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October, 2024 news

October 30th, 2024

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One Health

One Health Farming: Noninvasive monitoring reveals links between farm vertebrate richness and pathogen markers in outdoor hoofstock

Investigation published in One Health

Outdoor farming contributes to biodiversity conservation and enhances animal welfare, but also raises biosafety concerns due to livestock contact with potentially infected wildlife. Thus, there is a need to assess the balance between vertebrate species richness on farms, visits by wildlife species posing a biosafety risk, and pathogen circulation in open-air farming systems. We explored these links in a pilot study involving 15 open-air hoofstock farms (6 cattle, 5 small ruminant, and 4 pig farms), where we conducted interviews and risk point inspections and used two noninvasive tools: short-t… Read more

October 30th, 2024

Vía animalshealth.es

Detectan infecciones de una bacteria zoonósica de perros y gatos en pacientes humanos inmunodeprimidos de un hospital de España

Infecciones zoonósicas en humanos inmunodeprimidos

Un equipo de investigadores ha descrito cuatro casos de infección por Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, una bacteria presente en la microbiota cutánea de los perros, en pacientes inmunodeprimidos ingresados en el Hospital Clinic de Barcelona…

October 25th, 2024

Via publiDB

The expression of integron arrays is shaped by the translation rate of cassettes

Investigation published in Nature Communications

Integrons are key elements in the rise and spread of multidrug resistance in Gram-negative bacteria. These genetic platforms capture cassettes containing promoterless genes and stockpile them in arrays of variable length. In the current integron model, expression of cassettes is granted by the Pc promoter in the platform and is assumed to decrease as a function of its distance. Here we explored this model using a large collection of 136 antibiotic resistance cassettes and show the effect of distance is in fact negligible. Instead, cassettes have a strong impact in the expression of downstream … Read more

Related news in other media:

- Nuevos avances en el conocimiento de la resistencia antimicrobiana de las bacterias - ucm.es

- Una investigación de la UCM avanza en el estudio de genes que son capaces de resistir a los antibióticos - infosalus.com

October 25th, 2024

Vía animalshealth.es

La veterinaria Guadalupe Sabio, protagonista del segundo diálogo científico-técnico del 25 aniversario de la Aemps

25 aniversario de la AEMPS

La directora del Grupo de Interacciones Metabólicas del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas y Premio Animal`s Health, Guadalupe Sabio, conversó sobre su carrera veterinaria e investigadora…

October 23rd, 2024

Via publiDB


Herpesvirus surveillance in stranded striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from Italy with emphasis on neuropathological characterization

PLoS ONE publish this investigation article

Herpesvirus (HV) is widely distributed among cetacean populations, with the highest prevalence reported in the Mediterranean Sea. In this study, a comprehensive analysis was conducted, including epidemiological, phylogenetic, and pathological aspects, with particular emphasis on neuropathology, to better understand the impact of HV in these animals. Our results show a higher presence of HV in males compared to females, with males exhibiting a greater number of positive tissues. Additionally, adults were more frequently affected by HV infection than juveniles, with no infections detected in cal… Read more

October 21st, 2024

Via publiDB

BMC Veterinary Research

Whole-genome sequencing of toxigenic Clostridioides difcile reveals multidrug resistance and virulence genes in strains of environmental and animal origin

Investigation article published in BMC Veterinary Research

Background Clostridioides difficile has been recognized as an emerging pathogen in both humans and animals. In this context, antimicrobial resistance plays a major role in driving the spread of this disease, often leading to therapeutic failure. Moreover, recent increases in community-acquired C. difficile infections have led to greater numbers of investigations into the animal origin of the disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic similarities between 23 environmental and animal isolates by using whole-genome sequencing and to determine antimicrobial resistance and virulenc… Read more

October 18th, 2024

Vía consalud.es

La CAM y la Complutense firman un convenio para el uso de equipos de secuenciación genómica

convenio para el uso de equipos de secuenciación genómica

Este convenio de colaboración permitirá el uso conjunto de equipos avanzados de secuenciación genómica…

October 10th, 2024

Via publiDB

Oxford University Press

Chromosomal integrons are genetically and functionally isolated units of genomes

Investigation published in Nucleic Acids Research

Integrons are genetic elements that increase the evolvability of bacteria by capturing new genes and stockpiling them in arrays. Sedentary chromosomal integrons (SCIs) can be massive and highly stabilized structures encoding hundreds of genes, whose function remains generally unknown. SCIs have co-evolved with the host for aeons and are highly intertwined with their physiology from a mechanistic point of view. But, paradoxically, other aspects, like their variable content and location within the genome, suggest a high genetic and functional independence. In this work, we have explored the conn… Read more

October 8th, 2024

Via publiDB


Identifying sites where wild boars can consume anthropogenic food waste with implications for African swine fever

PLoS ONE publish this investigation article

Wild boar population dynamics promote the increase in numbers and distribution of the species in Eurasia, leading to a rise in the interaction with human activities, as well as generating problems with the management of certain infectious diseases, most notably African swine fever (ASF). ASF virus possesses high stability in several contaminated pork and pork products that can be a source of indirect transmission to susceptible hosts habituated to anthropogenic food waste. This transmission route is a concerning threat for the dispersion of the disease, primarily into unaffected areas given th… Read more

October 3rd, 2024

Via publiDB

Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación

Do you want to market a new food? The European Union sets new guidelines

Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación published this online article

You may have heard of cell-cultured foods, krill oil or insects fit for human consumption. These may be good examples of what is now known as novel foods, a category that in the European Union includes those that, unlike traditional foods, have not been consumed in a significant way before May 1997… Read more

October 3rd, 2024

Via publiDB

Objetivo Planeta

Resistencia a los antibióticos

VISAVET has participated inObjetivo Planeta of Radio Televisión Española

October 3rd, 2024

Via publiDB

12th International Equine Infectious Diseases Conference

EHV-1 detection in urine samples. Stream of revelation: detection of equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) in urine during myeloencephalopathy outbreaks

Conference in 12th International Equine Infectious Diseases Conference

Detection of EHV-1 in urine from naturally infected horses suggests that non-invasively collected urine could serve as a valuable complement to blood and NS samples in the management of infected horses during an outbreak.… Read more

October 2nd, 2024

Via publiDB

XIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Tropical y Salud Internacional (SEMTSI)

Tuberculosis animal: diagnóstico y control y su implicación en salud humana

Conference in XIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Tropical y Salud Internacional (SEMTSI)

October 1st, 2024

Via publiDB

Frontiers in immunology

Challenging boundaries: is cross-protection evaluation necessary for African swine fever vaccine development? A case of oral vaccination in wild boar

Investigation published in Frontiers in immunology

African swine fever (ASF) poses a significant threat to domestic pigs and wild boar (Sus scrofa) populations, with the current epidemiological situation more critical than ever. The disease has spread across five continents, causing devastating losses in the swine industry. Although extensive research efforts are ongoing to develop an effective and safe vaccine, this goal remains difficult to achieve. Among the potential vaccine candidates, live attenuated viruses (LAVs) have emerged as the most promising option due to their ability to provide strong protection against experimental challenges… Read more

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