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April, 2024 news

April 27th, 2024

Via publiDB

Jornadas de formación pericial veterinaria y maltrato animal

Cuándo solicitar una necropsia forense; discusión de casos

Oral communication in Jornadas de formación pericial veterinaria y maltrato animal

April 26th, 2024

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Blanca Pérez Montero

Characterization of Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Dogs: Reference Intervals, Biological Variation Sources, and Endogenous Interferences

PhD Thesis defense by Blanca Pérez Montero at the VISAVET Centre of the Complutense University of Madrid

Oxidative stress, defined as an imbalance between oxidizing agents and the antioxidant forces of the body, has been associated with multiple pathologies in the canine species. Among the most commonly used biomarkers are malondialdehyde (MDA), a metabolite of lipid peroxidation, 8-hydroxy-2`-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), a product of DNA oxidation, and the 2,2`-azino-bis-[3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid] (ABTS) assay as an indicator of total antioxidant status (TAS). Although these biomarkers have demonstrated clinical value in dogs, the absence of established reference intervals (RIs) is not… Read more

April 18th, 2024

Vía efeverde.com

El director de la Unidad de Resistencias Antimicrobianas de la Complutense, Bruno González-Zorn, es el Personaje Ambiental de la semana en Planeta Sostenible

Bruno González-Zorn, es el Personaje Ambiental de la semana en Planeta Sostenible

April 17th, 2024

Vía salamanca24horas.com

Bruno González-Zorn, asesor de la OMS, en Salamanca: Llevamos 30 años sin descubrir un nuevo antibiótico y las bacterias se han acostumbrado a los que tenemos

Bruno González-Zorn, asesor de la OMS

Bruno González-Zorn, asesor de la OMS, ofrece una charla en el IBFG para clausurar el proyecto MicroMundo, iniciativa de ciencia ciudadana en busca de nuevos compuestos…

April 16th, 2024

Via publiDB

Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación

Claves para evitar una pandemia de gripe aviar

New article published in Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación

One Health, un enfoque necesario para mitigar el riesgo de adaptación del virus a los mamíferos El virus de la influenza A continúa propagándose y ocasionando una elevada mortalidad en aves. Una vez constatada la transmisión del virus entre aves y mamíferos, así como a humanos, no podemos obviar la posible selección de cepas del virus con mutaciones que permitan su adaptación a los mamíferos y su propagación eficiente y a gran escala entre los humanos. La constante evolución de este virus a nivel mundial y las migraciones realizadas por las aves silvestres, se unen a la elevada susceptibili… Read more

April 12nd, 2024

Vía diarioveterinario.com

Expertos coinciden en la urgente necesidad de un enfoque One Health para afrontar los desafíos sanitarios

I Congreso Nacional One Health

Los participantes del I Congreso Nacional de la Plataforma One Health subrayan la importancia de proteger y restaurar los ecosistemas para prevenir futuras pandemias…

- El enfoque One Health se institucionaliza en España con su primer congreso nacional - isanidad.com

- Los expertos subrayan la importancia de proteger y restaurar los ecosistemas para prevenir futuras pandemias - portalveterinaria.com

- I Congreso Nacional One Health: Es necesario proteger los ecosistemas para prevenir pandemias - consalud.es

April 11st, 2024

Via publiDB


Bioterrorismo. Asignatura de Microbiología

Conference in Seminarios

April 10th, 2024

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¡Invasión silenciosa! Cómo las especies exóticas invasoras están cambiando nuestros ecosistemas

Unidad de Divulgación Científica y Transferencia publish this article

April 10th, 2024

Via publiDB

Profundizando en la patogénesis y transmisión de Brucella pinnipedialis en delfines mulares varados

Oral communication in 35ª Conferencia Anual de la Sociedad Europea de Cetáceos

April 4th, 2024

Via publiDB

Alberto Hipólito Carrillo de Albornoz

Evolutionary Dynamics of Integron Resistance Cassettes. A Deeper Look into the Integron Model

PhD Thesis defense by Alberto Hipólito Carrillo de Albornoz at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid

Antimicrobial resistance is one of the major global health concerns of the 21st century. The indiscriminate use of antibiotics, among other factors, has led to an exponential increase in antimicrobial- resistant bacteria in recent decades. It is estimated that every year between 1.5 and 5 million people die due to infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. These data highlight the need to take urgent measures to tackle this threat, with a priority on understanding the forces that govern the success of multidrug-resistant bacteria. The exceptional ability of bacteria to evolve and ad… Read more

April 2nd, 2024

Via publiDB

Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Active surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in companion animals: A pilot study in a Spanish Veterinary Teaching Hospital

Investigation article published in Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

The role of small animal veterinary hospitals in the onset and dissemination of antimicrobial-resistant organisms (AMROs) is still not clear, and the implementation of an internal surveillance systems is a cost-effective tool to better understand their impact. The aim of this study was to describe a pilot program of active surveillance in a Spanish Veterinary Teaching Hospital, developed to estimate the detection frequency of AMROs in the commensal flora of patients and in the environment. Surveillance was focused on Methicillin-resistant Staphylococci (MRS), third generation cephalosporins re… Read more

April 2nd, 2024

Via publiDB

Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation

Forensic findings in urban red fox mortality in the metropolitan area of Madrid, 2014-2022

Investigation article published in Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation

The expanding presence of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in urban and suburban regions could potentially lead to increased instances of human aggression towards this species. We studied 10 deceased red foxes that were submitted by law enforcement agencies in the metropolitan area of Madrid in 2014-2022 because of suspected abuse. Forensic autopsies were performed to establish the cause and manner of death. In 4 of the 10 cases, the cause of death was deemed unnatural, involving blunt-force trauma (n = 2), asphyxia resulting from hanging (n = 1), and firearm injury (n = 1). Among the remaining cases… Read more

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