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Biosecurity and Prevention of Occupational Risks in the Microbiology Laboratories Course. 2014 edition

semicrobiologia.org. October 1st - December 20th, 2014

Spanish Society for Microbiology on-line course

The course is aimed at all those working in microbiology laboratories interested in the field of biosafety and risk prevention in these workplaces.

The teaching load is 4 Course ECTS credits distributed between 1 October to 20 December 2014 inclusive


Sociedad Española de Microbiología (SEM)

Sociedad Española de Microbiología

VISAVET participants

Beatriz Romero Martínez




Lugar: semicrobiologia.org

Ciudad: Madrid

País: Spain

Date: October 1st - December 20th, 2014

Official website: http://www.semicrobiologia.org