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The Committee on World Food Security bet for small producers

The CFS of the Organization United Nations meets these days in the FAO headquarters in Rome from 17 to 22 October, to discuss what policies can help increase food security, and how they can reduce the problems that threaten small producers

October 19th, 2011

Key issues arising from the CFS. The CFS arises what mechanisms can improve the prospects for further investment in agriculture, together with an improvement of the differences between investment and needs. The publication Agricultural Outlook 2011-2020 OECD-FAO forecasts growth of agricultural production of only 1.7% in this decade, from 2.6% the past decade.
Thus, under this global picture of the keynote speech about CFS tends to fix Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment FAO, IFAD, UNCTAD and the World Bank. Therefore, the document submitted by the Committee on World Food Security precise conditions that must prevail for corporate investment is sensitive to small farmers so that they and investors can benefit from this factor. At the same time require investments and public policies.

New challenges of CFS. In addition focusing on the pressing problems today, the CFS will pose new challenges that increase the food security and nutrition.
Among the challenges proposed by this committee include:

  1. The importance of increasing and improving investment in agriculture to achieve food security and nutrition for all.
  2. The realization that some of the bulk of investment in agriculture is done by many private operators, including farmers, their cooperatives and other rural businesses.
  3. Recognize the small farmers, many of whom are women, who play a central role in the production of most food consumed locally in many developing regions and are also major investors in agriculture in many developing countries.
  4. Welcomes the Committee welcomed the report of the high level of experts on land tenure and international investment in agriculture and recommend its review to all interested parties.

In addition, agriculture should enable a large percentage of people in rural living areas in severe poverty get decent livelihood, and agriculture to be sustainable and get tough. It also is considering the importance of small-scale agriculture and how to leverage the investment that both attentive to small producers. The key issue discuss at the meeting of the Committee during these days in Rome.

Rosae Martín Peña

VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Complutense University