain were collected during a 6-year period, pooled, and screened for Brucella spp. by PCR. Aiming to correlate Brucella spp. DNA presence in ticks with Brucella spp. infections in wildlife ungulate hosts, liver samples from deceased wildlife ungulates coming from the hunting reserves showing a positive result… Read more

Related news in other media:

- Veterinarios confirman el papel de las garrapatas en la transmisión de brucelosis a los jabalíes - consalud.es

- La brucelosis llega a Madrid en estos animales - huffingtonpost.es

- Los jabalíes, positivos a Brucella por primera vez: otra enfermedad de la que preocuparse - club-caza.com

- Veterinarios españoles descubren por primera vez en jabalíes garrapatas que transmiten la brucelosis - revistajaraysedal.es

- Veterinarios españoles detectan por primera vez Brucella en garrapatas de jabalíes - animalshealth.es

January 15th, 2024

Via publiDB

Aquaculture (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

The association of Lactococcus petauri with lactococcosis is older than expected

Investigation published in Aquaculture (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Lactococcosis is a globally prevalent infectious disease that has a significant economic and sanitary impact on the rainbow trout industry. Lactococcus garvieae has traditionally been considered the only species implicated in the etiology of this disease, but Lactococcus petauri, a new species, has recently been implicated as another etiological agent. Both species cannot be distinguished by routine methods commonly used in diagnostic laboratories, resulting in their misidentification. In the present study, the identification of 48 isolates initially identified as L. garvieae was studied by de… Read more

January 15th, 2024

Vía animalshealth.es

La enfermedad hemorrágica epizoótica en 2024: Las lecciones aprendidas para preparar una estrategia para la nueva temporada en España

Enfermedad hemorrágica epizoótica

Un grupo de investigadores veterinarios españoles ha analizado en un artículo todo lo relativo a la epidemia de EHE de cara a establecer la estrategia de gestión más adecuada de esta enfermedad para la nueva temporada 2024…

January 12nd, 2024

Via publiDB

Oxford University Press

Identification of promoter activity in gene-less cassettes from Vibrionaceae superintegrons

Investigation article published in Nucleic Acids Research

Integrons are genetic platforms that acquire new genes encoded in integron cassettes (ICs), building arrays of adaptive functions. ICs generally encode promoterless genes, whose expression relies on the platform-associated Pc promoter, with the cassette array functioning as an operon-like structure regulated by the distance to the Pc. This is relevant in large sedentary chromosomal integrons (SCIs) carrying hundreds of ICs, like those in Vibrio species. We selected 29 gene-less cassettes in four Vibrio SCIs, and explored whether their function could be related to the transcription regulation o… Read more

Related news in other media:

- Un estudio de la bacteria del cólera aporta nuevo conocimiento sobre resistencia antimicrobiana - lavanguardia.com

January 9th, 2024

Vía animalshealth.es

Publican un nuevo ranking de los investigadores españoles más citados en ciencias veterinarias

Ranking investigadores españoles

El Grupo de Difusión del Índice h ha actualizado su ranking de los mejores científicos residentes en España, entre los que se incluye a 21 investigadores en el campo de las ciencias veterinarias…

January 6th, 2024

Via publiDB


Heat-inactivated mycobacteria activate the toll-like receptor 2 and 4 pathways in the zebrafish model of tuberculosis

Investigation published in Vaccine

Based on previous evidence demonstrating the efficacy of inactivated mycobacteria for the control of fish mycobacteriosis, we explored the protective efficacy of two inactivated Mycobacterium bovis administered via parenteral and mucosal routes against Mycobacterium marinum infection mimicking natural conditions in the zebrafish model of tuberculosis. Although we did not observe a clear effect of any of the immunostimulants on mycobacterial burden, the results showed a significant increase in TLR2 and TLR4 gene expression levels in fishes parenterally immunized with inactivated Bacillus Calmet… Read more

January 1st, 2024

Via publiDB

Coagulation factor V deficiency. From mutation to cure by advanced therapies

New article published in Anales de la Real Academia de Farmacia

This work represents a retrospective and updated review in a scientific context of itself Advanced Therapies group of the Complutense University of Madrid. The project, which began almost 7 years ago, has pursued the establishment of gene and cell therapy protocols for the treatment of coagulation factor V deficiency. This “trip” has been possible thanks to the Association for the Research and Cure of Factor V Deficiency, A Hope for Celia, through micro sponsorship or crowdfunding and through predoctoral contracts granted by the Complutense University of Madrid. The results obtained and presen… Read more

January 1st, 2024

Via publiDB

Trained immunity and mycobacteria: towards the future of global health

Anales de la Real Academia de Doctores de España publish this article

Once again, evidence has shown that even the most established dogmas can be questioned: the duality of innate immunity/no-immunological memory and acquired immunity/immunological memory has been challenged in recent years by revealing the existence of certain memory traits in the innate response. For this reason, a new concept has emerged in the immunology field: trained immunity. This immune response would be based on the epigenetic/metabolic reprogramming of certain innate immune cells (such as monocytes and macrophages) and would imply an improvement in the innate response to microbial age… Read more

January 1st, 2024

Via publiDB

Ethical-philosophical considerations. Environmental health

Sistema Digital publish this article

Environmental health is the protection of the environment as well as human and animal health, given their close interrelations, also known as One Health. The degradation of environmental health has a negative impact on humans well-being. It has resulted in an alarming decline in biodiversity together with an increase in disease transmission between animals and humans. Environmental health protection involves decisions and actions that go beyond the fields of ecology or health, diving into philosophical and ethical reflections and approaches like environmental justice, sustainability as a right… Read more

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