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Bacterial taxonomy

Traditional systems of bacteriological diagnosis are sometimes not sufficient to achieve a definitive identification of the etiological agent. As a result, certain pathogens may be misidentified or unidentified. In these circumstances, it is advisable the use of alternatives to traditional techniques. One of the methodologies used by our group is the sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. The application of this methodology, together to other phenotypic, quimiotaxonomic and genetic methods has led to the description by our group of new species and bacterial genera isolated from different animal species and associated, in some cases, to different clinical process (Corynebacterium mastitidis, Corynebacterium suicordis, Uruburuella suis, Pseudomonas simiae, Streptococcus entericus as a few examples).


- Association of old pathogens to new clinical process and/or new animal hosts.

- Descripction of new bacterial species


Start date: January 1st, 1982

Head of the research line:
Vela Alonso, Ana Isabel

VISAVET unit involved:

•  Microbial Identification and Characterisation Unit (ICM)